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Tell me about the value for the collection

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsTell me about the value for the collection

DYNASTES, 18.12.2009 20:46

I ask experts to express their opinion on the issue of advice regarding a novice collector.

It is possible to add a number of types to the collection by exchange or by purchasing from a local dealer, all copies are labelled. I would like to know about the value of these types, including for the collection itself, as well as the cost itself.

Caligo uranus-male, quality A1 -- 40 $

Eupatorus birmanicus - 15 $
Eupatorus becarii - 15 $
Eupatorus siamensis - 15 $

Thank you in advance.


18.12.2009 23:53, Macroglossum

I ask experts to express their opinion on the issue of advice regarding a novice collector.

It is possible to add a number of types to the collection by exchange or by purchasing from a local dealer, all copies are labelled. I would like to know about the value of these types, including for the collection itself, as well as the cost itself.

Caligo uranus-male, quality A1 -- 40 $

Eupatorus birmanicus - 15 $
Eupatorus becarii - 15 $
Eupatorus siamensis - 15 $

Thank you in advance.

Yes, look in any price list..Better at Osipov's... But Kaligo for 40 if only a couple and a serious dealer..and then they will write in the label fantastiki

19.12.2009 0:00, DYNASTES

Yes, look in any price list..Better at Osipov's... But Kaligo for 40 if only a couple and a serious dealer..and then ponapishut in the label of fiction

Thank you, but can you specify where exactly this Osipov catalog can be viewed?

In truth, first of all, it is the value of species that interests us more, so to speak.

19.12.2009 0:07, Macroglossum

Thank you, but can you specify where exactly this Osipov catalog can be viewed?

In truth, first of all, it is the value of species that interests us more, so to speak.


19.12.2009 0:08, vasiliy-feoktistov

You can try to search here: http://rusinsects.com/top/index.php?
I really don't know where exactly.

19.12.2009 0:19, DYNASTES


I got acquainted with the catalog, unfortunately in it that the genus Eupatorus, that Caligo is missing at the root.

19.12.2009 0:25, vasiliy-feoktistov

I got acquainted with the catalog, unfortunately in it that the genus Eupatorus, that Caligo is missing at the root.

Well, then Google it.

19.12.2009 0:27, Macroglossum

I got acquainted with the catalog, unfortunately in it that the genus Eupatorus, that Caligo is missing at the root.

It's a pity he had Kaligos.. well, fill in the Google Specific name +price list... in Russian, only the price list))

19.12.2009 1:22, Bad Den

I got acquainted with the catalog, unfortunately in it that the genus Eupatorus, that Caligo is missing at the root.

www.insect-sale.com rules in this case smile.gif

19.12.2009 8:34, DYNASTES

all pasib, let's say I'll sort out the prices. and as for the collection, what are the values of these species, how rare are they, and is it worth taking them into the collection?

19.12.2009 8:55, captolabrus

Dynastes, and what is the collector's value, In your understanding? In my opinion, collect any genus or family as fully as possible by species composition, and this will already be valuable . And so, take the red book and order rare and therefore expensive insects, it all depends on what you collect for.

19.12.2009 10:54, Guest

Eupatorus beetles of these three species are not among the rarest (to put it mildly), if that's what you're asking. Their price is highly dependent on size, like many other dynasties. The order of digits on average is about the same as yours. If you are interested in tropical rhinos in principle, then it is not a sin to have them in the collection - this is their collectible value for you. As for the Red book species, now this is not an indicator in many cases and merchants have stopped working with an eye to the CC, because for them the pointer is only in demand, and it now almost does not depend on whether they decided to include a particular species in any conservation list, or not.

21.12.2009 16:15, DISAF

I ask experts to express their opinion on the issue of advice regarding a novice collector.

It is possible to add a number of types to the collection by exchange or by purchasing from a local dealer, all copies are labelled. I would like to know about the value of these types, including for the collection itself, as well as the cost itself.

Caligo uranus-male, quality A1 -- 40 $

Eupatorus birmanicus - 15 $
Eupatorus becarii - 15 $
Eupatorus siamensis - 15 $

Thank you in advance.

E. birmanicus melk. size from 1.5 eur., large. from 6.5. Count for yourself.Other types are not more expensive than this.They don't have much value,but they are worth the money given.I can't be more precise about Saligo,but the prices are clearly too high. wink.gif

21.12.2009 18:27, taler

Yes, I have birmanikusy much cheaper.Times 2. Dorogova is 15 bucks.But here as everywhere-everyone has their own prices, and the desire to buy or not.The species are not uncommon.If you know the place, then even en masse.

This post was edited by taler - 12/21/2009 18: 28

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