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Malaise traps

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsMalaise traps

lerth, 08.01.2010 23:36

Does anyone need a Malaise trap?

You can order until mid-January from Taiwan

In Russia, delivery is problematic due to customs. I undertake to deliver it to St. Petersburg or Moscow. Details in the personal account.


09.01.2010 18:13, Black Coleopter

Thank you for the skyla!!! I don't know how effective it is for collecting beetles, but it looks cumbersome, and it's a pity to give 400 greens. What if it still works?.. Let's discuss this topic from this angle of view.

09.01.2010 20:06, Pirx

From the point of view of catching babblers-adnaznachna. The rarest species are caught (for example, Sphecomyia sp. in Altai). pereponami-open new fauna (personal infa Cherish). Malez drives... However, why not do it yourself? Drawings and exclamations - to the studio!!!

11.01.2010 15:25, RippeR

I don't really understand how it works.. some kind of leaky tent ))

11.01.2010 20:47, Papaver

I don't really understand how it works.. some kind of leaky tent ))

Barrier-positive phototaxis-a container with a lock.
Extremely convenient and catchy trap. And not only in the tropics... smile.gif

11.01.2010 23:25, Black Coleopter

In the course of only 2 and hymenoptery

12.01.2010 1:08, Papaver

In the course of only 2 and hymenoptera

Not only. But mostly.

12.01.2010 21:58, Black Coleopter

And who else?

12.01.2010 22:13, Papaver

Yes, the same bug...

12.01.2010 22:29, Yakovlev

small beetles, some small butterflies
are not bad thing

13.01.2010 20:35, Black Coleopter

It's not very clear how it works. The drawing would be great... Yes, and ustanvivaestya, along the way, problemno

13.01.2010 21:05, Papaver

Principle of operation-post # 5, drawing-link in post # 1. And what-Barbera or Merike are installed without problems?

13.01.2010 21:08, omar

It's not very clear how it works. The drawing would be great... Yes, and ustanvlivaestya, along the way, problematic


13.01.2010 21:09, Egorus

Drawing-from the theme "Svetolovushka". ( http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=44686&st=50 )In search engines.
on "Maleza" - dozens of photos.
Area of interest - designing traps for collecting beetles-
suggests getting acquainted with different trap systems? wink.gif confused.gif shuffle.gif
And Happy New Year to all of you!!!

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post_10414_1148741469_ghbcg.jpg — (17.81к)

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14.01.2010 3:22, Coelioxys

A few impressions of this type of trap...
The trap really works mainly on flies and eardrums, although sometimes beetles and butterflies come across (it's almost useless to bet on butterflies, the material turns out to be broken). It is placed within 5 minutes (and alone), provided that there are sticks at hand (which are spacers, as in the good old Soviet tents). In the original configuration, these spacers (in the form of plastic pipes) are included in the kit, but if you travel without transport, they are quite problematic to carry with you, although the main one (the longest stick to which the jar is attached) can be taken, especially if the fees are to be collected in the steppe or desert. It is easier to set it up, it is much more difficult to understand in which place to do it, this requires experience (sometimes a perfectly working trap in one place under identical conditions in another does not work at all). Therefore, if you stand in one place for several days, it makes sense to change the location of the trap in order to find the catch point. Another feature is that if the fixative is not alcohol (as in hydrobiologists who attach a lantern to the bank, put it near water, or directly block the stream and catch it at night, or rather sleep, and it catches), but ethyl acetate or a similar volatile substance, then the catch must be removed daily, otherwise everything turns into one solid a sticky lump. Usually, during the day, ethyl acetate is eroded (although it is soaked in porous rubber and put on the bottom of the jar, napkins are better on top, so that they do not break apart) and you have to podmarivat. And the main disadvantage is that you need to constantly monitor the trap, otherwise there will be kind people who will make it into beautiful side dishes, a sieve for salting caviar, etc. (there are enough cases). The price of $ 400 is VERY high, at one time they were brought to us by the Japanese ($130-150). It is easier to buy gas, get a drawing and order such a tent in the studio, it is a little more difficult to make a jar, but having a photo of this device, you can also contact some smart techies. With good weather and location, quite a lot of them fly into the traps, and if you have several of them, you need to be prepared that you will have to spend several hours analyzing the material. Although, if the goal is to gather only your own group, then it turns out much faster, I chose my own - I threw out the rest or poured it on mattresses, let anyone who wants to sort it out later. Thus, the trap is good as an auxiliary tool for catching a specific group of insects, and sometimes it gives a completely different range of species than mowing with a net and is absolutely necessary for a comprehensive study of the entomofauna of a particular point (there are a lot of projects in the world based on long-term collections of insects by dozens of Malez traps) . Although, for stinging webs (which we mainly collect), yellow cups give a much greater effect, which the more you put, the more beetles you will collect.
Likes: 6

14.01.2010 4:49, Papaver

At the expense of the propensity of the local population to use LM "in business" - to the point! smile.gif

This post was edited by Papaver - 14.01.2010 04: 49

14.01.2010 14:05, Bad Den

The price of $ 400 is VERY high

This is for 10 grand.

14.01.2010 14:29, Pirx

At the expense of the propensity of the local population to use LM "in business" - to the point! smile.gif

I agree with both Coelioxys and Papaver - usually local Cro-Magnons are on the alert and jump out for Malaise as soon as you leave for a moment. Sho steppe, sho mountains-it's no use... Only in a dark place. Or shoot the SVD on it.

14.01.2010 14:32, Papaver

2Bad Den
And I understood that this is an order from 10 pcs.: "Townes-style Malaise traps of other sizes are made to order. Minimum order is 10 traps. Please contact us for details".
And the price is not for 10 pcs.!: "US$403.20 (US$100.80/each)"

14.01.2010 18:07, entomolog

14.01.2010 18:31, Papaver

That's right, for 4.On a hundred for one.

Well, then it's rather cheap.
Only lerth stopped talking...

This post was edited by Papaver - 14.01.2010 18: 38

15.01.2010 16:26, lerth

Dear colleagues, there is no possibility to visit the forum often, but I check my email 24 hours. Please write to your personal account.
Likes: 1

17.01.2010 1:29, Black Coleopter

And what-Barbera or Merike are installed without problems?

Soil ones are placed without problems: a spatula, cups and a retainer. According to Omar, tov. Dorcadion, worked with a speed of 1 cup per minute. I use a soil drill and don't drive myself too far. It's not bad either. And the traps of Malaise are not for us!!!!

17.01.2010 3:22, Bad Den

Comrade Black Coleopter, as soon as you use soil traps to collect dendrophilous coleoptera, for example?

17.01.2010 6:17, Papaver

Soil ones are placed without problems: a spatula, cups and a retainer. According to Omar, tov. Dorcadion, worked with a speed of 1 cup per minute. I use a soil drill and don't drive myself too far. It's not bad either. And the traps of Malaise are not for us!!!!

Malez traps can be set without any problems: spacers, tripwires-pegs and fixing fluid. According to Coelioxys, it is set within 5 minutes. I use a hatchet and don't get caught up. It turns out quickly and well. And also, if possible or necessary, I use all other available types of traps. smile.gif

This post was edited by Papaver - 17.01.2010 06: 27

17.01.2010 13:01, RippeR

in my opinion, there are some of the best types of traps for collecting beetles-soil traps (for all crawlers, including je dorcadions and weevils, although these do not get there very well, you need to poke a lot), crown traps (good for barbels and other high-flying beetles, especially if combined with a window-it turns out a good thing that knocks everything down flying past - and if you hang a hollow tree or "leak" from someone, then everything gets there accordingly), windows (very good for collecting all sorts of arboreal trees - it is best to install on freshly cut stumps, trunks, and leave for the whole season. Also gets a bunch of membranous) and svetolovushka (here I will not say anything about modifications, since I do not know smile.gifanything, But it is good for beetles flying into the light)
Likes: 2

17.01.2010 14:34, Black Coleopter

Comrade Black Coleopter, as soon as you use soil traps to collect dendrophilous coleoptera, for example?

Crown and window traps are used to collect dendrophilous insects. Soil traps dug in near the tree make it possible to collect dendrophilous insects. In much smaller numbers, of course, but still

17.01.2010 17:06, RippeR

sometimes in the soil near trees gets that dedrophilic that does not fall into the crown or glass. so that is also needed

17.01.2010 18:49, Black Coleopter

sometimes in the soil near trees gets that dedrophilic that does not fall into the crown or glass. so that is also necessary

Exactly. But this, unfortunately, is not always the case.

18.01.2010 0:22, Pirx

And did anyone use a Malaise thread of increased length and other sizes? And here's another thing - I was told the scheme of Malez's non-alcohol trap, on the air. For dry materials. Didn't anyone use it?

18.01.2010 0:24, Papaver

Duc in Coelioxys ' post there is a passage about this:
... ... ...
Another feature is that if the fixative is not alcohol (as in hydrobiologists who attach a lantern to the bank, put it near water, or directly block the stream and catch it at night, or rather sleep, and it catches), but ethyl acetate or a similar volatile substance, then the catch must be removed daily, otherwise everything turns into one solid a sticky lump. Usually, during the day, ethyl acetate is eroded (although it is soaked in porous rubber and put on the bottom of the jar, napkins are better on top, so that they do not break apart) and you have to podmarivat...
.... ...

I used only alcohol myself.

This post was edited by Papaver - 18.01.2010 00: 28

18.01.2010 1:35, Pirx

Yeah! Yes, I didn't see it, thank you, Papaver! This is exactly what it is for me. In theory I was advised to stick a wick from a bottle of ether etc in the jar

18.01.2010 1:40, Papaver

Nah... Porous rubber is a classic. I do not use EA in traps because they have been installed in recent years for various reasons per km ...tsat - you don't run into it... smile.gif
And about long LM it is known for sure that in the forest they are very uncomfortable... wall.gif
It is also worth asking your questions about LM Proctos.

This post was edited by Papaver - 18.01.2010 02: 40

18.01.2010 3:09, Pirx

Nah... Porous rubber is a classic. I do not use EA in traps because they have been installed in recent years for various reasons per km ...tsat - you don't run into it... smile.gif
And about long LM it is known for sure that in the forest they are very uncomfortable... wall.gif
It is also worth asking your questions about LM Proctos.

Well, Vitya is a famous apostle of Merika wink.gif)))))))))))). A porous rubber should be tried. Cut Karemat or just rubber? wink.gif

18.01.2010 3:17, Papaver

And why doesn't the Noble Don try what works best? yes.gif
But better, probably, still rubber.
Here, for example, this: http://www.proizvodstvoelmika.ru/catalog/m.../rti/gubchataya, or soft red (tubes for medical gadgets).

This post was edited by Papaver - 18.01.2010 03: 36
Likes: 2

09.07.2010 3:08, Хреноушка

Colleagues, maybe someone knows. Is it possible to recalculate the data on fees from the Maleza trap on Edinet square? In our work, all data should be converted to the number of individuals per ha for each habitat. Maybe there is a technique for special installation of the Maleza trap, so that it mainly "selects" only insects from nearby bushes?

25.07.2011 21:39, HASSKI

And if ethylene glycol is used as a fixing liquid? less vaporized and more accessible (used car antifreeze)

25.07.2011 23:08, Black Coleopter

Is that it is saturated r-r salt to add.

03.10.2013 9:14, greengrocery

A small but informative overview of traps. A simple method of cleaning insects in alcohol with xylene and amyl acetate is given.

van Achterberg, K. Can Townes type Malaise traps be improved? Some recent developments. Entomologische Berichten 69(4): 129-135
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