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Books by mail

Community and ForumEntomological collectionsBooks by mail

Валерий А., 14.01.2010 1:27

I hope this information will be useful to someone.

For the sake of experimentation, I decided to buy a book on www.amazon.com
The required book was found on various sites, but on Amazon it was at the lowest price. More precisely on the British branch www.amazon.co.uk

right here http://samaralife.wordpress.com/2008/05/04/398/
detailed instructions on how to buy.

I used my visa salary card to pay
for the order I made on 23/12/09 and received it on 13.01.10 in the mail.

Book price 22.68 lb., delivery 7.98 lb. The money was debited at the national bank rate of +7%

This post was edited by Valery A. - 14.01.2010 09: 30

2000_273.jpg — (649.51к)

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14.01.2010 8:16, swerig

I hope this information will be useful to someone.

For the sake of experimentation, I decided to buy a book on www.amazon.com The
required book was


14.01.2010 10:35, amara

Yes, what happened next?
I bought books with amer. amazon, and from the British (after all, this is what the author is talking about?). So, from the UK, books arrived in Moscow almost in a week, a maximum of 10 days (DHL). The amount was lower than the amount charged for tax purposes. And when paying with a non-ruble card, the transfer percentage does not seem to be removed?

14.01.2010 14:13, Bad Den

However, it is symptomatic. E. ch. of the former USSR is not included in Europe smile.gif

14.01.2010 14:32, Валерий А.

The card is just in rubles, but the percentage is suspiciously high for some reason.
Amaga, what is the delivery time and cost from the state Amazon?

14.01.2010 15:12, amara

The card is just in rubles, but the percentage is suspiciously high for some reason.
Amaga, what is the delivery time and cost from the state Amazon?

I used it in the USA (there, depending on the delivery method, but also a week on average, or a little more or less). I haven't tried going to Moscow from there yet, I reasoned that the way across the ocean would be longer, but I should try, maybe I'm wrong. On the German Amazon, by the way, there are books on insects in German (from stores attached to Amazon) that I haven't seen anywhere else, but I haven't tried buying there (because of the language).

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