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Community and ForumInsects photoshootingPhotocameras

AGG, 12.01.2011 15:24

Good day to all!
I didn't find anything on the forum (maybe I was looking badly), but who takes photos with what? The question arose after purchasing a panasonic d10k camera. the standard lens is not intended for macro use. smart people recommended the LEICA DG MACRO-ELMARIT 45mm F2. 8 ASPH. MEGA O. I. S., but it is so encouraging that my favorite insects will have to wait for a long frown.giftime can someone advise something ...


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12.01.2011 15:29, Mantispid

I have a Canon PowerShot A570 IS, recently broke down, now I'm also thinking of buying a new camera, from what I saw in the store, Sony W380 attracts the most. Has anyone used this?

12.01.2011 16:25, okoem

I didn't find anything on the forum (maybe I was looking badly), but who takes photos with what?

This is also equipment, but here more and more people are caught and spread out, the more they take pictures, the more professional they are. So the question is not exactly at the right place, here it is more useful to contact <url>.
From my experience, I can say that good quality is worth good money. If you want quality, get a specialized macro lens.
If you want mediocre quality, take a zoom lens with the macro function.
There is also an inexpensive option-put threaded optics of Soviet production + macro rings. The quality is quite normal, but it is very inconvenient to use.
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12.01.2011 19:46, KingSnake

Photographing Sony a330 + Sigma macro 90/2. 8 Photos are more than decent.
You can view it here http://herpeto-volga.ru/index.php?option=c...id=37&Itemid=56
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13.01.2011 0:34, rhopalocera.com

Photographing Canon EOS 5D Mark II, Lens for Macro Canon 2.8 / 100 mm Macro USM.

13.01.2011 1:52, Alexandr Zhakov

Photographing Canon EOS 5D Mark II, lens for macro Canon 2.8 / 100 mm Macro USM.

Slightly better than Sony W380 lol.gif lol.gif lol.gif

13.01.2011 5:29, Svyatoslav Knyazev

I have a Canon EOS350D + Canon 100mm/2.8 macro + Canon Speedlite 580EX-2 for macro shooting. +use of all sorts of diffusers/reflectors.

13.01.2011 11:42, Mykhaylo

AAG, if the subject is still and there are macro rings under your panasonic (it is advisable to take them where you can check for a couple of days or at least have fun in the store), then this will be the easiest option.But in general, I agree that the topic is not for this forum, especially since 4/3 cameras are not very popular yet due to overheated pricessmile.gif
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13.01.2011 14:45, amara

[quote=AGG,12.01.2011 16:24]

More affordable Olympus ZD 35/3.5 output with 4/3 adapter. Or, via an adapter, another available Macro lens.

Here's about 9k http://www.pleer.ru/obektivy-dlya-olympus.html

This post was edited by amara - 13.01.2011 17: 47
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13.01.2011 16:01, vasiliy-feoktistov

I shoot with an ancient (2004-2005) Olympus C480 Zoom "soap box". For shooting specimens from the collection (with a tripod and with a light), sometimes more or less, but for shooting in the field of live objects-it's no good, and there is simply no money for something more serious. But the main thing is to find/collect! And the camera: "It's a lucrative business."

13.01.2011 17:23, AGG

Dear okoem , why do you swear mol.gif
many people know how to swing a net, and cook pisyulki, but then they can take a picture of the fruits of their labors... frown.gif there are a lot of beautiful photos on the forum, so why not share your experience. I talked at 2 photo forums, but when it comes to beetles, everyone throws up their hands, so the "question to the address" and the people supported it beer.gif
2 Mykhaylo in my city about such things(lens # xxxx) in stores do not ask - they will not understand, and you say "a couple of days" here you think how to redo everything in one day in Moscow weep.gif

This post was edited by AGG-13.01.2011 17: 29

13.01.2011 17:53, okoem

I talked at 2 photo forums, but when it comes to beetles, everyone throws up their hands,

On Macro Club they don't know how to photograph insects, either? lol.gif I always thought it was just the opposite... confused.gif

in my city, they don't ask about such things(lens # xxxx) in stores - they won't understand

You can choose any photo equipment and buy it online.
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13.01.2011 18:06, AGG

2 okoem
I love this site, I've been watching it for a long time, the photo is super, but I was on others (lumix club and photo-choto-ru)
the Internet is good, but it's better to hold it in my hands wink.gif
still want to know what you're holding...I'm in this 0 so I asked soviet

13.01.2011 22:21, BUTTERFLY

I have a Canon EOS350D + Canon 100mm/2.8 macro + Canon Speedlite 580EX-2 for macro shooting. +use of all sorts of diffusers/reflectors.

Please tell me, do you use this lens to shoot with your hands? Or do you need a tripod?

13.01.2011 22:35, okoem

Please tell me, do you use this lens to shoot with your hands? Or do you need a tripod?

I have a 100mm lens. I shoot with my hands, but it is desirable to have good lighting so that you can put a fairly small aperture.
But if your goal is to shoot non-scary objects with your hands, then it is more convenient to use a 50 mm lens. In other words, for example, to shoot live butterflies in nature with a fifty-kopeck piece is more difficult than a hundred, but a hundred requires better lighting.

14.01.2011 6:46, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Please tell me, do you use this lens to shoot with your hands? Or do you need a tripod?

I take it off my hands. To get a good picture, you need either good natural lighting, or an increase in ISO, or the use of artificial lighting (flash). You can also use a tripod early in the morning, of course, when the insects are motionless.
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14.01.2011 17:27, Stas Shinkarenko

I shoot on a Canon 400D + Sigma AF 50/2. 8 EX DG Macro, highlight with a built-in flash with a diffuser. This fall I bought a Canon Speedlite 580EX-2 flash, I will master a new lighting scheme.

14.01.2011 20:22, Alex D

Good day to all.A good topic opened-you can discuss who shoots what, how, etc. I think the topic will live on!
Speaking about myself, I will say that I refuse to use the Canon 350D DSLR a little bit-it is inconvenient to wear an f/a and 2 more lenses to it (very weighty).Plus rearranging the lenses back and forth.Yes, and the macro mirror pulls weakly-there is a dead zone of 15-25 cm to the object, so shooting small butterflies (scoops, pigeons) and beetles is very difficult. This fall, I bought a non-mirrorless Canon SX-20 with super-macro mode from 0 cm.It turns out quite well.And the lens is quite versatile.Plus moderate dimensions and weight.

14.01.2011 21:10, Kharkovbut

I have a Sony A350 + Sony 100mm macro lens. I shoot mainly in nature during the day in natural light, with hands. The results are IMHO acceptable. No problems with pigeons, or even with fatheads. smile.gif In the future, I want to buy a similar Nikon kit.

But landscapes and other things are more convenient for me to shoot just with a soap dish, so I change the macro lens only in exceptional cases.

14.01.2011 22:38, okoem

This fall, I bought a non-mirrorless Canon SX-20 with super-macro mode from 0 cm.

I have a hundred square meters (scale 1:1) - I shoot both pigeons and large leafmakers. If the magnification is not enough (on small leaf wrappers, for example), then I additionally put a macro ring.
And I categorically do not strive for "zero" - butterflies fly away. smile.gif

This is how a medium-sized leaf wrapper turns out. Resize the original file.
picture: Resize_of_20100523_134445.JPG

14.01.2011 22:46, BUTTERFLY

I have a hundred square meters (scale 1:1) - I shoot both pigeons and large leafmakers. If the magnification is not enough (on small leaf wrappers, for example), then I additionally put a macro ring.
And I categorically do not strive for "zero" - butterflies fly away. smile.gif

Do you mean this lens is a Canon 100mm/2.8 macro? Do you still have your photos from it on another social network? Interested in the largest possible close-up with this lens.

This post was edited by BUTTERFLY - 14.01.2011 22: 47

15.01.2011 0:42, STIGMA

so if you put macro rings, the lens drive does not work, so everything becomes manual, or there are rings that do not interfere with the lens to work in automatic modes? Mobile butterflies are difficult to remove if everything is manual....)
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15.01.2011 1:19, slava penza

there are such rings, and not very expensive

15.01.2011 2:28, okoem

Do you mean this lens is a Canon 100mm/2.8 macro? Do you still have your photos from it on another social network? Interested in the largest possible close-up with this lens.

No, the lens is different.
SMC Pentax D FA Macro 100мм f/2.8
I can try taking a test snapshot if you're interested.

so if you put macro rings, the lens drive does not work, so everything becomes manual,

With my macro ring, only the focus drive does not work, but with a macro ring, it is generally not necessary. I normally have autofocus turned off altogether. And all the rest of the automation works.

This post was edited by okoem - 15.01.2011 02: 30

15.01.2011 5:51, Svyatoslav Knyazev

I have a Canon 100mm/2.8 macro
Shoot ognevok, listovertok them without any rings. Not to mention scoops and pigeons smile.gif
Here are a couple of full frames without a crop (this is not yet the maximum zoom). Both shots were taken without any rings. The wingspan of the first butterfly is 2 cm, the second - 1 cm
focusing is manual of course.
picture: IMG_0719s.jpg
picture: IMG_0768s.jpg

This post was edited by Konung - 15.01.2011 05: 53
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15.01.2011 9:47, palvasru4ko

I have a Canon 100mm/2.8 macro
[...] Here are a couple of full frames without crop (here is not yet the maximum zoom). Both shots were taken without any rings. [...]

If you take S. Korb's "carcass" (or any other device with a 24 X 36 mm matrix), the scale will be smaller. This should also be taken into account.

15.01.2011 12:20, Svyatoslav Knyazev

If you take S. Korb's "carcass" (or any other device with a 24 X 36 mm matrix), the scale will be smaller. This should also be taken into account.

Well, that goes without saying. You can use Sigma 150macro on the full matrix, or put rings. But this scale is not always necessary. For most butterflies, for example, the usual weaving will be quite enough, even on a full matrix.

15.01.2011 21:39, rhopalocera.com

Weaving cool glass smile.gif. I still have half a ton, but it is with a hundred and did not lie next to it.

16.01.2011 17:14, rhopalocera.com

in pursuit.

I take all my macro photos of butterflies in nature by hand. Required additional devices: corner viewfinder, 2 additional batteries, 2 additional flash drives, ring flash. Recently, I started shooting everything in Rava - my photos made it to the semi-finals of the Golden Turtle ,but they didn't go any further, because they were shot only in Zhipeg, and the provision of raw rava photos was a prerequisite for further participation in the competition. here is such an incident smile.gif.

16.01.2011 17:26, rhopalocera.com

for example, a photo of the Parnassius loxias lectotype. slightly stung photojab for greater compactness, but the quality of the picture is practically not lost. working version of the photo, without processing.

16.01.2011 18:12, Svyatoslav Knyazev

I always shoot only in rav smile.gifAnd about spare batteries and flash drives-yes, I also always carry a couple of sets with me.

16.01.2011 18:14, rhopalocera.com

I always shoot only in rav smile.gifAnd about spare batteries and flash drives-yes, I also always carry a couple of sets with me.

rav sure is good... but in the conditions of an autonomous expedition, it eats an unacceptably large number of non-infinite flash drives. plus, more energy is spent on recording it.

16.01.2011 20:19, Svyatoslav Knyazev

rav sure is good... but in the conditions of an autonomous expedition, it eats an unacceptably large number of non-infinite flash drives. plus, more energy is spent on recording it.

I agree! although if there is a generator in the expedition, the problem of recharging disappears. And my rav is not as voluminous as in 5dM2 and 16 GB is enough for a long time smile.gif

This post was edited by Konung - 16.01.2011 20: 19

16.01.2011 23:31, BUTTERFLY

in pursuit.

I take all my macro photos of butterflies in nature by hand. Required additional devices: corner viewfinder, 2 additional batteries, 2 additional flash drives, ring flash. Recently, I started shooting everything in Rava - my photos made it to the semi-finals of the Golden Turtle ,but they didn't go any further, because they were shot only in Zhipeg, and the provision of raw rava photos was a prerequisite for further participation in the competition. here is such an incidentsmile.gif.

Do you have a page on the Internet with pictures of insects? If possible, please give a link.

16.01.2011 23:50, rhopalocera.com

something you can see at www.rhopalocera.com in expedition reports.
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14.02.2011 19:16, TEMPUS

I need some advice.I want to buy a camera in the near future,but I don't know which one to choose.I'm completely new to photography,and I have absolutely no experience in this business,except from a mobile phone camera,and that was two years ago.I plan to photograph mainly specimens from the collection,but there may also be trips to the field.Can you tell me which camera is best for me in this situation and if I need any additional equipment (macro rings,etc., etc.)? and if so, which one is better to choose? mol.gif

14.02.2011 19:34, rhopalocera.com

state your budget. and then you can think.
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14.02.2011 19:35, Vorona

Do you want a DSLR or a used advanced compact for the first time?
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14.02.2011 19:45, okoem

I'm completely new to photography,

In this case, the ideal option is to buy something cheaper, use it, and then you will understand for yourself what is best for you. smile.gif
And it is also useful to use Google - on the Internet about cameras and macro photography, it is already written and rewritten... smile.gif At the very least, you'll find out if you need macro rings for macro photography. wink.gif
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14.02.2011 19:48, TEMPUS

state your budget. and then you can think.

The budget, unfortunately, is not large.Up to 12,in extreme cases, up to 14 thousand rubles.

Do you want a DSLR or a used advanced compact for the first time?

Honestly, I haven't decided yet.It's hard to choose when you don't have the experience. wall.gif DSLR I'm afraid it will be too expensive.I have no idea what a "used advanced compact" is. confused.gif Maybe you can give me some advice. mol.gif

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 02/14/2011 19: 52

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