Community and Forum → Entomological collections → Moskovsky Komsomolets about butterflies
Melittia, 28.02.2012 1:45
Friends, yesterday in MK (No. 42(25878)) appeared articles about entomology! At first I was very happy! I read it ... Everyone too!
This I altpravil in MK back
Dear correspondents, having read your undoubtedly highly artistic, but not entirely scientifically correct work in No. 42(25.878) of February 27, 2012, I hasten to inform you that all your research is fictional! Everything that you have depicted there has nothing to do with entomology or collecting butterflies, beetles and everything else! And the fact that "I saw the leader more than once in our institute ..." You know, the only doctor of science "on butterflies" in Moscow and very large environs is me. You can check it out on the WAKA website! By pointing this out in your article, you really upset me! Do you think I have to justify myself to all my friends now?
I think it's you who should make excuses, not me, who works with butterflies!
About your article and my complaints, I am opening a page on the entomologist forum right now!
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