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Community and ForumEntomological collectionsCoccinellids

todd.ugine, 22.06.2015 17:20


I am an entomologist from the United's States and am looking for help collecting three species of lady beetle from Russia for research. The species I am looking for are:

1) Coccinella fulgida (found in Siberia)
2) Coccinella hieroglyphica mannerheim
3) Coccinella transversoguttata transversoguttata

Please let me know if you or anyone you know may be able to help me.

Thank you for your help.


This post was edited by todd. ugine - 06/23/2015 16: 40


23.06.2015 10:14, Bianor

23.06.2015 11:36, Barnaba

I am an entomologist fromthe Unified statesand I am loking for help zollecting three spices of lada beetles fromRussia for research. The spices And am loking for are.
1) Tsozzinella fulgida
2) Tsozzinella hieroglyphica mannerheim
3) Tsozzinella transversoguttata
Please let me knosch if eu or anene eu knosch can help me obtainthese spices.
Thank eu.

Dear colleague, please don't take offense at jokes.
Really, it was not very good idea to tanslate the English text with Russian letters because even English speaking Russian can almost not understand it. Especially it concerns Latin names. It would be better to leave the message in English, it will be clear for all persons who really could help you.
Besides, some of these coccinellids (C.fulgida) sporadically occure in extremely remote regions of the Russian Far East so near can't be collected incidentally. It seems that to contact personally to Russian entomologists from this region known to you from publications on this group would be more effective.
Likes: 1

23.06.2015 16:43, todd.ugine

Thanks for the tip, and I can't read the joke anyway so I'm not offended.

29.06.2017 2:06, todd.ugine


I'm still very interested in finding the species of coccinellids listed below.

1) Coccinella fulgida (found in Siberia)
2) Coccinella hieroglyphica mannerheim
3) Coccinella transversoguttata transversoguttata

Please let me know if you have pinned or ethanol-preserved specimens.

Thank you.


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