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Russian Entomological pins

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04.12.2016 11:49, алекс 2611

Many of the pins are generally stripped off with pliers these heads (including me), so as not to interfere.
And hooks are generally evil: when working with a collection, they cling to clothes, etc. with all the ensuing consequences..... Well, they don't care at all.

I really don't like the hooks, they always cling to me. I agree with that.
But without the head, I'm not comfortable. Maybe it will work for a decorative collection, but when the collection is working, you often have to pick up copies, send them under a microscope, examine them with a magnifying glass, compare them with other copies...
I don't know. I once bought old Soviet pins without heads. Terribly inconvenient

04.12.2016 11:57, алекс 2611

Suddenly, an idea came to me: if you don't want to freeze with hooks, you can do it without them, but a little longer than usual. Who likes hooks, he will bend, and who does not-he will bite off the excess.

Good idea. Maybe we should bring it to its logical conclusion? Why do you suggest that you just take a bite and bend it yourself? Everything else also needs to be done by yourself

Seriously, what's the point of buying pins that you still need to do something with? And so there is not enough time for straightening, so even bend the pins yourself. For me, it's better to buy ready-made
Likes: 3

04.12.2016 12:00, алекс 2611

And the semblance of a ball can be made by dipping it in a suitable, thick nitrolac.

Or maybe normal pins will be made by manufacturers, and we will only use them? Something lazy to me for the season to cut, bend and dip in the varnish say a thousand pins.
I understand that in the conditions of the Soviet deficit, we were all perverted as best we could. But why now???
Likes: 3

04.12.2016 18:33, Black Coleopter


Food for Thought

04.12.2016 18:54, Bianor

alex 2611, heads are not needed in all cases. For example, to strengthen large insects in boxes, pin bottom labels, and for other similar utilitarian purposes. It is pointless to spend expensive pins on this, and all sorts of tailoring and stationery are shorter, thicker, and simply inconvenient with their hats or rings. Well, for a large purely utilitarian collection (like mine), in which most of the copies will be welded and made up with a "tile", the aesthetics of classic pins is excessive. Let's see how convenient it will be to use, and then we'll decide. It seems to me that with a three-piece without a head it will work fine, but thinner ones still need some kind of thickening (but not a crutch!), for example, a half-millimeter tip bent 180 degrees and tightly pressed.

04.12.2016 18:59, Alexandr Zhakov


Food for thought

XXI century mad.gif

This post was edited by Djon-04.12.2016 18: 59
Likes: 2

04.12.2016 19:34, vasiliy-feoktistov


Food for thought

It is recommended to do at night and in the light of a splinter)))
And how long does it take to produce 500 pieces with such a makar?
Funny and sad at the same time.....
And in this topic, we offer an almost finished product that is clearly factory-made, having a standard length and thickness and with normal sharpening (judging by the photo). The only "drawback": without heads they are. However (for me personally) this is not a disadvantage, but rather a virtue )))
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04.12.2016 20:05, Alexandr Zhakov

The main indicators of the pin are its length and the steel from which it is made. and as a derivative of sharpening and pommels (the latter may or may not be). I use minutes, I didn't see any heads there, or anything, we've been using them for centuries. And the hooks in the forehead are more fairy-like.

04.12.2016 20:53, Black Coleopter

I use minutes

Don't confuse minutions with full-fledged pins.

04.12.2016 20:55, Peter Khramov

People, what is the dispute about? Different options - for taste and color. Who needs it without balls or with hooks-they have an affordable alternative, who doesn't need it-it doesn't get any worse;--)

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