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Genus Nebria Latr., 1825 (Nebriini, Carabinae, Carabidae)

Community and ForumInsects imagesGenus Nebria Latr., 1825 (Nebriini, Carabinae, Carabidae)

Aleksandr Safronov, 03.05.2007 22:58

Nebria (Alpaeus) bonelli M.Ad., 1817
NW Kavkaz, Adygea, foot of the town of Pshekho-Su, 1500 m
. 21. 07. 2006
Distributed in the zone of mixed and coniferous forests of the Caucasus, as well as subalpine. It inhabits swamps, floodplains, and swamps.

picture: Nebria_bonelli_P.jpg
Nebria_bonelli_P.jpg — (120.61к)


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17.05.2007 12:05, Archypus

Nebria (Paranebria) livida (Linneus, 1758)
Spas-Kamenka, Dmitrovsky district, Moscow region.
Widespread trans-palearctic species. It lives along the banks of rivers on clay and sandy-clay soil. It is not uncommon in the Moscow region, but it is very sporadic and lives mainly in sand pits along the gullies of ground drains. On the right is a melanistic form that occurs together with the normal form.
I caught the first beetle of this particular shape, and at first I didn't even understand what it was confused.gif

This post was edited by Archypus - 18.05.2007 09: 06

picture: N_livida_con.jpg
N_livida_con.jpg — (131.5к)

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17.05.2007 12:13, omar

If possible, I would like to ask you to post points of finds, at least up to the district, all points of the region, in Zhukov, Moscow and neighboring regions.

24.07.2007 10:28, Archypus

Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens (Ström 1768) = gillenhali (Schönherr 1806)
Moscow. Filevsky Park. 23. VI-1994
Circumboreal, boreomontane. It is found along the banks of rivers under rocks and leaf litter. It is more common in the mountainous regions of Siberia. In the Moscow region, it is rare and sporadic, mostly confined to shady ravines in the valleys of the Moscow, Oka, and Pakhra rivers. Length 9-12 mm

picture: Nebria_rufescens.jpg
Nebria_rufescens.jpg — (47.6к)

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24.07.2007 13:32, Dinusik

And we have it often. It is usually confined to forest rivers and streams. However, in the north of the region comes across much more often than in the south.
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24.07.2007 21:18, Guest

I know of only two locations (both on the territory of Moscow) where this Nebria was previously found, and in one of them, the classic according to Fedorenko (1988) - Neskuchny Sad, in recent years it has not been possible to find it. Too much "anthropogane"
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25.07.2007 9:56, Bad Den

In the Nizhny Novgorod region caught (and caught, I think) in the Kerzhensky reserve.
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10.08.2007 9:27, rpanin

Nebria transsylvanica Germar, 1824
29.06-28.07.07 Transcarpathian region. Rakhovsky district, Petros h -1850 m.
Body length 12 mm.
Endemic to the Carpathians. It is distributed in the South-eastern Carpathians ,Alpica and subalpica. Adults are not tied to wet biotopes .

Nebria (Paranebria) livida (Linnaeus, 1758)
Body length -16 mm.
Belarus, Vitebsk, Dvina river, cave beach Leg.Solodovnikov I. A. 27. VII. 1992

This post was edited by rpanin - 27.01.2008 23: 41

picture: Nebria_transsylvanica_Germar__1824._12___.jpg
Nebria_transsylvanica_Germar__1824._12___.jpg — (101.05к)

картинка: Nebria__Paranebria__livida__Linnaeus__1758___16_mm.___________._________.__.____________________Leg.______________._..jpg
Nebria__Paranebria__livida__Linnaeus__1758___16_mm.___________._________.__.____________________Leg.______________._..jpg — (123.05к)

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21.08.2007 12:51, RippeR

Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens (Ström 1768)
Moscow, Filevsky Park, 17.08.07

n8 - yes, yes.. these are the nebryas who live on Rublyovka lol.gif

picture: n1.JPG
n1.JPG — (142.18к)

picture: n2.JPG
n2.JPG — (134.08к)

picture: n3.JPG
n3.JPG — (138.62к)

picture: n4.JPG
n4.JPG — (138.68к)

picture: n5.JPG
n5.JPG — (136.77к)

picture: n8.JPG
n8.JPG — (27.58 k)

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21.08.2007 13:38, omar

I can add that not a single model was injured during the shooting.
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23.08.2007 13:39, RippeR

Nebria brevicollis (Fabricius, 1792)
10.06.06 Mikeuz, forest, under logs.. 12 mm

picture: Nebria_brevilcollis.JPG
Nebria_brevilcollis.JPG — (107.64к)

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28.08.2007 12:00, Archypus

Nebria (Eunebria) picicornis luteipes Chaudoir 1850
Karachay-Cherkessia village Teberda
h=1400m 20. VIII-1988 Length 12-14 mm
Distributed in the mountains of Europe, Asia Minor, the Caucasus
Lives along the banks of mountain rivers.

This post was edited by Archypus - 30.10.2008 23: 42

picture: Nebria_picicornis_luteipes.jpg
Nebria_picicornis_luteipes.jpg — (53.45к)

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31.08.2007 17:11, rpanin

Another one !
Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens (Stroem, 1768)
Body length 10 mm. Transcarpathian region. Rakhovsky district, Sheshul town h=1450 m. under the rocks by the stream.

This post was edited by rpanin - 25.03.2008 15: 32

картинка: Nebria__Boreonebria__rufescens__Stroem__1768___.________10____29.07_28.08.07__.jpg
Nebria__Boreonebria__rufescens__Stroem__1768___.________10____29.07_28.08.07__.jpg — (120.37к)

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02.09.2007 23:05, Archypus

Aha, Ruslan, have you identified it? Right! Nebria (Boreonebria) heegeri is larger, the shape of the elytra is more oval. In addition, it is wingless.

This post was edited by Archypus - 02.10.2007 20: 59
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02.09.2007 23:23, Archypus

By the way, Ruslan, the first Alpaeus, the one with two-colored legs-Nebria (Alpaeus) fuscipes Fuss 1850(=fussi Bielz 1850), and the second just - Nebria (Alpeus) reitteri Rybinski 1902. See, 4, 5, 6 stubble on the edge how many bristles does the last one carry?

This post was edited by Archypus - 03.09.2007 21: 25
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03.09.2007 12:26, rpanin

Duplicated content(photo) from the topic "Endemics of the Ukrainian Carpathians"
Nebria (Alpaeus) fuscipes Fuss 1850(=fussi Bielz 1850)
Body length-13 mm
Transcarpathian region. The source of the stream, under the rocks h=1700 m. 29.07.07 g
Inhabits the lower and upper forest belt, polonins to the subalpine. Along the banks of rivers and streams.Endemic to the Carpathians

Nebria (Alpeus) reitteri Rybinski 1902
Body length -12 mm
Transcarpathian region. Rakhovsky district, Petros town Source of the stream, under the rocks. h=1700 m. (subalpine) hr. Petros h-1700 m. 29.07.07Endemic to the Eastern Carpathians
It differs from N. fuscipes in its slightly smaller size ,less stocky build, and darker whiskers and legs.

картинка: Nebria__Alpaeus__fuscipes_Fuss_1850___fussi_Bielz_1850____13_____._______h_1700_m._29.07_28.08.07__.jpg
Nebria__Alpaeus__fuscipes_Fuss_1850___fussi_Bielz_1850____13_____._______h_1700_m._29.07_28.08.07__.jpg — (124.59к)

картинка: Nebria__Alpeus__reitteri_Rybinski_1902___12_____._______h_1700_m._29.07_28.08.07__.jpg
Nebria__Alpeus__reitteri_Rybinski_1902___12_____._______h_1700_m._29.07_28.08.07__.jpg — (113.47к)

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14.10.2007 12:21, Archypus

Nebria (Eunebria) jarrigei Ledoux et Roux 1991
Karachay-Cherkessia. Lower level. Arkhyz
h=1600m 12. VII-2007 Length 12-13 mm
Along the banks of mountain rivers and streams in the forest belt. Described from C - In Turkey
picture: Nebria_jarrigei.jpg
The only thing that surprises us is that the authors list this species as endemic to north-eastern Turkey and not a word about its distribution in the Caucasus, although for the fauna of the Caucasus it is listed as early as 1995 in the first checklist

Nebria (Eunebria) nigerrima Chaudor 1846
Karachay-Cherkessia. Dombai
h=1600m 26. VI-2008 Length 12 mm
From jarrigei differs in narrower proportions, longer legs; penultimate member of labial palps with 3 setaeim (jarrigei has 2)

This post was edited by Archypus - 26.02.2012 23: 56

picture: Nebria_nigerrima.jpg
Nebria_nigerrima.jpg — (106.33к)

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14.10.2007 13:24, Bad Den

It would be a little lighter... shuffle.gif

14.10.2007 16:29, RippeR

a little bit.. as far as possible wink.gif

картинка: Nebria__Eunebria__jarrigei_Ledoux_et_Roux_1991.jpg
Nebria__Eunebria__jarrigei_Ledoux_et_Roux_1991.jpg — (111.12к)

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14.10.2007 21:34, Archypus

Yes, you need to do something with the lighting, you can't pull it off that well. Okay, boom wall.gifex-pe-ri-men-tate.

14.10.2007 21:40, omar

Archipus, it was immediately noticed that the edge of the pronotum in one species is dotted, and in another it is not. Or so it seems to me?

15.10.2007 13:35, Bad Den

Yes, you need to do something with the lighting, you can't pull it off that well. Okay, boom wall.gifex-pe-ri-men-tate.

Try a ring light?
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16.10.2007 13:26, Archypus

Archipus, it was immediately noticed that the edge of the pronotum in one species is dotted, and in another it is not. Or so it seems to me?

I looked it up. The punctuation of the pronotum is the same in all b. m. animals, I didn't see any differences, and besides, all the individuals are from the same population, there shouldn't be any surprises

25.03.2008 15:41, rpanin

I can't say with absolute certainty what it is?
Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens, or Nebria (Boreonebria) heegeri
Carpathian Mountains, hr, Montenegro Sheshul h=1450 m. 29. 07-28. 08. 07 g
body length 11 mm

This post was edited by rpanin - 25.03.2008 16: 51

картинка: Nebria__Boreonebria__rufescens__Stroem__1768____11____.jpg
Nebria__Boreonebria__rufescens__Stroem__1768____11____.jpg — (133.2к)

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25.03.2008 16:06, amara

I've been meaning to ask you for a long time, if Ruslan has this book:
E. Csiki, Die K?ferfauna des Karpatenbeckens. 1. Bd. (Allgemeines und Caraboidea), 1946, 798s., 212 Textfig.
Unfortunately, I don't have it, but it would be interesting to know how much detail it covers the Carpathian beetles.

27.03.2008 10:04, Archypus

I can't say with absolute certainty what it is?
Nebria (Boreonebria) rufescens, or Nebria (Boreonebria) heegeri
Carpathian Mountains, hr, Montenegro Sheshul h=1450 m. 29. 07-28. 08. 07 g
body length 11 mm

It is, of course, worth taking one look at heegeri to make everything clear. I think this is also rufescens. heegeri differs well from rufescens in the oval shape of the elytra, their greatest width falls on the middle; its shoulders are sloping, i.e. weakly expressed, whereas in rufescens the elytra are b. m. parallel with well-defined shoulders. In addition, there are good defining features: the second part of the antennae in heegeri has two setae-above and below, and the first part is conical, i.e. narrowed from the top to the base. In rufescens, the second member has only one bristle from below, while the first member (for European subspecies) has an oval or somewhat cylindrical shape.
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25.08.2008 22:58, rpanin

Nebria (Eunebria) jockischii hoepfneri Dejean, 1826
Body length 14 mm
Ivano-Frankivsk region,. Yaremchansky district, Gorgany, Zhonka River bank. h=650 m. At night with a flashlight 3. VIII. 08

Nebria (Boreonebria) heegeri (Dejean,1826)
Body length 11 mm
Ivano-Frankivsk region,. Yaremchansky district, Gorgany, Zelyonitsa River bank h=700m.. 23. VI. 08

This post was edited by rpanin - 29.08.2008 10: 15

picture: Neria_jockischii_14_mm......jpg
Neria_jockischii_14_mm......jpg — (125.46к)

picture: Nebria__Boreonebria__heegeri_11_mm.jpg
Nebria__Boreonebria__heegeri_11_mm.jpg — (130.92к)

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18.09.2008 17:44, Buzman

Nebria (Eunebria) ferganensis Shilenkov, 1982

Kyrgyzstan, Karaushur, h=1360 m
length 14 mm
Distribution: Kyrgyzstan

This post was edited by Buzman - 18.09.2008 17: 44

picture: Nebria_Eunebria_ferganensis_Shil.jpg
Nebria_Eunebria_ferganensis_Shil.jpg — (102.77к)

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22.09.2008 11:15, Buzman

Nebria (Boreonebria) baicalica Motschulsky, 1844

South Siberia, Baikal, Irkutsk region, Sakhyurt, 5 VIII 2005.
Body length 8 mm

Distribution: Baikal, Irkutsk region.

picture: Nebria_Boreonebria_baicalica_Motsch.jpg
Nebria_Boreonebria_baicalica_Motsch.jpg — (120.16к)

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27.09.2008 23:31, Archypus

Nebria (Alpaeus ) tristicula Reitter 1888 = kubanensis Lutshnik 1921
Body length - 11-12 mm
Karachay-Cherkessia. ARKHYZ, Abishira-Akhuba cr., Dzhumarykly-You city, h=2600-2700m, 11-13. VII-2009 leg. A. Zubov & D. Fominykh
Belongs to the group of species "caucasica", distributed in the Alpine belt of the Greater Caucasus, keeps in shelters near snowfields.

This post was edited by Archypus - 26.12.2010 21: 03

picture: N_tristicula.jpg
N_tristicula.jpg — (72.57к)

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28.09.2008 11:02, Frantic

Zhen, are you sure this is a Tristikula? Makarov pulled the beetles pussy?

29.09.2008 22:20, Archypus

I consider this form a tristicula, as well as the form from Ruslan's post: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...dpost&p=1020275. It fully corresponds to the description of this species given by V. Shilenkov. From retrospinosa, with which it can live sympatrically, it is well distinguished habitually - the latter is more robust and short-legged with a wider pronotum; tenella, as a rule, is narrower, dark brown in color (black color of the body and limbs is just characteristic of dpj tristicula). N caucasica, according to the description, also has a slightly different structure.

This post was edited by Archypus - 02/27/2012 14: 09
Likes: 5

21.10.2008 15:32, rpanin

Nebria (Nebria) ? retrospinosa Heyden, 1885
The body length is 13mm.
Nebria (Nebria) commixta Chaudoir, 1850
Body length 14mm.

Krasnodar Krai, GKPBZ, Mostovskoy district, Skirda ridge, northern spurs of Yat
'rgvart h=2300-2500m. 09-10. VII. 2008 leg. d. D. Fominykh

This post was edited by rpanin - 06.03.2010 00: 23

картинка: Nebria__Nebria__tristicula_Reitter_1888___kubanensis_Lutshnik_1921.jpg
Nebria__Nebria__tristicula_Reitter_1888___kubanensis_Lutshnik_1921.jpg — (139.95к)

картинка: Nebria__Nebria__commixta_Chaudoir__1850__14mm..jpg
Nebria__Nebria__commixta_Chaudoir__1850__14mm..jpg — (150.47 k)

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21.10.2008 18:52, Mylabris

Thank you so much for the technique, as always on top!
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17.01.2009 5:45, sebastes

Nebria (Catonebria) banksii (Crotch, 1871), 12 mm long.
Klyuch Beryozovy, Livadiyskaya city, Anisimovka village, Primorye Village, 05.08.2008.

picture: Neb_banksii1.jpg picture: Neb_banksii2.jpg

This post was edited by sebastes - 17.01.2009 13: 59
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26.01.2009 20:59, Archypus

Two more Nebria from the"catenulata" group:

Nebria (Catonebria) catenulata Fischer von Waldheim, 1822
Length 12-13 mm
Western Sayan, Sayan hr., top. Oktuk-Suk River, h=1700m, upper forest
group 2VII-2008
TUVA, lower Seserlig River, h=800m, 18V-2008
Distributed in the mountains of Central and Southern Siberia, South-west of the Far East,
North-West of China and Korea. Along the banks of mountain rivers and streams in the forest zonepicture: Nebria_catenulata_2.jpg

Nebria (Catonebria) fulgida Gebler, 1847
Length 12 mm
Western Sayan, Sayan region, Lake Baikal Expedition, h=2100m
Distribution: Altai, Sayans, Kuznetsk Alatau
Inhabits the banks of streams, lakes, along snowfields in the highlands and mid-mountains

picture: Nebria_fulgida.jpg
Nebria_fulgida.jpg — (118.36к)

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10.09.2009 11:57, Archypus

Nebria (Boreonebria) rubrofemorata Shilenkov 1975
Length 10-11 mm
Western Sayan, Sayan hr., top. Oktuk-Suk River, h=1700m, upper cedar
ridge 2VII-2008 leg. A. Brinev

picture: Nebria_rubrofemorata_600.jpg
Nebria_rubrofemorata_600.jpg — (65.44к)

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10.09.2009 14:03, RippeR

cute what )

27.11.2009 23:32, rpanin

Nebria (Boreonebria) subdilatata Motschulsky, 1844
Body length, 10 mm
Irkutsk region, Baikal Island, hr.Khamar-Daban, Snezhnaya River 6-8. VI. 2007, leg. D. D. Fominykh

This post was edited by rpanin - 27.11.2009 23: 32

картинка: Nebria__Boreonebria__subdilatata_Motschulsky__1844_.10mm.jpg
Nebria__Boreonebria__subdilatata_Motschulsky__1844_.10mm.jpg — (99.46к)

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05.03.2010 21:09, rpanin

confused.gif mol.gif
Karachay-Cherkessia, lev. tributary of the Bolshaya Laba River-the Zakan River, its main tributary - the Imeritinka River, h=2000-2600m
Body length, 11.5 mm

picture: Nebria_sp.11.5mm.jpg
Nebria_sp.11.5mm.jpg — (93.6к)

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