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Род Eublemma Hübner, 1821 (Eublemminae) from Eastern Europe

Community and ForumInsects imagesРод Eublemma Hübner, 1821 (Eublemminae) from Eastern Europe

PG18, 03.09.2007 21:20

The genus seemed difficult to define, since illustrations are not available for all species.
Kari Nupponen (Finland) helped with the definition. The second picture, probably unsuccessfully, was signed by myself.
This year's photo is from Orenburg region and adjacent regions of Kazakhstan.

This post was edited by PG18-04.09.2007 04: 27

picture: 50_Eublemma_purpurina_0091_Kizil_VIII.jpg
50_Eublemma_purpurina_0091_Kizil_VIII.jpg — (48.64к)

picture: 50_Eublemma_minutata_0288_Svetlyi_VIII.jpg
50_Eublemma_minutata_0288_Svetlyi_VIII.jpg — (34.7к)

picture: 50_Eublemma_minutata_0290_____________.jpg
50_Eublemma_minutata_0290_____________.jpg — (33.05к)


03.09.2007 21:29, PG18

And three more types. Others (in total, in the south-east of Europe - at least 15 species of this genus) are not found today.

picture: 50_Eublemma_pallidula_0152___________________.jpg
50_Eublemma_pallidula_0152___________________.jpg — (43.35 k)

picture: 50_Eublemma_porphyrinia_0225__________.jpg
50_Eublemma_porphyrinia_0225__________.jpg — (40.98к)

picture: 50_Eublemma_pusilla_0011___________________________.jpg
50_Eublemma_pusilla_0011___________________________.jpg — (34.94к)

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13.11.2008 18:12, barko

Four types of eublemmas from my collection, which were not here yet.

Eublemma parva (Hubner, 1808) Slovenia, karst
picture: parva.jpg
Eublemma ostrina (Hubner, 1808) Slovenia, karst
picture: ostrina.jpg
Eublemma polygramma (Duponchel, 1836) Slovenia, karst
picture: polygrammata.jpg
Eublemma amoena (Hubner, 1803) (=respersa (Hubner, 1790) Hungary, sand dunes
picture: amoena.jpg
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26.03.2009 18:13, BRM

Eublemma purpurina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
Ukraine, Ivano-Frankivsk region.

picture: P1030311.JPG
P1030311.JPG — (134.79к)

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20.02.2015 21:12, okoem

Eublemma purpurina ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
April 9, 2014. Crimea, Kerch Peninsula, Yachmennoye village area, Kosh-Oba Mountain, stony steppe.
The caterpillars were kept in shelters made of bound young leaves of the hook thistle (Carduus hamulosus).
picture: 20140409_134208.JPG
picture: 20140409_135953.JPG
picture: 20140409_140422.JPG
picture: 20140409_160454.JPG
picture: 20140409_135529.JPG
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21.02.2015 13:12, Сергей-Д

Several Luhansk regions:
Eublemma panonica (Freyer, [1840]).
picture: Eublemma_panonica_1_____________.jpg
Eublemma purpurina ([Denis & Schiffermüller], 1775)
picture: Eublemma_purpurina_2___________.jpg
Eublemma rosea (Hübner, 1790)
picture: Eublemma_rosea_1_2______________.jpg
picture: Eublemma_rosea_2__________.jpg
Eublemma minutata (Fabricius, 1794)
picture: Eublemma_minutata_7_____________.jpg
?a light quote?
picture: Eublemma_minutata_6________________.jpg
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21.02.2015 14:44, Alexandr Zhakov

A few Luhansk ones:
?a light quote?

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22.02.2015 19:56, okoem

Eublemma ostrina (Hubner, [1808]) is the most common species of the genus in the Crimea.

Oviposition on the hedgehog-headed lamyra (Lamyra echinocephala).
May 23, 2009. Crimea, Chatyr-Dag massif, Tokmak-Kaya spur.
picture: 20070523_150013.jpg

Caterpillars and forage plant-Russian Mordovian (Echinops ruthenicus).
July 20, 2014. Crimea, roc. Koktebel, Kuchuk-Yanyshar ridge.
picture: 20140720_165531.JPG
picture: 20140720_171338.JPG
picture: 20140720_171943.JPG
picture: 20140720_172201.JPG
picture: 20140720_172605.jpg

Biotope of a species on fixed sands near the village of Primorskiy.
picture: 20090810_133807.jpg
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23.02.2015 23:52, okoem

Eublemma polygramma (Duponchel, 1842)
Caterpillars on a forage plant (dodder). Photos in nature.
June 28, 2011. Crimea, Sudak district, Chatal-Kaya mountain.
picture: 20110628_171651.jpg

June 29, 2011. Crimea, Feodosia, Mount Pasha-Tepe (Bald).
picture: 20110629_193714.jpg

picture: 20110706_133419.jpg

In May of the following year, a butterfly was released.
picture: 20120508_101701.JPG
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04.03.2015 19:23, okoem

Eublemma minutata (Fabricius, 1794)
Caterpillars on a forage plant (cmin). Photos in nature.
July 3, 2014. Crimea, Feodosia, Uzun-Syrt ridge.
picture: 20140703_202126.JPG
picture: 20140703_202317.JPG
picture: 20140703_202356.JPG

Home photography.
picture: 20140705_123710.JPG
picture: 20140707_134146.JPG
picture: 20140707_134536.JPG

picture: 20140709_125657.JPG

In mid-July, a butterfly came out.
picture: 20140718_101805.JPG
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07.03.2015 15:12, okoem

Eublemma parva (Hubner, [1808]) is rare in the Crimea.
September 8, 2014. Crimea, the outskirts of the village. Primorskiy district. Solontsevataya steppe, at night, photo in nature.
picture: 20140908_223440.jpg
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08.03.2015 10:19, Alexandr Zhakov

Eublemma parva valid is a very rare butterfly in Ukraine. In the Zaporozhye region was caught so far only once, 01.08.2014 Melitopol district, p. Mirnoe. Spotted it by Egorus, among dozens of Eublemma minutata. The photo is technical, made to determine the type, there is no other, but I want to share smile.gifit )

picture: IMG_1786_parva.jpg

This post was edited by Djon-08.03.2015 10: 20
Likes: 16

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