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Callisthenes lovelies.

Community and ForumInsects imagesCallisthenes lovelies.

Mylabris, 08.12.2007 14:09

Callisthenes (s. str.) elegans elegans Kirsch, 1859
19.05.1999 SE Kazakhstan. Kurdai pass. Ishkov leg.

Typical location: Kurdai Pass.
Length: 24-32mm.
Distribution: Northern Kyrgyzstan: Tokmak, Bishkek. South Kazakhstan: Georgievka, Krasnogorka, Kurdai, Targap, Otar, Kulzhabasy Mountains.
Ecology: Spring view. Beetles are active during the day, attacking the caterpillars of various butterflies.

picture: Callisthenes__elegans.jpg
Callisthenes__elegans.jpg — (144.04к)


08.12.2007 15:08, Mylabris

Callisthenes (s. str.) kuschakewitschi batesoni (Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Redikorzev, 1928).

Type locality: Sarysu River Valley, Kazakhstan.
Length: 20-26 mm.

Distribution: Kazakhstan: steppes and deserts from the Aral Sea to the north of Karatau (Big and Small Badgers, Irgiz, Sarysu, Novokazalinsk, Mailybash).

Spring look, rare in collections.

picture: Callisthenes__kuschakewitschi.jpg
Callisthenes__kuschakewitschi.jpg — (123.27к)

Likes: 16

08.12.2007 16:31, Mylabris

Callisthenes (s. str.) elegans semenovi Motschulsky, 1859.

9.06.1998 SE Kazakhstan. Kaskelen gorge. Meadow-steppe. 1800 m. Kadyrbekov leg.

Type locality: Alma-Ata city area.

Length: 27-34 mm.

Distribution: Kazakhstan: Surroundings of Alma-Ata, Issyk, Talgar.

Ecology: Spring view. Predator. The taxon is threatened with extinction due to human economic activity (mainly active urban development). Rare.

This post was edited by Mylabris - 08.12.2007 17: 32

picture: Callisthenes_semenovi.jpg
Callisthenes_semenovi.jpg — (140.04к)

Likes: 17

08.10.2009 10:53, evk

Something was forgotten about the branch wink.gif
Callisthenes breviusculus Mannerheim 1830
Nakhichevan ASSR, okr. Bichenek, 2.07.1982, Gorbunov.
12-12. 5 mm.
picture: C_breviusculus.jpg

Callisthenes usgentensis Solsky 1874
Ferghana Valley, Dangi Canyon, 15.05.1977, Alekseev village. 24-25 mm.
picture: C_usgentensis.jpg

Callisthenes regelianus A. Morawitz 1886
Tajikistan, Darvaz region, per. Habu-Rubot, 3300 m above sea level, 25.06.1989.25
-26.5 mm
picture: C_regelianus.jpg

Callisthenes elegans saryarkehsis Kabak 1992
Kazakhstan, Shalginia, 300 m above sea level, 7.05.1996 m.Danilevsky
20 mm.
picture: C_elegans_saryarkensis.jpg

Callisthenes kuschakewitschi kuschakewitschi Ballion 1870
Kazakhstan, Karzhantau, Aktash, May 1985, Antonov.
Male 20 mm, female 26 mm.
picture: C_kuschakewitschi.jpg

This post was edited by evk - 08.10.2009 10: 54
Likes: 14

08.10.2009 15:21, Bad Den

Evgeny, can you take a look at my pretty boy?

08.10.2009 18:21, evk

Evgeny, can you take a look at my pretty boy?

And where is Chon-Aryk! On the Tien Shan, everything from the ridges "dances", and similar villages-the towns of milen! You can link them to the mountains. It looks like you didn't make a mistake, but what a subspecies ... This is such a volatile company!

08.10.2009 18:31, evk

And where is Chon-Aryk! On the Tien Shan, everything from the ridges "dances", and similar villages-the towns of milen! You can link them to the mountains. It looks like you didn't make a mistake, but what a subspecies ... This is such a volatile company!

I dug smile.gifaround . This is the Kyrgyz region near Bishkek. Then it sounds like this: Callisthenes kuschakewitschi plasoni Born 1917, I also had a couple of copies in my collection from there smile.gif
Likes: 2

08.10.2009 22:31, Bad Den

And where is Chon-Aryk! On the Tien Shan, everything from the ridges "dances", and similar villages-the towns of milen! You can link them to the mountains. It looks like you didn't make a mistake, but what a subspecies ... This is such a volatile company!

Alas, the label is only like this frown.gif

08.10.2009 23:48, I.solod

"...Is it Callisthenes kushakewitschi, or someone else?
Kirghizia, Chon-Aryk; 23. V. 1998.
I have on Kryzhanovsky (1962) turned out like it, but I'm not sure.."

According to the revision of Obydov (2002), I looked, found such a locale, although this subspecies is more brightly colored, I did not find black ones as in the photo.
It shows the following locale by Callisthenes kuschakewitschi plasoni Born 1917
Kyrgyzstan, 20 km from Bishkek, Chon-Aryk, 15.05.1998, and Klimenko. The dates are almost identical, maybe these are beetles from the same series.

PS. I looked at my materials. 1 female stands with me with the same label, from 20.04.2000, but it shows a brighter bronze-black gloss, the group, in general, is very variable in color, I think this is this taxon and there is

This post was edited by I. solod - 08.10.2009 23: 52
Likes: 3

02.08.2010 10:49, Yakovlev

Callistenes fischeri
A good dog...

picture: DSC_5471.JPG
DSC_5471.JPG — (185.28к)

Likes: 4

20.08.2010 11:32, Cerega

Probably, only on the photo it is not visible.

14.02.2011 23:26, Aleksandr Safronov

My "5 kopecks" - I'll duplicate it:
Callisthenes kuschakewitschi kuschakewitschi Ballion 1870
Bugun, Chimkent region, Kazakhstan, h=200 m
. 15-IV-1993 m. Danilevsky leg.
male 25 mm, female 23 mm.

picture: Call_kusch_kusch_P.jpg
Call_kusch_kusch_P.jpg — (98.17к)

Likes: 7

15.02.2011 0:00, Aleksandr Safronov

Callisthenes elegans elegans Kirsch, 1859
Kazakhstan, Chu-Ili Mountains, per. Kurdai.
11-05-1997 Moscow Danilevsky leg.
male 25 mm, female 29 mm.

picture: Call_elegans_elegans_P.jpg
Call_elegans_elegans_P.jpg — (100.58к)

Likes: 8

15.02.2011 13:26, Aleksandr Safronov

Callisthenes elegans danilevskii Obydov, 1997 PT
Kazakhstan, Trans-Ili Alatau, Kaskelen, h=1800 m
. 16-V-1996 m. Danilevsky leg.
male 30 mm, female 32 mm.

picture: Call_elegans_danilevskii_PT.jpg
Call_elegans_danilevskii_PT.jpg — (116.4к)

Likes: 7

15.02.2011 14:03, Aleksandr Safronov

Callisthenes elegans manderstjernae Ballion, 1870
Trans-Ili Alatau, Kazakhstan. Kasteksky, h=2300 m
. 9-V-1991 m. Danilevsky leg.
male 24 mm, female 25 mm.

picture: Call_elegans_manderstjernae_P.jpg
Call_elegans_manderstjernae_P.jpg — (108.31к)

Likes: 8

29.07.2012 15:49, Honza

Callisthenes (Callisphaena) reticulatus (Fabricius, 1787)

6.VI.1995 - GERMANIA - EE, Mark Brandenburg, Lecshower Heide

This post was edited by Honza - 29.07.2012 15: 49

picture: Calosoma_reticulatum___Fabricius__1787_.JPG
Calosoma_reticulatum___Fabricius__1787_.JPG — (56.27к)


download file Calosoma_reticulatum.pdf

size: 2.77 mb
number of downloads: 1030

Likes: 7

15.02.2013 23:51, I.solod

Callistheners (Teratexis) fabulosus Semenov-Tian-Shanskij & Znojko, 1933
Central Afghanistan, Bamian, Bande-Amir, 3000 m (1 m, 1 f), Leg. I.Plustch

The photo was taken by a mobile phone - I put up several photos

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_01.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_01.jpg — (190.23к)

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_02.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_02.jpg — (206к)

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_03.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_03.jpg — (185.23к)

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_04.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_04.jpg — (200.97к)

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_05.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_05.jpg — (165.02к)

picture: callisthenes_fabulosus_06.jpg
callisthenes_fabulosus_06.jpg — (203.55к)

Likes: 14

16.02.2013 1:06, I.solod

In the male, the indentations are natural - this is not a defect when the beetle leaves the pupa

This post was edited by I. solod - 02/16/2013 02: 29

02.04.2013 8:11, Honza

Callisthenes adehinotum Lassalle, 1993 PARATYPE

Calosoma (Callisthenes) eversmanni Chaudoir, 1850

Callisthenes ewersmanni Chaudoir, 1850: 157 (lectotype: Tokat; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma persicum Gehin, 1885: 68 (type: Arménie Persane; Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris)
Calosoma (Callisthenes) eversmanni, Breuning, 1928: 72
Calosoma (Callisthenes) eversmanni persicum, Breuning, 1928: 72
Callisthenes (Isocallia) breviuscula eversmanni, Lapouge, 1932: 373
Callisthenes panderi substriatus persicus, Lapouge, 1932: 375
Callisthenes eversmanni, Jeannel, 1940: 188
Callisthenes adehinotus Lassalle, 1992: 305 (type: Bingol)
Calosoma (Callisthenes) pesarinii Heinz & Pavesi, 1994: 5 (type: Çorum, Mt. Elmali)
Calosoma (Callisthenes) peksi Heinz & Pavesi, 1994: 6 (type: Izmir, Boz-Dag)
Callisthenes eversmanni, Obydov, 2002: 84
Callisthenes eversmanni persicus, Obydov, 2002: 84
Callisthenes eversmanni pesarinii, Obydov 2002: 85
Callisthenes eversmanni adehinotus, Obydov, 2002,: 86
Callisthenes eversmanni peksi, Obydov, 2002: 86
Calosoma (Callisthenes) ewersmanni, Bousquet & al., 2003: 118
Callisthenes ewersmanni, Lorenz, 2005: 71

picture: Callisthenes_adehinotum_Lassalle__1993__2_.JPG
Callisthenes_adehinotum_Lassalle__1993__2_.JPG — (173.81к)

Likes: 7

02.04.2013 8:16, Honza

Callisthenes semenovi danilevskii Obydov, 1996 PARATYPE

картинка: Callisthenes_semenovi_danilevskii_Obydov__1996.JPG
Callisthenes_semenovi_danilevskii_Obydov__1996.JPG — (133.02к)

Likes: 8

02.04.2013 8:19, Honza

Calosoma (Callisthenes) kuschakewitschi var. decolor Morawitz, 1886

Kazachstán , Uškarma env. 5.1991

картинка: Calosoma__Callisthenes__kuschakewitschi_var._decolor_Morawitz__1886.JPG
Calosoma__Callisthenes__kuschakewitschi_var._decolor_Morawitz__1886.JPG — (85.38к)

Likes: 10

03.10.2015 9:04, Honza

Callisthenes akkolicus Obydov & Gottwald, 2002 HOLOTYP

Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi Fischer von Waldheim, 1822
Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi subsp. panderi Fischer von Waldheim, 1822
Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi subsp. karelini Fischer von Waldheim, 1830
Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi subsp. declive Dohrn, 1884
Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi subsp. pavlovskii Kryzhanovskij, 1955
Calosoma (Callisthenes) panderi subsp. akkolicum Obydov & Gottwald, 2002

This post was edited by Honza - 03.10.2015 09: 06

картинка: Callisthenes_akkolicus__Obydov___Gottwald__2002.JPG
Callisthenes_akkolicus__Obydov___Gottwald__2002.JPG — (184.93к)

Likes: 8

26.05.2016 14:38, bugslov

tell me how to fish in the area of the Trans-Ili Alatau?

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