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Spring Geometrids

Community and ForumInsects imagesSpring Geometrids

gumenuk, 29.01.2008 9:58

Spring is coming soon, the first butterflies will appear, and among them moths. I want to present photos of some of them:
Ectropis crepuscularia 02.05.2007 17: 30 Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan (Mixed forest: pine, spruce, birch, aspen, willow).
I'm thinking of putting moths here, the appearance of which is recorded from March to May.

This post was edited by gumenuk - 29.01.2008 17: 26

picture: 12_A000668.jpg
12_A000668.jpg — (136.43к)


Pages: 1 2

29.01.2008 10:01, gumenuk

Geometridae Larentiinae Spring smoky moth Cleora cinctaria 15.05.2007 22: 57 Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan (mixed forest), night survey

picture: 12_A001694.jpg
12_A001694.jpg — (135.57к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 10:04, gumenuk

Geometridae Hairy moth moth Lycia hirtaria Ennominae 18.05.2007 22: 53, Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan (mixed forest), night survey

picture: 12_A001933.jpg
12_A001933.jpg — (136.93к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 10:08, gumenuk

Planed moth Plagodis dolabraria Geometridae 26.05.2007 22: 57 Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, Khripan (mixed forest), night survey, arrives annually (but not often)

picture: 12_A002666.jpg
12_A002666.jpg — (138.65к)

Likes: 4

29.01.2008 10:17, svm2

1-in my opinion Ectropis crepuscularia
Likes: 1

29.01.2008 10:38, gumenuk

1-in my opinion Ectropis crepuscularia

It seems to have been determined here on the forum. Let's wait, maybe someone else will say something (for full confidence), then I'll correct it (here and in my archives). In any case-thank you.

29.01.2008 15:16, svm2

This is Ectropis, Alcis, among other things, does not fly so early, but rather the most common moth that arrives at the light during this period . The probability of an error is very small.

29.01.2008 16:44, Pavel Morozov

Ectropis crepuscularia, definitely.
Likes: 1

29.01.2008 17:27, gumenuk

Aethalura punctulata and Hypomecis punctinalis
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
19.05.2007 22: 44

This post was edited by gumenuk - 29.01.2008 18: 12

picture: Aethalura_punctulata_A001976.jpg
Aethalura_punctulata_A001976.jpg — (135.36к)

picture: Hypomecis_punctinalis_A002603.jpg
Hypomecis_punctinalis_A002603.jpg — (137.87к)

Likes: 2

29.01.2008 17:30, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa plumovaya-Angerona prunatia
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
30.05.2007 23: 10

picture: Angerona_prunatia_A003241.jpg
Angerona_prunatia_A003241.jpg — (138.48к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 17:31, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Cabera exantemata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
28.05.2007 22: 51

picture: Cabera_exantemata_A002944.jpg
Cabera_exantemata_A002944.jpg — (134.63к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 17:33, gumenuk

Clover moth-Chiasmia clathrata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
27.05.2007 22: 32

picture: Chiasmia_clathrata_A002535.jpg
Chiasmia_clathrata_A002535.jpg — (139.2к)

picture: Chiasmia_clathrata_A002799.jpg
Chiasmia_clathrata_A002799.jpg — (138.31к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 17:35, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Paradarisa consonaria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
26.05.2007 22: 32

This post was edited by gumenuk - 30.01.2008 14: 19

picture: Paradarisa_consonaria_A001684.jpg
Paradarisa_consonaria_A001684.jpg — (134.7к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 17:38, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Cyclophora albipunctata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
19.05.2007 21: 30

picture: Cyclophora_albipunctata_A001968.jpg
Cyclophora_albipunctata_A001968.jpg — (134.3к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 17:39, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Cyclophora pendularia
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
23.05.2007 21: 48

picture: Cyclophora_pendularia_A002406.jpg
Cyclophora_pendularia_A002406.jpg — (138.19к)

Likes: 2

29.01.2008 17:56, svm2

2-Hypomecis punctinalis, I think. Cleora-rather P. consonaria( in my opinion, it has already been identified.
Likes: 1

29.01.2008 18:25, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Electrophaes corylata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
26.05.2007 23: 42 and 28.05.2007 23: 36

picture: Electrophaes_corylata_A002691.jpg
Electrophaes_corylata_A002691.jpg — (137.44к)

picture: Electrophaes_corylata_A002998.jpg
Electrophaes_corylata_A002998.jpg — (134.43к)

Likes: 4

29.01.2008 18:27, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Electrophaes silaceata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
28.05.2007 23: 07

picture: Electrophaes_silaceata_A002958.jpg
Electrophaes_silaceata_A002958.jpg — (136.97к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 21:47, gumenuk

Grass moth-Ematurga atomaria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
29.05.2007 22: 26

picture: Ematurga_atomaria_A003070.jpg
Ematurga_atomaria_A003070.jpg — (134.56к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 21:48, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Eupithecia exiguata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
30.05.2007 23: 04

picture: Eupithecia_exiguata_A003230.jpg
Eupithecia_exiguata_A003230.jpg — (137.24к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 21:50, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Eupithecia veratraria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
18.05.2007 22: 38 and 29.05.2007 22: 30

picture: Eupithecia_veratraria_A001926.jpg
Eupithecia_veratraria_A001926.jpg — (138.13к)

picture: Eupithecia_veratraria_A003072.jpg
Eupithecia_veratraria_A003072.jpg — (138.27к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:01, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa alder-Hydrelia sylvata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
29.05.2007 23: 30

picture: Hydrelia_sylvata_A003131.jpg
Hydrelia_sylvata_A003131.jpg — (133.24к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:02, gumenuk

Moth Lobophora halterata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
15.05.2007 23: 05

picture: Lobophora_halterata_A001703.jpg
Lobophora_halterata_A001703.jpg — (136.26к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:03, gumenuk

Whole-edged mottled moth-Lomographa bimaculata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
29.05.2007 14: 21

picture: Lomographa_bimaculata_A003054.jpg
Lomographa_bimaculata_A003054.jpg — (133.02к)

Likes: 2

29.01.2008 22:04, gumenuk

Aspen moth yellow-Lomographa cararia
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
31.05.2007 23: 31

picture: Lomographa_cararia_A003376.jpg
Lomographa_cararia_A003376.jpg — (138.09к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:05, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa temerata-Lomographa temerata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
27.05.2007 23: 20

picture: Lomographa_temerata_A002817.jpg
Lomographa_temerata_A002817.jpg — (138.39к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:19, gumenuk

Grey angled moth-Macaria liturata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
31.05.2007 23: 48

picture: Macaria_liturata_A003394.jpg
Macaria_liturata_A003394.jpg — (138.63к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:33, gumenuk

Two-pronged moth-Odontoptera bidentata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
29.05.2007 23: 23

picture: Odontoptera_bidentata_A003123.jpg
Odontoptera_bidentata_A003123.jpg — (136.66к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:34, gumenuk

Hawthorn moth-Opistograptis luteolata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
31.05.2007 23: 01

picture: Opistograptis_luteolata_A003353.jpg
Opistograptis_luteolata_A003353.jpg — (149.42к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:35, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Parectropis similaria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
29.05.2007 13: 06

picture: Parectropis_similaria_A003015.jpg
Parectropis_similaria_A003015.jpg — (135.71к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:36, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Plagodis pulveraria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
25.05.2007 21: 50 and 26.05.2007 23: 16

picture: Plagodis_pulveraria_A002589.jpg
Plagodis_pulveraria_A002589.jpg — (134.97к)

picture: Plagodis_pulveraria_A002681.jpg
Plagodis_pulveraria_A002681.jpg — (135.6к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:37, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Pterapherapteryx sexalata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
26.05.2007 23: 04

picture: Pterapherapteryx_sexalata_A002675.jpg
Pterapherapteryx_sexalata_A002675.jpg — (137.29к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:40, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa chetyrehlunnaya-Selenia tetralunaria
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
15.05.2007 23: 39

picture: Selenia_tetralunaria_A001705.jpg
Selenia_tetralunaria_A001705.jpg — (133.18к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:43, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Thera variata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
30.05.2007 23: 32 and 30.05.2007 23: 47

picture: Thera_variata_A003249.jpg
Thera_variata_A003249.jpg — (134.64к)

picture: Thera_variata_A003254.jpg
Thera_variata_A003254.jpg — (134.72к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:44, gumenuk

Moth Larentia vulgaris-Xanthorhoe fluctuata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
26.05.2007 23: 37

picture: Xanthorhoe_fluctuata_A002687.jpg
Xanthorhoe_fluctuata_A002687.jpg — (134.08к)

Likes: 4

29.01.2008 22:45, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Xanthorhoe spadicearia
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
22.05.2007 22: 54

This post was edited by gumenuk - 30.01.2008 10: 03

picture: Xanthorhoe_spadicearia_A002266.jpg
Xanthorhoe_spadicearia_A002266.jpg — (138.2к)

Likes: 3

29.01.2008 22:47, Pavel Morozov

The second spadicearia looks more like Epirrhoe alternata
Likes: 1

29.01.2008 22:57, gumenuk

The second spadicearia looks more like Epirrhoe alternata

I'll fix it in the morning (maybe someone else can tell me)

30.01.2008 9:42, svm2

I agree with Morozzz
Likes: 1

30.01.2008 10:04, gumenuk

Pyadenitsa Epirrhoe alternata
Moscow region, Ramenskiy district, near the village of Khripan
30.05.2007 22: 56

picture: Epirrhoe_alternata_A003226.jpg
Epirrhoe_alternata_A003226.jpg — (135.94к)

Likes: 3

Pages: 1 2

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