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Melandryidae and related families of the Tenebrionoidea

Community and ForumInsects imagesMelandryidae and related families of the Tenebrionoidea

Victor Titov, 16.03.2008 19:36

I think that beetles from the Melandryidae family should also be given a bit of attention. Agree, they are very interesting.
picture: DSC01253__1_.jpgDircaea quadriguttata (Paykull, 1798); Yaroslavl region, Uglich district, Metevo village, YarSU biostationary center, mixed forest, birch stump with tinder boxes, 04.07.1993

Xylita laevigata (Hellenius, 1786); Yaroslavl region, Borisoglebsky settlement, mixed forest, rotten pine stump, 07.06.1997
picture: DSC01263__3_.JPGpicture: DSC01270__1_.jpg
picture: DSC01266__1_.jpg

picture: DSC01274__1_.jpgMelandrya dubia (Schaller, 1783); Moscow region, Istra district, mixed forest between Dedovsk and Malinovka station, birch stump, 03.06.2001

And a beetle from the family Stenotrachelidae, which until recently was included in the family.Melandryidae:
Scotodes annulatus Eschscholtz, 1818; Yaroslavl region, Rostov, 11.06.2001
picture: DSC01249__1_.jpgpicture: DSC01246__1_.jpg

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 03/16/2008 20: 19


24.04.2008 11:32, Alexey Bibin

And what did you shoot with?

24.04.2008 15:44, Victor Titov

And what did you shoot with?

Sony DSC-H7.

15.07.2008 1:00, Necrocephalus

Hallomenus binotatus Quensel 1790
Was caught in the light of a non-golden DRL, Belgorod region, Belgorodsky district, Pulyayevka village. 07.07.2008

picture: Hallomenus_binotatus.jpg
Hallomenus_binotatus.jpg — (118.95к)

Likes: 8

12.08.2013 17:52, vasiliy-feoktistov

As promisedwink.gif :
Serropalpus barbatus (Schaller, 1783) (male).
We agreed with scarit that this is it.
This nimble representative of the family quite often flies to my home, on the balcony.
Collected during a smoke break today: 12.08.2013г.
Here: M. O., G. Zheleznodorozhny (apparently arrived at the light at night).
So that's it: I caught it at night and still "collect fruits" smile.gif

picture: mel.jpg
mel.jpg — (81.23к)

Likes: 11

19.10.2013 21:02, barry

Phryganophilus auritus Motschulsky, 1845
13.05.2012 Kharkiv region, railway station Vasishchevo, near the village of Gusinaya Polyana (49°49 ' 40.58"N 36°16'48.05"E)
Deciduous forest, on celandine, a couple of meters from the lying massive rotten trunk of an oak.
A. A. Shekhovtsov leg.
picture: CRW_29311.jpg
Likes: 6

19.10.2013 21:05, barry

Dircaea australis Fairmaire, 1856
18.05.2012 Kharkiv, Forest Park (50°02 '23.12" N 36°16'38.81" E)
On the rotten trunk of mountain ash with mushrooms.
A. A. Shekhovtsov & B. M. Loboda leg.
picture: CRW_3394.jpg
picture: CRW_34002.jpg
Likes: 6

19.10.2013 21:07, barry

11.04.2010 Kharkiv region, Vasishchevo, Baza (49°50 '51.04" N 36°18 '01.36" E)
Deciduous forest with a predominance of oak. On a rotten stump.
A. A. Shekhovtsov leg.
picture: CRW_19260.jpg
picture: CRW_1930.jpg
Likes: 7

20.10.2013 4:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

11.04.2010 Kharkiv region, Vasishchevo, Baza (49°50 '51.04" N 36°18 '01.36" E)
Deciduous forest with a predominance of oak. On a rotten stump.
A. A. Shekhovtsov leg.

I think on Hypulus quercinus (Quens., 1790), but it is necessary that someone would confirm or refute. Now dropping out of the discussion for a day, sorry.

20.10.2013 17:18, AGG

? Orchesia sp.
Tambov neighborhood, tinder box on an oak tree, 20. V (4,7 mm)
sorry I don't understand German, but I didn't meet them, can someone help me determine the type mol.gif
image: _____. jpg
picture: _____2.jpg

This post was edited by AGG - 10/20/2013 17: 53
Likes: 3

20.10.2013 20:48, Fornax13

It's not really difficult there if you can see the head.

20.10.2013 22:51, Triplaxxx

Head with eyes and tentacles.

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