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Mylabris, 01.05.2008 21:20

I decided to open a topic for the family. Additions are welcome.
The first animal: Silpha carinata Hbst. 5.07.03 NW Kazakhstan. The mouth of the Barabastau River. (Bidashko).
Second animal: Tanatophilus dispar Hbst. 4.07.04. Trans-Ili Alatau. Passageway River Gorge. 3100 m. (Kolov leg.).

picture: silphidae_silpha_carinata2.jpg
silphidae_silpha_carinata2.jpg — (122.27к)

picture: Sillphidae_Tanatophilus_dispar.jpg
Sillphidae_Tanatophilus_dispar.jpg — (131.22к)


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01.05.2008 23:09, Bad Den

My 5 kopecks smile.gif
Necrodes littoralis (Linnaeus, 1758) = asiaticus Portevin, 1922
Primorye, Khasansky district, Andreevka village, 19-29. 07. 2006
Special thanks to Morozzz for the material.

Trans-palearctic species, found everywhere except in the North. I've always come across relatively large carrion (ranging from magpie-sized birds), also often flying towards the light.
user posted image

This post was edited by Bad Den-05/01/2008 23: 17
Likes: 10

02.05.2008 10:59, Mylabris

Tanatophilus rugosus L. 4.07.04. Trans-Ili Alatau. Passageway River Gorge. 3100 m. (Kolov leg.).

picture: Sillphidae_Tanatophilus_rugosus.jpg
Sillphidae_Tanatophilus_rugosus.jpg — (128.13к)

Likes: 12

04.05.2008 17:27, Mylabris

Aclypea calva calva Rtt. 9.03.06 Right bank of the Ili River, 24 km below the hydroelectric power station. Kolov leg

picture: Silphidae_Aclypaea_calva.jpg
Silphidae_Aclypaea_calva.jpg — (136.57к)

Likes: 11

24.07.2008 22:26, rpanin

dead-eater Nicrophorus germanicus (Linnaeus, 1758)

Body length 39mm.measured from the abdomen
Ternopil region, Podvolochisky district, Kamenka village district, Chumatsky shlyakh farm,
steppe areas 23. V-15. VI. 08

This post was edited by rpanin - 15.09.2009 13: 41

picture: ____________________Nicrophorus_germanicus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
____________________Nicrophorus_germanicus__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (130.44к)

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24.07.2008 22:54, omar

Did you make a mistake with the size?

25.07.2008 10:15, guest: rpanin

Did you make a mistake with the size?

Everything is accurate.
I read that it can reach 4cm.
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25.07.2008 14:39, IchMan

to Mylabris
was photoshopped with high quality! But from the mirror image, light glare is slightly unnatural. And dispar, in my opinion, has a dark background.
The correct spelling of the genus is Thanatophilus

25.07.2008 19:46, Proctos

And if you try it this way, which is better?

user posted image

25.07.2008 19:57, Victor Titov

And if you try it this way, which is better?

For my taste, the photo in the center is better.

25.07.2008 20:38, Necrocephalus

Imho, natural images are much better than artificial mirror images. If you look closely, you can see that in S. carinata, the suture of the elytra moves noticeably to the right when approaching the apex, and in T. dispar, the suture is also decently shifted to the side relative to the normal position. Imho, it is better not to "mirror" the photo, let it be less symmetrical, but more truthful.
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26.07.2008 8:07, PG18

Perhaps the most numerous finned
dead eater in the Middle Urals is Silpha carinata Herbst, 1783
. By the way, you can see such a specific feature as an enlarged eighth member of the antennae...
picture: Silpha_carinata_0598.jpg

Well, its larva:
picture: Silpha_carinata_0563.jpg
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15.09.2009 12:05, vasiliy-feoktistov

Dendroxena (=Xylodrepa) quadripunctata Linneaus, 1761 the beetle is quite rare in the Moscow region (for me at least-only 3 specimens. caught it). Copy from here: M. O. Lyuberetsky district of okr. der. Torbeevo, among the oaks, on a birch tree. Caught: 24.05.2005

picture: Xylodrepa_quadripunctata.jpg
Xylodrepa_quadripunctata.jpg — (153.99к)

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15.09.2009 13:21, vasiliy-feoktistov

I decided to post 4 types of gravediggers from the Moscow region. All the beetles were caught at different times here: Moscow region, Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.
1) Nicrophorus humator Gleditsch, 1767. Caught: 20.08.2009 on a dead crow.
2) Nicrophorus vespillo Linnaeus, 1758(=vulgaris Fabricius, 1775). Caught: 05.07.1996 on mushrooms.
3) Nicrophorus vestigator Herschel, 1807. Caught: 16.07.1995 on carrion.
4) Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst, 1783. Caught: 13.08.2001 on mushrooms.
Re. All four species are found on carrion. And the last 3-often.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (70.76к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (86.43 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (126.4к)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (142.64 k)

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18.09.2009 10:58, vasiliy-feoktistov

I continue the topic: Photo of Necrodes littoralis Linnaeus, 1758. Beetle caught here: Moscow region Balashikha district Railway - often flies to the light.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 18.09.2009 11: 00

picture: Necrodes_littoralis.jpg
Necrodes_littoralis.jpg — (66.65к)

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18.09.2009 11:16, vasiliy-feoktistov

6 types of dead eaters near Moscow. All beetles from here: Moscow region Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny
district 1) Oiceoptoma thoracica Linnaeus, 1758-on mushrooms and carrion.
2) Silpha obscura Linnaeus, 1758 - on carrion, not uncommon in the city.
3) Silpha carinata Herbst, 1783 - on mushrooms and carrion.
4) Thanatophilus rugosus (Linnaeus, 1758 - on carrion.
5) Thanatophilus dispar Herbst, 1793?"on carrion."
6 and 7) Phosphuga atrata Linnaeus, 1758-under the bark, feeds on snails.

picture: 1.jpg
1.jpg — (64.22к)

picture: 2.jpg
2.jpg — (65.55 k)

picture: 3.jpg
3.jpg — (55.25 k)

picture: 4.jpg
4.jpg — (52.84к)

picture: 5.jpg
5.jpg — (69.88 k)

picture: 6.jpg
6.jpg — (57.59 k)

picture: 7.jpg
7.jpg — (74.25 k)

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18.09.2009 20:38, Grigory Grigoryev

Here is such a "thing" flew to my light in the Khasansky district of the Far East last year on August 1. She was healthy.

picture: ________.jpg
________.jpg — (267.17к)

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18.09.2009 21:03, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here is such a "thing" flew to my light in the Khasansky district of the Far East last year on August 1. She was healthy.

The thing probably has a name? Please place undefined species first in the "Definition of Beetles" umnik.gif
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18.09.2009 21:40, RippeR

sometimes it is better to immediately take photos, otherwise no one will transfer them later ))
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18.09.2009 21:47, Fornax13

Yes, well, it would be something difficult to define... Nicrophorus (Acanthopsilus) concolor Kraatz, 1877.
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20.09.2009 12:48, Tigran Oganesov

sometimes it is better to immediately take photos, otherwise no one will transfer them later ))

Well, no way. Undefined yet in the "Definition". And then do not transfer it, but re-place it, if you really want to.
Likes: 1

20.09.2009 14:58, Victor Titov

Silpha tristis Illiger 1798
Vladimir region, Kolchugino neighborhood, 22.08.2009 (beetle from the congress wink.gif!)
picture: DSC05028.jpg
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22.09.2009 11:18, Buzman

Nicrophorus (Neonicrophorus) satanas Reitter, 1893
Turkmenistan, Kara-Kumy. Length 32 mm.

Ablattaria laevigata laevigata F., 1775 (=gibba Brulle, 1832)
Crimea, Mangup-Kale, 10.05.2009. Length 16 mm.

Aclypaea undata (Müller, O.F., 1776.) (=reticulate (F., 1787))
Azerbaijan, Astara, 24.05.2001. Length 13 mm.

This post was edited by Buzman - 22.09.2009 11: 21

картинка: Nicrophorus__Neonicrophorus__satanas_Reitter_1893.jpg
Nicrophorus__Neonicrophorus__satanas_Reitter_1893.jpg — (90.35к)

picture: Ablattaria_laevigata_laevigata_F_1775.jpg
Ablattaria_laevigata_laevigata_F_1775.jpg — (76.67к)

picture: Aclypaea_undata_Muller_1776.jpg
Aclypaea_undata_Muller_1776.jpg — (103.6к)

Likes: 10

06.02.2010 20:00, Victor Titov

Eusilpha japonica (Motschulsky, 1860).
Japan, Chiba Prefecture, Tomiura IC, Tateyama, Mother Farm, 31. V. 2009
malepicture: Изображение_002.јрд femalepicture: Изображение_006.јрд
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08.02.2010 12:14, Alexandr Rusinov

Thanatophilus lapponicus (Herbst, 1793)
Putorana Plateau, Dupkun Lake Shore
picture: Thanatophilus_lapponicus.jpg
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08.02.2010 21:43, Алексей Сажнев

Oiceoptoma thoracicum (Linnaeus, 1758)

Saratov region, Rtishchevsky district, near S. Klyuchi, forest, soil traps, 15. VI-21. VII. 2007 (2 copies) I. V. Kryukov leg., A. S. Sazhnev det., collection of A. S. Sazhnev

picture: Oiceoptoma_thoracicum__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
Oiceoptoma_thoracicum__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (160.4к)

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15.07.2010 22:49, Liparus

Nicrophorus humator
July 14, 2010
Kharkiv region, Vasishchevo suburb, near Gusinaya polyana.
Oak forest, edge of old oak trees.
In a pile of hornets/lepidoptera/flies... (which caught on and fell into a wine trap.

This post was edited by Liparus - 15.07.2010 22: 50

picture: IMG_4815.jpg
IMG_4815.jpg — (136.71к)

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17.11.2010 1:57, Ins2010

Colleagues, please help me determine...
I apologize in advance for the quality...

picture: 1.JPG
1.JPG — (76.7 k)

17.11.2010 14:02, Sergey Pushkin

Colleagues, please help me determine...
I apologize in advance for the quality...

And the gathering place? and then while there are several options

06.12.2010 23:56, Black Coleopter

I decided to post 4 types of gravediggers from the Moscow region. All the beetles were caught at different times here: Moscow region, Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.
1) Nicrophorus humator Gleditsch, 1767. Caught: 20.08.2009 on a dead crow.
2) Nicrophorus vespillo Linnaeus, 1758(=vulgaris Fabricius, 1775). Caught: 05.07.1996 on mushrooms.
3) Nicrophorus vestigator Herschel, 1807. Caught: 16.07.1995 on carrion.
4) Nicrophorus vespilloides Herbst, 1783. Caught: 13.08.2001 on mushrooms.
Re. All four species are found on carrion. And the last 3-often.

3) Probably you had in mind the investigator, the vestigator will be further south
5) Nicrophorus sepultor forgotten by me was collected in the Lukhovitsky district of the Moscow region.
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17.02.2012 22:59, Shapik

Good evening!Another representative from Primorsky Krai.

picture: 0130.JPG
0130.JPG — (139.25к)

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20.02.2012 11:11, Shapik

Nicrophorus vespillo (Linnaeus, 1758) - Ukraine, Dnepropetrovsk, 28.05.2007 leg.Sukhenko A.

picture: 0217.JPG
0217.JPG — (95.46к)

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28.02.2012 19:46, Evgeniy Ribalchenko

Phosphuga atrata (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ukraine, Poltava region, Poltava, Leninsky district, right bank of the river. Vorskla, in a rotten log on the shore
49°35 '07.00" S.
34°35 '04.59" V.
02. IV. 2011
leg. E. V. Rybalchenko, det. A. S. Sazhnev

This post was edited by Evgeny Ribalchenko - 02/28/2012 19: 47

picture: IMG_4143.JPG
IMG_4143.JPG — (154.25 k)

picture: IMG_4147.JPG
IMG_4147.JPG — (154.28к)

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10.06.2012 18:38, Bianor

Amur Region

user posted image

user posted image

I can't quite place it. frown.gif
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08.07.2012 22:06, Aleksandr Ermakov

Silpha perforata Gebler, 1832
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05.12.2012 21:02, AGG

sketches from the life of dead eaters wink.gif
Nicrophorus antennatus + Thanatophilus terminatus
C-Z Kazakhstan
picture: DSC_0504_2229.JPG
picture: DSC_0505_2230.JPG
picture: DSC_0506_2231.JPG

This post was edited by AGG-05.12.2012 21: 13
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12.12.2012 10:43, evk

Some dead eaters in the wild.

Silpha obscura Linnaeus, 1758
Surroundings of Volgograd, 1.05.2011

picture: IMG_9095.jpg

Necrodes littoralis (Linnaeus, 1758)
Volgograd region, Volga River bank, 16.06.2010

picture: Necrodes_littoralis.jpg

Stephens, 1830 Nicrophorus interruptus [= fossor Erichson, 1837].
Volgograd region, Olkhovsky district, village of Stefanidovka, 30.05.2010

picture: Nicrophorus_fossor_1.jpg

Dendroxena quadripunctata (Linneaus, 1761)
Volgograd region, Mikhailovsky district, forest in the floodplain of the Medveditsa River, 12.05.2007

picture: Xylodrepa_4_punctata.jpg

Thanatophilus rugosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
Volgograd Region, 12.04.2005

Picture: Thanatophilus_sinuatus_1.jpg

This post was edited by evk - 12.12.2012 12: 29
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12.12.2012 11:06, evk

S. obscura and S. carinata share the prey above the crushed caterpillar.
Volgograd region. Olkhovsky district, village of Stefanidovka, 8.06.2009

picture: IMG_8147.jpg

And then there's the tug-of-war competition ... tracks smile.gif
This is taken 3 minutes after the first frame.

picture: IMG_8165.jpg
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12.12.2012 12:24, Dmitry Vlasov

Thanatophilus sinuatus (Fabricius, 1775)
Volgograd Region, 12.04.2005

Picture: Thanatophilus_sinuatus_1.jpg
This is Thanatophilus rugosus, perfectly visible wrinkles between the ribs of the elytra
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22.12.2012 9:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here is a comparison of Thanatophilus sinuatus (Fabricius, 1775)
09.05.2012 M. O. G. Zheleznodorozhny, in the mass, mixed with kozheeds Dermestes (Dermestinus) laniarius Illiger, 1801 on a piece of rotten fish thrown out by someone.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 22.12.2012 09: 06

picture: t_sinuatus.jpg
t_sinuatus.jpg — (79к)

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Pages: 1 2

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