Community and Forum → Insects images → Primorye 2008
Grigory Grigoryev, 03.08.2008 21:02
I spent 3 weeks (since mid-July) in the Far East, in the Khasansky district. I had a great rest, although from the point of view of butterflies, this year was not very successful for me - there were few of them. I don't know if it was the low-snow, frosty winter that affected me, or the hot June and first half of July that led to me being put on a "shift change". Many of the species that I used to observe as background ones, this year I just never came across - this applies to both day and night butterflies.
Nevertheless, I photographed something, and I will try to bring some of the photos to your attention.
002.jpg — (135.85 k)
001.jpg — (135.63 k)
admirabilis.jpg — (139.23к)
bramea.jpg — (137.1к)
zuk.jpg — (156.24 k)
seokia.jpg — (133к)
Paralebeda_femorata.jpg — (143.27к)
Odonestis_pruni.jpg — (148.82к)
moth.jpg — (139.46к)
Melanargia_halimede.jpg — (141.55к)
juno.jpg — (139.71к)
felderi.jpg — (137.22к)
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