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lepidopterolog, 04.08.2008 21:25
Hello everyone The other day I came from the White Sea, where I spent the whole of July-I was doing an internship on invertebrates and lower plants. Prior to that, I spent a month in the Voronezh Region, at the Venevitinovo base of VSU, a few kilometers from Voronezh.
There was nothing particularly interesting in the vicinity of the biostation.
At the beginning of the month, 3 species of chervonets (tityrus, alciphron, dispar), Coenonympha pamphilus, sometimes - dawns, rarely - swallowtails and Pyrgus malvae flew from bulavousy. As for summer in the world, there was no special expanse here either: 4 species of hawk moth (linden, pine, bedstraw, oculate), a couple of species of green moth. Caught two Spatalia argentina (and only 1-in the light), in one of the last days flew poplar and two small wine hawk moth. At the end of June, Apatura ilia flew, with the orange form prevailing. In the floodplain of the Usman River on the Kirkazon, polixene caterpillars developed en masse.
The biostation is surrounded by pine forests, which were full of goldsmiths Chalcophora mariana and larvae of ant lions.
Actually, I collected the bulk of the material during two trips to Divnogorye and one to Mela in Ostrogozhsky district, which will be discussed later.
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