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Community and ForumInsects imagesNoctuidae:Hadeninae:Mythimnini

Ilia Ustiantcev, 27.12.2008 10:19

Probably, among my photos, this is the most fully represented group of scoops.
Many representatives are characterized by pale coloration, good discernibility of veins. Caterpillars are often found on cereals, often aquatic or semi-aquatic.

Leucania (Leucania) comma (Linnaeus, 1761)
picture: leucania_comma.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, June 2008

Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
picture: mythimna_albipuncta.jpg
Pskov region, near the village of Zabelye, 25.07.2008 I'm not sure about the correctness of the definition.

Mythimna (Mythimna) conigera (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
picture: mythimna_conigera.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 18.07.2008
picture: mythimna_conigera2.jpg
Pskov region, Zabelye village area, 23.07.2008

Mythimna (Hyphilare) ferrago (Fabricius, 1787)
picture: mythimna_ferrago.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 17.07.2008
picture: mythimna_ferrago2.jpg
Pskov region, Zabelye village area, 20.07.2008

Mythimna (Mythimna) impura (Hübner, 1808)
picture: mythimna_impura.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 29.06.2007
picture: mythimna_impura3.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 18.07.2008

Mythimna (Mythimna) pallens (Linnaeus, 1758)
picture: mythimna_pallens.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 14.07.2008
picture: mythimna_pallens2.jpg
Pskov region, Zabelye village area, 24.07.2008

Mythimna (Mythimna) pudorina (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)
picture: mythimna_pudorina.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 14.07.2008

Mythimna (Mythimna) straminea (Treitschke, 1825)
picture: mythimna_straminea.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 19.07.2008

Mythimna (Mythimna) turca (Linnaeus, 1761)
picture: mythimna_turca.jpg
Moscow region, Orekhovo-Zuyevsky district, 08.06.2007

Mythimna (Mythimna) vitellina (Hübner, 1808)
picture: mythimna_vitellina.jpg
Crimea, Laspi, 29.07.2007

This post was edited by Ilya U - 12/27/2008 10: 19


27.12.2008 12:20, Svyatoslav Knyazev

In addition to the vydozhennyh species two more:

Mythimna alboradiosa (Eversmann, 1852)
Omsk Region, May 2008
picture: alboradiosa01.jpg

Mythimna velutina (Eversmann, 1846)
Omsk region, July 2008
picture: velutina01.jpg
Likes: 8

27.12.2008 12:56, Svyatoslav Knyazev

Mythimna unipuncta (Haworth, 1809)
Krasnodar Region, Sochi, Adler, August 2008.
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27.12.2008 13:10, barko

Mythimna (Hyphilare) albipuncta (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)

Pskov region, near the village of Zabelye, 25.07.2008 I'm not sure about the correctness of the definition.

This is rather Mythimna (Hyphilare) ferrago
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27.12.2008 13:32, PG18

yuzhnouralskiye, last year's events:
Mythimna (Aletia) l-album (Linnaeus, 1767)
Mythimna (Sablia) albiradiosa (Eversmann, 1852)
Mythimna (Leucania) comma (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mythimna (Aletia) deserticola (Bartel, 1902)
Mythimna (Aletia) impura (Hübner, [1808])
Mythimna (Aletia) pudorina ([Denis et Schiffermüller], 1775)
Mythimna (Mythimna) turca (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mythimna (Aletia) velutina (Eversmann, 1846)

picture: 50_Mythimna__l_album_0059_Donskoe_VIII.jpg
50_Mythimna__l_album_0059_Donskoe_VIII.jpg — (42.76к)

picture: 50_Mythimna_albiradiosa_0389________.jpg
50_Mythimna_albiradiosa_0389________.jpg — (52.96к)

picture: 50_Mythimna_comma_0259_______2.jpg
50_Mythimna_comma_0259_______2.jpg — (43.54 k)

picture: 50_Mythimna_deserticola_0288________.jpg
50_Mythimna_deserticola_0288________.jpg — (53.33к)

picture: 50_Mythimna_impura_0281__________.jpg
50_Mythimna_impura_0281__________.jpg — (74.07к)

picture: 50_Mythimna_pudorina_0058__________.jpg
50_Mythimna_pudorina_0058__________.jpg — (39.6к)

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27.12.2008 13:35, PG18

And 2 more from Ustyurt, for Barko, to determine smile.gif

picture: DSC03656.jpg
DSC03656.jpg — (49.55к)

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27.12.2008 13:55, barko

And 2 more from Ustyurt, for Barko, to determine smile.gif

And there were no better copies for barko? lol.gif

27.12.2008 14:10, barko

Let's add some Eastern European species

Mythimna scirpi (Duponchel, [1839]) Slovenia, karst


picture: DSC00200.jpg


picture: DSC00206.jpg

Mythimna putrescens (Hubner, 1824) Slovenia, karst


picture: DSC00229.jpg


picture: DSC00227.jpg

Mythimna andereggii (Boisduval, 1840) Slovenia, Julian Alps


picture: DSC00238.jpg

This post was edited by barko - 12/27/2008 14: 12
Likes: 10

27.12.2008 14:12, PG18

And there were no better copies for barko? lol.gif

Well, I've patched it up smile.gif
And the frame isn't mine. This is the first year that a person catches fish...

picture: DSC03656.jpg
DSC03656.jpg — (49.11к)

27.12.2008 14:55, Vlad Proklov

And here are some Portuguese ones. I will not repeat M. unipuncta and L. putrescens. The photos are old, sorry.

Leucania loreyi
user posted image

Leucania punctosa
user posted image

Mythimna l-album
user posted image

Mythimna languida
user posted image

Mythimna sicula
user posted image
Likes: 8

27.12.2008 16:06, RippeR

Symira albovenosa (Goeze, 1781)
04/05/08 Border of Ukraine and Transdniestria smile.gifI was carrying it later in a cactus cup )
picture: 666.JPG

This post was edited by RippeR - 12/27/2008 16: 12
Likes: 7

27.12.2008 16:07, PG18

Mythimna (Mythimna) turca (Linnaeus, 1758)
Mythimna (Aletia) velutina (Eversmann, 1846) From my first post flew away somewhere smile.gif
Ustyurt-they are being dealt with for now

picture: 50_Mythimna_turca_0057________4.jpg
50_Mythimna_turca_0057________4.jpg — (49.02к)

picture: 50_Mythimna_velutina_0328________.jpg
50_Mythimna_velutina_0328________.jpg — (44.31к)

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27.12.2008 17:02, PG18

Symira albovenosa (Goeze, 1781)

Simira... Eyob b to strelchatkovyh (Acronictinae). There is no such topic yet?

27.12.2008 18:15, barko

Mythimna albipuncta (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) Hungary, September

picture: DSC07771.jpg
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27.12.2008 21:24, RippeR

Simira... Eyob b to strelchatkovyh (Acronictinae). There is no such topic yet?

Yes? ((I always thought that she was a relative of mithymnia l-album, etc.)
We will wait for the topic about the acronikt smile.gif

27.12.2008 22:06, AntSkr

wasn't there such a topic? I was somewhere...

27.12.2008 22:36, barko

wasn't there such a topic? I was somewhere...

Likes: 1

28.12.2008 23:17, Pavel Morozov

I caught it in Primorye.
Identified as Mythimna grandis Butler, 1878
if not, please correct
pzhalsta Primorsky Krai, Khasansky district, Andreevka, July, 2006

picture: Mythimna__grandisButler_1878.JPG
Mythimna__grandisButler_1878.JPG — (340.76к)

Likes: 6

29.12.2008 1:35, barko

Leucania obsoleta (Hubner, [1803]) Hungary


picture: DSC00222.jpg


picture: DSC00213.jpg

Sesamia cretica Lederer, 1857 Slovenia, Primorye

picture: DSC00287.jpg

Anapoma riparia (Boisduval, 1829) Slovenia, karst


picture: DSC00289.jpg


picture: DSC00293.jpg

Senta flammea (Curtis, 1828) Hungary


picture: DSC00295.jpg


picture: DSC00298.jpg
DSC00298.jpg — (144.64к)

Likes: 11

07.01.2009 17:48, barko

And 2 more from Ustyurt, for Barko, to determine smile.gif

From Left to right
Leucania loreyi
Mythimna pallens

07.04.2012 15:15, TEMPUS

Mythimna turca (Linnaeus, 1761)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, born
on 04.07.2010
picture: Mythimna_turca__04.07.2010_.JPG
picture: Mythimna_turca__06.07.2011_.JPG
Mythimna ferrago (Fabricius, 1787)
picture: Mythimna_ferrago__07.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Mythimna_ferrago__09.07.2011_.JPG
Mythimna conigera (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
. 09.07.2011
picture: Mythimna_conigera__09.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Mythimna_conigera__09.07.2011_1.JPG
Mythimna pallens (Linnaeus, 1758)
Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, quarry "City", on the light, leg. Molodkin A. N.
02. 08. 1993
picture: Mythimna_pallens__02.08.1993_.JPG
picture: Mythimna_pallens__05.07.1993_.JPG
Mythimna impura (Hubner, [1808])
Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, quarry "City", on the light, leg. Molodkin A. N.
11. 08. 1993
picture: Mythimna_impura__11.08.1993_.JPG
picture: Mythimna_impura__05.07.1993_.JPG
Mythimna pudorina (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
13.07.1993 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, quarry "City", on light, leg. Molodkin A. N.
picture: Mythimna_pudorina__13.07.1993_.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS-07.04.2012 15: 17
Likes: 4

10.04.2012 17:20, TEMPUS

Leucania comma(Linnaeus, 1761)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, born
on 08.07.2011
picture: Leucania_comma__08.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Leucania_comma__17.06.2011_.JPG
Leucania obsoleta (Hubner, 1803)
21.07.1993 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo, quarry "City", on the light, leg. Molodkin A. N.
picture: Leucania_obsoleta__21.07.1993_.JPG
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23.09.2013 10:24, Zheka

Mythimna congrua (HÜBNER, [1817])
Odessa region, Danube Delta, August 2013
picture: DSCF3325.JPG
Unlike similar species such as L. obsoleta, M. impura, this one has a characteristic gloss on the underparts.
picture: DSCF3331.JPG
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23.09.2013 12:47, Alexandr Zhakov

  Mythimna congrua (HÜBNER, [1817])
Odessa region, Danube Delta, August 2013
Unlike similar species, such as L. obsoleta, M. impura, this one has a characteristic gloss on the underparts.

This species has a rather characteristic coloration of the upper wings, different from all Mythimnas, unfortunately this is not clearly visible in the photo frown.gif
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23.09.2013 13:11, Zheka

This species has a rather characteristic coloration of the upper wings, different from all Mythimnas, unfortunately this is not clearly visible in the photo. frown.gif

I agree, the photo is not the most successful. The upper side is also characteristic. But here is strongly letannye and broken copies it is easiest for me to distinguish precisely by this gloss of the undergarment. If you can post a good quality photo I will be grateful beer.gif
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23.09.2013 13:37, Alexandr Zhakov

This is also smile.gifan interesting feature, but it can only be seen on straightened specimens. I would also like to note that this species belongs to a different subgenus in males of which there are no tufts of black androconial scales on the abdomen. there are no photos of collectible material, photos in nature are here:

23.09.2013 14:03, Zheka

But what is this??? Or did I define something wrong? confused.gif
picture: DSCF3331.JPG

23.09.2013 16:57, Alexandr Zhakov

But what is this??? Or did I define something wrong? confused.gif

Eugene, you have everything right, I remembered something wrong teapot.gif

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