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Insecta varia, Israel - insects of Israel

Community and ForumInsects imagesInsecta varia, Israel - insects of Israel

Sanangel, 27.03.2009 23:53

A few more spring (TENTYRIA-all year round) beetles from Israel. Photographed in mid-March 2009 with a CANON digital camera
Sincerely. Yuri.
Your site is very useful.

картинка: ALOSIMUS____REVICOLLIS_____ABEILLE__DE__PERRIN___1880_.jpg
ALOSIMUS____REVICOLLIS_____ABEILLE__DE__PERRIN___1880_.jpg — (107.67к)

картинка: BLITOPERTHA___LINEOLATA___FISCHER_von__WALDHAIM__1823______________________.__27.03.09.jpg
BLITOPERTHA___LINEOLATA___FISCHER_von__WALDHAIM__1823______________________.__27.03.09.jpg — (91.04к)

picture: EULASIA__HYRAX___TRUQUI___1848_.jpg
EULASIA__HYRAX___TRUQUI___1848_.jpg — (82.35к)


picture: MALACHIUS___COCCINEUS__WALTL__1838.jpg
MALACHIUS___COCCINEUS__WALTL__1838.jpg — (120.59к)

картинка: PYGOPLEURUS__LIBANONENSIS___PETROVITZ___1957____________________.JPG
PYGOPLEURUS__LIBANONENSIS___PETROVITZ___1957____________________.JPG — (92.22к)

picture: PYGOPLEURUS_ALEPPENIS__Petrovitz_1957.JPG
PYGOPLEURUS_ALEPPENIS__Petrovitz_1957.JPG — (74.83к)

TENTYRIA___HERCULEANA____REICHE__ET__SAULCY__1857.jpg — (135.75к)


Pages: 1 2

28.03.2009 15:55, Sanangel

More photos

picture: Agapanthia_pustulifera_Pic_1905_14_21mm.jpg
Agapanthia_pustulifera_Pic_1905_14_21mm.jpg — (118.57к)

картинка: Cantharis_melaspoides_Wittmer_1971__10_14mm.jpg
Cantharis_melaspoides_Wittmer_1971__10_14mm.jpg — (122.02к)

картинка: Cartallum_ebulinum_ruficolle_Fabricius_1781_6_11mm.jpg
Cartallum_ebulinum_ruficolle_Fabricius_1781_6_11mm.jpg — (89.92к)

picture: Chrysolina_blanchei__Fairmaire_1865__6_5_9mm.jpg
Chrysolina_blanchei__Fairmaire_1865__6_5_9mm.jpg — (102.77к)

картинка: Protaetia_cuprea_ignicollis_Gory_et_Percheron__1833_18_24___.jpg
Protaetia_cuprea_ignicollis_Gory_et_Percheron__1833_18_24___.jpg — (114.76к)

картинка: Tropinota_squalida_pillosa__Brulle__1832__9_14mm.jpg
Tropinota_squalida_pillosa__Brulle__1832__9_14mm.jpg — (84.78к)

Likes: 12

28.03.2009 16:23, Fornax13

Then, with your permission, a couple of questions about these beetles:
What is Alosimus brevicollis? In the last catalog I found only A. brevicornis Abeille de Perrin, 1880. A. brevicollis is not even in synonyms...
What keys do you use to identify Middle Eastern Glafirids?
Thank you in advance.

29.03.2009 11:21, Sanangel

Ув.Fornax13! In the search bar on the browser, write ALOSIMUS BREVICOLLIS and search (in GOOGLE). This will take you to the Izril Beetles website http://www.nature-of-oz.com/beetles.htm , where you can perform verification.
I do not use this site, I was determined at the university.
About glafirids. There are 31 species in Israel. I have 14 types in my collection. 9 species were identified
by specialists from the university several years ago. Determined by the structure of the elytra surface. I do not know how. I can only say that I have up to 10 different shades of PYGOPLEURUS LIBANONENSIS, which is common in the north.
Likes: 1

01.04.2009 18:56, Sanangel

A few more photos. 1. 04. 2009

picture: LARINUS__LATUS__Herbst.jpg
LARINUS__LATUS__Herbst.jpg — (85.86к)

picture: ______________________________Copris_hispanus.jpg
______________________________Copris_hispanus.jpg — (113.01к)

картинка: COPRIS_HISPANUS_CAVOLINII__Petagna_1792__2.jpg
COPRIS_HISPANUS_CAVOLINII__Petagna_1792__2.jpg — (153.46 k)

картинка: COPRIS_HISPANUS_CAVOLINII__Petagna_1792_.jpg
COPRIS_HISPANUS_CAVOLINII__Petagna_1792_.jpg — (136.25к)

picture: AGAPANTHIA__LAIS_Reiche_1857.jpg
AGAPANTHIA__LAIS_Reiche_1857.jpg — (133.96к)

Likes: 4

01.04.2009 19:11, Sanangel

From your personal collection

picture: SPHODROMANTIS__VIRIDIS__Forskal__1775_.jpg
SPHODROMANTIS__VIRIDIS__Forskal__1775_.jpg — (108.31к)

картинка: SAGA__EPHIPPIGERA_Fischer_von_Waldheim_1846.______.jpg
SAGA__EPHIPPIGERA_Fischer_von_Waldheim_1846.______.jpg — (120.9к)

picture: SAGA__EPHIPPIGERA_______.jpg
SAGA__EPHIPPIGERA_______.jpg — (120.52к)

картинка: PALPARES__LIBELLOIDES__Linnaeus__1764_.__MYRMELEONTIDAE_.jpg
PALPARES__LIBELLOIDES__Linnaeus__1764_.__MYRMELEONTIDAE_.jpg — (138.82к)

picture: EMPUSA__FASCIATA.jpg
EMPUSA__FASCIATA.jpg — (137.88к)

картинка: IRIS__POLYSTICTICA_Fischer_Waldheim_________________________________________.jpg
IRIS__POLYSTICTICA_Fischer_Waldheim_________________________________________.jpg — (139.96к)

picture: GALEODES__ARANEOIDES__Pallas__1772_..jpg
GALEODES__ARANEOIDES__Pallas__1772_..jpg — (132.9к)

picture: EMPUSA__FASCIATA___Brull__233___1839_________.jpg
EMPUSA__FASCIATA___Brull__233___1839_________.jpg — (148.86 k)

picture: BLEPHAROPSIS__MENDICA_Fabricius__1775_.jpg
BLEPHAROPSIS__MENDICA_Fabricius__1775_.jpg — (99.28к)

Likes: 12

01.04.2009 20:12, RippeR

the insects are amazing! I already wanted to go fishing in Israel )

Are you sure Copris hispanus is there?" 0_o Mine from Israel look quite different-a thin, not very curved horn, a smooth cutout on the pronotum..

01.04.2009 20:50, taler

You have not from Israel, but from Syria tongue.gif

01.04.2009 21:13, RippeR

to someone you love.. In Crimea they were like mine from Syria

02.04.2009 20:49, Pirx

Yuri, thank you for the photos! Immediately in the field I wanted, "in search for". If you have a photo of Israeli diptera-post it in "Definition..." - we will determine wink.gif!

02.04.2009 22:25, Dracus

Yes, cool animals! smile.gif One remark: "IRIS_ _ POLYSTICTICA_Fischer_Waldheim" is not an iris, but some kind of rivetina.

03.04.2009 16:07, Sanangel

From your personal collection (continued)

picture: MACROGLOSSUM_STELLATARUM__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
MACROGLOSSUM_STELLATARUM__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (80.85к)

picture: DAPHNIS_NERII__Linnaeus_1758_.jpg
DAPHNIS_NERII__Linnaeus_1758_.jpg — (94.17к)

picture: HYLES_LIVORNICA__Esper__1780_.jpg
HYLES_LIVORNICA__Esper__1780_.jpg — (86.34к)

picture: DANAUS_CHRYSIPPUS__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg
DANAUS_CHRYSIPPUS__Linnaeus__1758_.jpg — (99.9к)

picture: ARCHON_APOLLINUS__Herbst__1789_.jpg
ARCHON_APOLLINUS__Herbst__1789_.jpg — (143.91к)


картинка: SAXETANIA_CULTRICOLLIS__Saussure__1887_.jpg
SAXETANIA_CULTRICOLLIS__Saussure__1887_.jpg — (140.3 k)

picture: 1.COLIAS__CROCEUS___Geoffroy__1785_2.GONEPTERIX_CLEOPATRA.jpg
1.COLIAS__CROCEUS___Geoffroy__1785_2.GONEPTERIX_CLEOPATRA.jpg — (126.97к)

картинка: FORMICIDAE._DORULUS_FULVUS_PUNICUS_Santshi__1926.jpg
FORMICIDAE._DORULUS_FULVUS_PUNICUS_Santshi__1926.jpg — (80.44к)

picture: ACRIDA__TURRITA__LINNAEUS__1758_.jpg
ACRIDA__TURRITA__LINNAEUS__1758_.jpg — (136.45к)

Likes: 9

03.04.2009 20:06, RippeR

Muraveyko is just awesome!!!! If you still meet - collect, you can exchange )

03.04.2009 21:31, Kharkovbut

From your personal collection (continued)
About the definition of the photo. smile.gif Of course, a self-respecting specialist would keep silent, but I would venture to say that this is not brassicae, but rapae. tongue.gif
Likes: 3

04.04.2009 0:52, Sanangel

For Kharkovbut. Evgeny, everything is different in Israel. It's boring here without the Colorado potato beetle, and the cabbage patch is called BRASSICAE. http://www.nature-of-oz.com/pieridae1.htm Maybe it's a subspecies of some kind. I'm not into butterflies, and I'm not really a fan. Although the Hebrew word for White cabbage is exactly what it means in Hebrew. כרוב - cabbage.
If I was somewhat categorical that insects are not identified by photos, please do not take it personally and do not be offended. These are not my words. A few years ago, when I was collecting a lot of things and didn't know what (there are no qualifiers in Israel yet), I made a bunch of photos of beetles from above, from below, and everything else, took a couple of dozen dry materials, and went to the university to determine. So, a very respected professor of entomology, a real expert on beetles, identified the specimens, but did not even look at the photos and said that a SELF-RESPECTING ENTOMOLOGIST DOES NOT DETERMINE FROM PHOTOGRAPHS. I remember that, and I think he's a thousand times right. Go through the forum-exactly " Seven women - seven glad "


04.04.2009 1:03, Kharkovbut

In Israel, everything is different. cabbage is called BRASSICAE, go to the site http://www.nature-of-oz.com/pieridae1.htm 
Cabbage is called brassicae everywhere, not only in Israel. wink.gif I meant that what we see in the photo is not a cabbage, but a turnip, Pieris (Artogeia) rapae. The subspecies, I think, is quite nominative. It's a female.

No hard feelings. Forgive me if you saw a mockery in my post. I just wanted to say that often (but by no means always!) and about the photo you can quite adequately determine the insect to the species.

04.04.2009 16:25, taler

You are absolutely right.In Israel, there is both cabbage and turnip.Pieris BRASSICAE and Pieris (Artogeia) rapae.But both types are not nominative.Cabbage catoleuca (Rober, 1896) and turnip Leucosoma (Schawerda, 1905).Years Old all year round.
Pictured repnita Pieris rapae Leucosoma
Likes: 1

04.04.2009 17:35, Kharkovbut

Subspecies rapae... funny... smile.gif

05.04.2009 20:25, Sanangel

A few more photos of the entomofauna of Israel. I doubt the exact names, so I don't give them.

picture: 1.Curculinidae.jpg
1.Curculinidae.jpg — (94.7 k)

picture: 2.Curculionidae.jpg
2.Curculionidae.jpg — (115.32к)

picture: 3.Curculionidae.jpg
3.Curculionidae.jpg — (126.89к)

picture: Cantharidae.jpg
Cantharidae.jpg — (120.25к)


picture: Heteroptera.jpg
Heteroptera.jpg — (135.35к)

picture: Protaetia_cuprea_ignicollis.jpg
Protaetia_cuprea_ignicollis.jpg — (92.01к)

picture: Protaetia.jpg
Protaetia.jpg — (143.08к)

MYRMELEONTIDAE.jpg — (145.52к)

Likes: 7

05.04.2009 20:53, Fornax13

1 - Malvaevora timida

05.04.2009 21:45, Sanangel

Fornax13, if you are sure (if you are sure) , please give us the full name.
Thank you.

05.04.2009 22:48, Fornax13

Malvaevora timida (Rossi, 1792) (formerly known as Baris timida)
Well, if you accidentally find more species from this genus, I doubt it smile.gif
In general, it was specified for your territory and its plant.

PS And about Alosimus - still somewhere a mistake.

This post was edited by Fornax13-05.04.2009 22: 49

06.04.2009 10:46, Sanangel

Fornax13 Thank you, Alexey for the definition. I checked on the Internet - this is it. What about the second weevil?
There is a typo in the abscess photo: not revikollis, but brevikollis. But I don't think that's what you meant, so I'm putting out a few more abscesses for you.
They were determined by a professor of entomology and I have no reason to distrust him.

06.04.2009 11:01, Bad Den

About Alosimus brevicollis. Most likely, this refers to Oenas brevicollis Abeille de Perrin, 1880 (http://www.botmus.lu.se/zoomus/ZooDoc/VetSam/ZooEnt/OrdCol/ListCol/152Meloidae.html and http://www.zin.ru/Animalia/Coleoptera/rus/tenebind.htm).

This post was edited by Bad Den-04/06/2009 11: 02

08.04.2009 0:41, Fornax13

Denis, yes, it is quite possible that Oenas, but I can't find the work of this de Perrin in nat... confused.gif
As for the weevil, it's not even really a weevil anymore: the family Dryophthoridae, the genus Sphenophorus, I don't know what species there are in the Middle East.

08.04.2009 13:12, Nimrod

09.04.2009 0:55, Sanangel

About Alosimus brevicollis. Most likely, this refers to Oenas brevicollis
In the list of Israeli beetles, there are both Alosimus brevicollis (Abeille de Perrin, 1880) and Oenas brevicollis (Abeille de Perrin,1880) with a different range. This means 2 types.

09.04.2009 1:13, Fornax13

I didn't find it here:
Here too:
Take a photo of these abscesses ' claws.

09.04.2009 1:21, Sanangel

Alyosha, where is the magic word?

09.04.2009 1:54, Sanangel

. the front
one.. average
... rear

14.04.2009 9:49, Sanangel

. the front
one.. average
... rear

16.04.2009 23:06, Sanangel

Some photos 16.04.2009

picture: 1._OEDEMERA__FEMORATA___SCOPOLI___1763_.jpg
1._OEDEMERA__FEMORATA___SCOPOLI___1763_.jpg — (144.44к)

picture: APHODIUS___LUCIDUS___KLUG___1845.jpg
APHODIUS___LUCIDUS___KLUG___1845.jpg — (136.02к)

picture: 3..jpg
3..jpg — (86.56к)

picture: 2.__OEDEMERA__FEMORATA___SCOPOLI___1763_.jpg
2.__OEDEMERA__FEMORATA___SCOPOLI___1763_.jpg — (141.45к)

Likes: 3

16.04.2009 23:13, Dr. Niko

Some photos 16.04.2009

3 - some kind of crab spider (Thomisidae).

17.04.2009 12:37, Sanangel



picture: 4._Spilostethus_pandurus.jpg
4._Spilostethus_pandurus.jpg — (158.87к)

Likes: 5

18.04.2009 18:48, Sanangel



picture: CTENIOPUS__GIBBOSUS___BAUDI__di__SELVE___1877.jpg
CTENIOPUS__GIBBOSUS___BAUDI__di__SELVE___1877.jpg — (86.9к)


picture: STENOPTERUS__RUFUS___SYRIACUS__PIC___1892.jpg
STENOPTERUS__RUFUS___SYRIACUS__PIC___1892.jpg — (101.32к)

Likes: 5

19.04.2009 23:28, Sanangel


picture: JULODIS_ROTHI_Snurm__1843.jpg
JULODIS_ROTHI_Snurm__1843.jpg — (119к)

картинка: ODONTOCARUS_SAMSON_Reiche_tn_Saulcy_1855.jpg
ODONTOCARUS_SAMSON_Reiche_tn_Saulcy_1855.jpg — (155.61к)

картинка: ONITIS_ALEXIS_SEPTENTRIONALIS_Balthasar__1942.jpg
ONITIS_ALEXIS_SEPTENTRIONALIS_Balthasar__1942.jpg — (140.07к)

COPRIS_HISPANUS_CAVOLINII__Petagna_1792__._ONITIS_ALEXIS_SEPTENTRIONALIS_Balthasar__1942.jpg — (179.61к)

picture: CAPNODIS_CARIOSA__Pallas__1776_.jpg
CAPNODIS_CARIOSA__Pallas__1776_.jpg — (131.95к)

Likes: 11

21.04.2009 0:00, Sanangel


картинка: 2__TRICHODES__AFFINIS__CHEVROLAT__1843.jpg
2__TRICHODES__AFFINIS__CHEVROLAT__1843.jpg — (134.6к)

picture: ANTHAXIA.jpg
ANTHAXIA.jpg — (69.71к)


TRICHODES__AFFINIS__CHEVROLAT__1843.jpg — (106.99к)

Likes: 7

22.04.2009 0:05, Sanangel


картинка: Carabus_impressus_carmelita_Lapouge__1907.jpg
Carabus_impressus_carmelita_Lapouge__1907.jpg — (201.79к)

picture: Pimelia_angulata_syriaca_Senac__1887.jpg
Pimelia_angulata_syriaca_Senac__1887.jpg — (158.68к)

Likes: 8

11.05.2009 19:40, Sanangel


image: ______. jpg
______.jpg — (143.64к)

picture: Stenopterus_rufus_syriacus_Pic..jpg
Stenopterus_rufus_syriacus_Pic..jpg — (104.96к)

picture: Scolia.jpg
Scolia.jpg — (98.12к)

picture: Omophlus_syriacus_Muls..jpg
Omophlus_syriacus_Muls..jpg — (115.67 k)

picture: Exosoma_thoracica__Red._.jpg
Exosoma_thoracica__Red._.jpg — (134.42к)

picture: Chrysanthia_flavipes_Reitter.jpg
Chrysanthia_flavipes_Reitter.jpg — (141.82к)

picture: Exosoma_thoracica.jpg
Exosoma_thoracica.jpg — (87.23к)

picture: Chlorophorus_sartor_Mull..jpg
Chlorophorus_sartor_Mull..jpg — (110.94к)

picture: Anthaxia.jpg
Anthaxia.jpg — (144.67к)

Likes: 10

26.05.2009 14:49, Sanangel

Atlas "Beetles of Israel"

picture: 1._Book.JPG
1._Book.JPG — (127.86к)

picture: 2._Book_cover.jpg
2._Book_cover.jpg — (137.26к)

picture: 3._text.jpg
3._text.jpg — (130.37к)

picture: picture_1.jpg
picture_1.jpg — (139.87к)

picture: picture_2.jpg
picture_2.jpg — (125.07к)

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Pages: 1 2

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