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Heliothinae scoops? Heliothini tribe

Community and ForumInsects imagesHeliothinae scoops? Heliothini tribe

vasiliy-feoktistov, 30.12.2009 13:26

For some reason, the search did not return anything for these scoops.
I decided to fill in this gap (if I'm wrong-correct it, I'll move it).
I start the topic with a photo of a rather common scoops in the Moscow region:
Pyrrhia umbra Hufnagel, 1821
Picture taken: 02.07.2009 Here: M. O. Balashikha district, Zheleznodorozhny district.

picture: Pyrrhia_umbra.jpg
Pyrrhia_umbra.jpg — (154.26к)


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30.12.2009 16:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

I guess I did the theme right smile.gif
Here is another scoop from this tribe, from the same place:
Heliothis viriplaca Hufnagel, 1766

picture: Heliothis_viriplaca.jpg
Heliothis_viriplaca.jpg — (149.8к)

Likes: 7

30.12.2009 18:44, barko

Pyrrhia purpura (Hubner, [1814-1817]) Hungary, May

Now this butterfly is so called (NE11)

picture: 004.jpg
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30.12.2009 21:50, barko

Aedophron phlebophora Lederer, 1858 Iran

picture: 001.JPG
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30.12.2009 22:04, Sungaya

Pyrrhia exprimens (Walker, 1857)
, Sergiev Posad district, Moscow region, late June.

picture: exprim2a.jpg
exprim2a.jpg — (57.49к)

picture: exprim4a.jpg
exprim4a.jpg — (54.29к)

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16.01.2010 23:47, EvgenD

Here's more on this topic:
Pyrrhia umbra (Hufnagel, 1766) - was already here, but still...
Belarus, Vitebsk region, 6.07.2005
picture: umbra.jpg

Schinia scutosa ([Den. et Schiff.], 1775)
Zap. Kazakhstan, Atyrau region 13.05.2004
picture: scutosa.jpg

Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, [1808])
Belarus, Vitebsk region, Orsha, 30.08.2005
picture: armigera.jpg

same view,
Adygea, Azish-Tau village, 57 km south of Maikop, 1500 m above sea level, 20.08.2007
picture: armigera1.jpg

Heliothis peltigera ([Den. et Schiff.], 1775)
Adygea, Azish-Tau village, 57 km from Maikop, 1500 m above sea level, 20.08.2007
picture: peltigera.jpg

Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel, 1766)
Belarus, Vitebsk region, 23.06.2006
picture: viriplaca1.jpg

same view
Belarus, Gomel region, 14 km SW of Lelchitsy 29.07.2006
picture: viriplaca.jpg

Heliothis maritima de Graslin, 1855
Pinsky district, Brest region, Belarus, 14.08.2006
picture: maritima.jpg

Heliothis ononis ([Den. et Schiff.], 1775)
Vitebsk, 15.06. year unknown
picture: ononis.jpg
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17.01.2010 0:02, EvgenD

A question for experts.
Perhaps in the first half of June there will be an opportunity to get to the Crimea for a short time. We are interested in the species Aedophron rhodites and Periphanes treitschkei. Who caught it, please share information - specific points, dates, preferred biotopes, what time of day these species are active, whether they arrive at the light.
Thank you in advance.

This post was edited by EvgenD - 17.01.2010 00: 02

04.02.2010 23:26, PG18

Rhodocleptria feildi (Erschoff, 1874)
Iranian-Turanian desert view. Years in April and May.

картинка: Rhodocleptria_feildi_DSC_0154_Kendyrli.jpg
Rhodocleptria_feildi_DSC_0154_Kendyrli.jpg — (87.54к)

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12.11.2010 15:49, svm2

Periphanes scutatus Staudinger,1896
(Identified by O.Pekarsky)
picture: IMG_3526_1.jpg
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30.01.2012 16:44, кай-я

Periphanes delphinii (Linnaeus 1758)
Ukraine, Crimea, Azov region, Mysovoe village, on light 26. v. 2011

picture: __IMGP7395.jpg

Schinia cardui (Hubner 1790) male and female
Ukraine, Crimea, Perevalnoye village, foot of the north. slope of Chatyr-Dag, on the flowers of aster 31. v. 2006

picture: __IMGP7393.jpg
picture: __IMGP7387.jpg

This post was edited by kai-ya-06/15/2013 17: 06
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30.01.2012 17:27, Yu.GER

Aedophron rhodites (Eversmann, 1851)
Ukraine, Luhansk region, Sverdlovsk region, Provalie village, June 2010

picture: A. _rhodites. png
A._rhodites.png — (196.14к)

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30.01.2012 17:33, lepidopterolog

Aedophron rhodites, Armenia, Khosrov Nature Reserve, okr. Garni, 13. VI. 2010
picture: A.rhodites.jpg

This post was edited by lepidopterolog - 30.01.2012 17: 34
Likes: 18

30.01.2012 20:22, barko

Heliothis incarnata (Freyer, [1838]) Voronezh Region

picture: 0004_edited_1.jpg
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05.02.2012 0:39, barko

Helivictoria victorina (Sodoffsky, 1849) Dagestan, Rutul, June

quite a rarity

picture: 001.jpg
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18.10.2012 14:18, TEMPUS

Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel, 1766)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, born
picture: Heliothis_viriplaca__05.08.2011_.JPG
picture: Heliothis_viriplaca__19.07.2011_.JPG
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19.10.2012 16:39, TEMPUS

Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, 1808)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, born
picture: Helicoverpa_armigera__24.09.2011_.JPG
picture: Helicoverpa_armigera__25.08.2011_.JPG
picture: Helicoverpa_armigera__24.08.2011_.JPG
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19.10.2012 17:19, TEMPUS

Pyrrhia umbra (Hufnagel, 1766)
Ivanovo region, Shuisky district, Krasnoarmeyskoye village, garden plot No. 34, born
picture: Pyrrhia_umbra__15.07.2011_.JPG
picture: Pyrrhia_umbra__09.07.2011_.JPG
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20.10.2012 11:44, TEMPUS

Schinia scutosa(Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
ex larva 21.08.2000 Ivanovo region, Ivanovo district, Bogorodskoye settlement, on wormwood imago 17.05.2001 leg. Molodkin A. N.
картинка: Schinia_scutosa__ex_larva_21.08.2000__imago_17.05.2001_.JPG

This post was edited by TEMPUS - 10/20/2012 11: 46
Likes: 6

12.12.2012 12:00, evk

Not straightened, but fresh smile.gif

Aedophron rhodites Eversmann, 1851
Volgograd region, border of Dubovsky and Olkhovsky districts, gullies with chalk outcrops near the village of Polunino, into the light. 13.06.2008

picture: Aedophron_rhodites.jpg
picture: Aedophron_rhodites_Eversmann__1851.jpg

Schinia imperialis (Staudinger, 1871)
Karachay-Cherkessia, Dombay, east. part of hr. Moussa Achitara above Chuchur Waterfall, 2500 m above sea level, in the afternoon, 8.07.2011.

picture: Schinia_imperialis.jpg

Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, 1808)
Volgograd region, Uryupinsky district, Mikhailovka village district, in the afternoon, 17.08.2011.

picture: Helicoverpa_armigera_3.jpg

Heliothis incarnata (Freyer, [1838])
Volgograd region, border of Dubovsky and Olkhovsky districts, gullies with chalk outcrops near the village of Polunino, into the light. 13.06.2008

picture: Heliothis_incarnata.jpg

Pyrrhia umbra (Hufnagel, 1766)
Volgograd, on light, 11.07.2010

picture: Pyrrhia_umbra_04.jpg
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13.12.2012 20:49, evk

To be continued.

Periphanes delphinii (Linnaeus 1758)
Volgograd region, Zhirnovsky district, Guselsko-Teterevyatsky ridge in the vicinity of the village of Teterevyatka., 12.06.12, on the light of the DRV.

picture: IMG_4762.jpg
picture: IMG_4773.jpg

This post was edited by evk - 12/13/2012 20: 50
Likes: 14

14.12.2012 1:29, Yu.GER

The photo is just great!!!
Respect and respect!!!
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15.12.2012 20:41, niyaz

Periphanes delphinii also lives here, or maybe it just flies in.
Republic of Tatarstan, Bolshye Bitamany village, 30.06.2012 on light

picture: PC150198.JPG
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25.12.2012 16:27, okoem

Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, [1808])
September 4, 2012. Crimea, Primorskiy settlement, Sandy gully. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120904_120131.jpg
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26.12.2012 0:03, okoem

Schinia scutosa ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775)
September 4, 2012. Crimea, Primorskiy settlement, Sandy gully. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120904_145957.jpg
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26.12.2012 17:24, okoem

Heliothis viriplaca (Hufnagel, 1766)
September 24, 2012. Crimea, Prisivashye, the vicinity of the village of Lviv, steppe. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120924_152705.jpg
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27.12.2012 11:48, okoem

Periphanes delphinii (Linnaeus, 1758)
July 20, 2011. Crimea, p. Primorskiy, from the egg. The caterpillars were brought out by kai-ya.
picture: 20110720_094559.JPG
picture: 20110720_100806.JPG
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27.12.2012 22:23, okoem

Aedophron rhodites (Eversmann, 1851)
June 17, 2012. Crimea, Yuzhnaya Demerdzhi. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120617_125504.jpg

From the collected butterflies, eggs were obtained, from which the caterpillars were bred to kai-ee. For a number of reasons, it was very difficult to feed this species.
picture: 20120721_104834.jpg
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27.12.2012 22:45, dim-va

and what was the feed?

27.12.2012 23:40, okoem

Unripe seeds of Phlomis spp.
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28.12.2012 15:48, okoem

Schinia cognata (Freyer,1833)
September 25, 2012. Crimea, Agarmysh. Photos in nature.
picture: 20120925_112252.jpg
picture: 20120925_113845.jpg
picture: 20120925_125038.jpg

A great snapshot of imago on MacroID
user posted image
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15.06.2013 14:28, Victor Gashtarov

A very interesting species and one of the most pretty one : Janthinea friwaldskii (Duponshell, 1835).
Usually imago can be found very early in the morning sitting on the Anchusa flowers or sitting near by. Photos of the moths in the nature Ognyan Sivilov, moth collected by Dr. Boyan Zlatkov in the end of May in SW Bulgaria.

picture: jf.JPG
jf.JPG — (67.8к)

picture: IMG_5596.JPG
IMG_5596.JPG — (95.33к)

picture: IMG_5612_1_.JPG
IMG_5612_1_.JPG — (79.34к)

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08.08.2013 14:15, evk

Heliothis peltigera (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775)
West Kazakhstan, Atyrau region, 12 km from Dossor settlement. 26.06.2013. Into the light.

picture: IMG_001.jpg
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20.05.2014 19:29, Victor Gashtarov

Again Janthinea friwaldskii (Duponshell, 1835), this time photographed by me :

picture: P5160062.JPG
P5160062.JPG — (97.99к)

picture: P5160061.JPG
P5160061.JPG — (104.08к)

picture: P5160055.JPG
P5160055.JPG — (108.71к)

picture: P5160053.JPG
P5160053.JPG — (109.59к)

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20.05.2014 20:19, okoem

Again Janthinea friwaldskii (Duponshell, 1835), this time photographed by me :

Victor, do you have a photo of the general appearance of the plant? Do you know its specific name?

28.05.2014 17:21, Victor Gashtarov

Foodplant is Anchusa - ruderal plant of Boraginaceae ! It is everywhere, just Janthinea is not everywhere frown.gif(
I know one place only, near my village there is a slope covered of Anchusa, and no single Janthinea.
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11.01.2015 14:35, кай-я

Oh, something stalled topic... I'll add it here:

Schinia cognata (FREYER, [1833])
Crimea, Old Crimea, foot of Agarmysh mountain, 29.07.2013, Chondrilla juncea flowers in the afternoon, male
picture: 20140218_123936__.jpg

Crimea, district of Feodosia, pos. Primorskiy, Adzhigolskaya peresyp, 5.06.2013 from caterpillar 13.09.2012, mowing in the afternoon by Chondrilla juncea, female
picture: 20140218_120746__.jpg

This post was edited by kai-ya-10.02.2015 10: 30
Likes: 17

07.02.2015 0:11, okoem

Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner, [1808])
Copulating couple, photo in nature.
September 1, 2014. Crimea, Primorskiy settlement, steppe.
picture: 20140901_233850.jpg

This post was edited by okoem-07.02.2015 00: 11
Likes: 16

07.02.2015 12:04, Andrey Ponomarev

Catching up
Helicoverpa armigera (Hubner,1808)
Astrakhan region, Akhtubinsky district, Bolkhuni settlement, on wormwood (Artemisia absinthium)
picture: IMG_3249________________.jpg
picture: IMG_3250________________.jpg
picture: IMG_3692________________.jpg
picture: IMG_3701________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4114________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4136________________.jpg
11.10.2014 the pupa didn't survive the winter frown.gif
picture: IMG_4261________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4262________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4265________________.jpg
picture: IMG_4267________________.jpg
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08.02.2015 23:13, okoem

Periphanes delphinii (Linnaeus, 1758)
Copulating couple, photo in nature.
June 28, 2014. Crimea, surrounding area of the village Primorsky, fixed sands.
picture: 20140628_225643.jpg
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09.02.2015 0:10, Wave Storm

And my Periphanes delfinii. Home macro photography.
22.05.2014, New Kakhovka, Kherson region

user posted image

picture: IMG_8292.jpg

Caterpillars should live on such plants - larkspur field:

picture: IMG_2594.jpg

This post was edited by Wave Storm-09.02.2015 00: 21
Likes: 16

Pages: 1 2

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