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Microblog with caterpillars "pen"

Community and ForumInsects photoshootingMicroblog with caterpillars "pen"

Shamil Murtazin, 15.06.2015 22:37

Gusyanok stop collecting butterflies and eggs, at the same time head of the diary for self-control to a month and all dovyvodit safely go on vacation and not for someone not to worry.
At the same time, it is a little "magic Pendeli" for Peter in terms of blogging service.
I put the bar at least one otchёtik week. IeLeft = 4 report)
Comments are welcome.


16.06.2015 0:08, Shamil Murtazin

Status "pen" on 06/16/2015:
1. Egg Podalirius (probably)
originally it was a bit whiter (before the release of the egg should be mirror-silver)

2. Caterpillar Podalirius
I shed in a purely green caterpillar

3.Gypsy moth (try to withdraw)

4. Swallowtail has grown from eggs to use osmetriya

5. Hook casually someone likeYponomeuta malinellus

6. Eater cruciferous.From a purely yellow gusyanki evolved here in this:

7. DollyPhigalia pilosaria. I thought gusyanka froze, and she pupate motionless for several days.
Phigalia pilosaria__01

8. Two cocoon lasiocampidaeMalacosoma neustria

9.Dolly gusyanki with sea buckthorn (there are suggestions?):

It seems nobody has forgotten ...

04.07.2015 17:08, Shamil Murtazin

Out Swallowtail =) Cheers! my first full cycle for a major Rhopalocera butterfly. After unsuccessful altsinoev - very happy)

10.07.2015 18:27, Alex Dumchus

Congratulations. And I have two Saturnia piri pupated, two izhrut devour all - but the output will -So much next year!

10.07.2015 18:56, Peter Khramov

Joined the congratulations. A devourer krestotsvetogo really as bright or faded yet? And so those same cabbage quite a similar ...

11.07.2015 5:51, Shamil Murtazin

Thank you, Peter. Yes, it is very bright. Initially it was all yellow, but I like the evil genius stopped giving her flowers and she started eating leaves - Add green. Dolly she pointed, with fastening to the stem loop, a form I have not seen.

11.07.2015 12:08, Shamil Murtazin

Malinellus and gypsy moth were killed. Watching is not good for them (

13.07.2015 21:25, Shamil Murtazin

Laid gusyanku with sea buckthorn and all stages to adult.

03.08.2015 13:50, Shamil Murtazin

While being away - came Podalirius. Somewhere I lost one rear wing. It's a shame (
Podalirius, by the way, natural, taken in the pupal stage. Taken by me and a little podroschennye two copies released back to the same cherry.
Eater cruciferous did not come out, no way to test the viability - chrysalis rigid; Estimated Phigalia sp.apparently he went into diapause, but the tail moves. Prompt how to store them in the past year Malin lasiocampidae all spoiled and did not live (

14.04.2016 23:53, Konstantin Lyutov

they must be kept in as close to their natural environment. in terms of humidity, temperature ... I have 95% of hibernating pupae vyhodyat..ot sawflies to hawk moths ...)))

15.04.2016 7:29, Shamil Murtazin

In the refrigerator stored in moist sphagnum moss. I think now we need to add a bit of "Topaz", so as not moldy, even slightly.
Conclusions In the cage: a pot of water, the neck with a mesh top and a plastic bag. Humidity differently under 100%. It is standing in the room, i.e. 20-25 degrees exactly there.

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