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Entomological journal "Eversmannia"

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsEntomological journal "Eversmannia"

Ampedus, 11.01.2007 12:33

Entomological journal "Eversmannia".
It is published 4 times a year, depending on the editorial portfolio and funding - in regular or double issues.
The journal is published in Russian, with English summaries and the possibility of duplicating important texts in English.
Included in RSCI, indexed by Web of Science, Zoological Record, VINITI.

Bolshakov L. V., Tula

Editorial Board
Arzanov Yu. G., Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don
Bolshakov L. V., Tula
Budashkin Yu. I., Crimea, Feodosia, Kurortnoye settlement, Karadag Nature Reserve
Danilevsky M. L., Institute of Ecology and Evolution Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow
Zolotukhin V. V., Ulyanovsk State Pedagogical University
Sviridov A.V. Stradomsky, Zoological Museum of Moscow State University
, Southern Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Rostov-on-Don

Web page of the publication:

Rules for authors

The message was edited rhopalocera.com - 27.06.2016 11: 28


Pages: 1 2 3 4

27.01.2007 19:04, Tigran Oganesov

write to the authors at the specified emails and they will send you a PDF explaining any problems.

As practice has shown, people send their articles without questions.

02.03.2007 8:07, Насекомовед

By the way, I and many of my colleagues at the Department of Entomology of Moscow State University did not know about your magazine until one of the employees of ZMMU brought it to us, after which I gave him a small advertisement in the periodical ( http://entomology.ru/main_menu/news/20061026.htm By the way, it is quite realistic to post information about magazines, books, and other printed materials with rules for authors, content, or other important information on Entomology Info as separate files for downloading. You can also discuss putting the contents of all published issues on a separate page, please send only the corresponding file-listsmile.gif-the file with the list at the top of the page is not downloaded - an error was found that the file was missing frown.gif

This post was edited by Insect Expert - 02.03.2007 12: 47

03.03.2007 18:42, Насекомовед

In the near future, I will try to post the content of all "Eversmannia" and "Biodiversity", although the first issue was not published by us. The second and fourth ones are no longer available, so you can get information from them via the PDF.
In addition to the simple content, I will also try to include resumes and reviewers.
So we are ready to cooperate!

I will post any information on the magazines, including PDF. Materials can be sent to entomology. rambler. ru

09.06.2007 12:20, Насекомовед

Immediately to the moderator: please attach this and previous posts to the corresponding topic about these magazines.

First, only the announcement (content and summary of articles) is given for the new issue. The issue itself has not yet been published (expected in the next 2-3 days); I do not know what will happen there.

Secondly, there are old issues from 2-3 years ago, which all have already sold out. The editor did not attach color images (at least covers) to them due to their excessive size smile.gif, and there were no other images. I think that in the future, in a compressed format, you will still be able to get something from the colored tabs and upload it.

Third, all questions about journals and publications in them, including suggestions for placing certain materials on the Entomology Info website, please send them to the editor - Lavr Bolshakov (his email address is specified in the rules for authors).
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09.06.2007 20:50, Насекомовед

The previous message was mine smile.gif

13.06.2007 20:52, Насекомовед

Attention! 13.VI 2007 in the archive "Eversmannia" issue 1 (2005) on Entomology Info added color illustrations that were missing before. The file is repackaged and available for download.

Color illustrations for " Biodiversity ..."issue 4 (2004) posted 14.VI 2007.

This post was edited by Insect Expert - 06/14/2007 10: 43
Likes: 2

30.08.2007 11:23, Насекомовед

We are pleased to announce that two more issues of the collections "Eversmannia" and "Biological Diversity of the Tula Region at the Turn of the Century" are now available in PDF format, which are regular publications of the Tula branch of the REO, the Tula Regional Exotarium and the Tula regional branch of the VOOP.

Thanks to the courtesy of the collections editor L. V. Bolshakov, Entomology Info has been updated with the following numbers:: "Biological diversity..."Issue 5 (2006) and "Eversmannia" issue 2 (2005) (both PDF in the RAR archive). You can download these and other files from http://entomology.ru/tula/
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28.09.2007 11:29, Насекомовед

See the rules for authors. It's there.
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06.11.2007 19:34, Насекомовед

The contents of the new issue of Eversmannia (11-12), a sammary of articles, as well as a couple of reviews by L. V. Bolshakov on books by various authors on lepidoptera are freely available (PDF) today in the new issue of Entomology Info. The article was sent by the editor of the journal L. V. Bolshakov.
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07.11.2007 9:37, Насекомовед

Unfortunately, I don't know anything about it. Since this collection was until recently a periodical of the Tula REO, I placed the news about it under the appropriate heading. I am ready to change the title and apologize if I did something wrong. In the near future, I will try to find out this question from L. V. Bolshakov himself. Thank you for your message.
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11.11.2007 15:29, Насекомовед

Changed all disputed headers and banners.

25.11.2007 20:33, Насекомовед

Taxonomic, zoogeographical, and so on. Naturally, I do not consider pdf published on the Internet - online publications in scientific circulation cannot be used, since, unlike paper or CD-ROM, it is very easy to cut down what is written with a pen with an axe smile.gif. We are talking about a work published in the Caucasian Entomological Bulletin, with which the author of the review even managed to get into synonymy.

to Stan
is not an" online publication " in the truest sense of the word. The posted PDFs were sent by the author based on his published paper works (I agree that I don't know what he changed in the electronic version, if there is such a thing). But you also distribute individual prints of your work in electronic form (probably)?

As for the rest of your arguments, you will agree that, unfortunately, in this form they are simply unfounded and unsubstantiated. Publish the article, tell us in detail what the author's mistakes are, and then there will be something to talk about seriously wink.gif

This post was edited by Insect Expert - 11/25/2007 20: 55

26.11.2007 16:40, Насекомовед

My point is that materials pre-published online (before the paper version), as well as materials published only online, cannot be considered publications.

No doubt, but what concerns taxonomy - the description of new taxa, taxonomic acts, etc. However, online publications are quite valid in other "genres". An example of this is the online journal PLoS ONE - http://www.plosone.org/

01.03.2008 6:16, Vlad Proklov

Well, with the blessing of editor-in-chief L. V. Bolshakov, I made a simple website for the magazine "Eversmannia".

Table of contents of rooms, purchase information, part of rooms in pdf format.

From the new - issue 3-4 (2005), all articles are fully posted.

Special thanks to -- Alexander Benediktov for hosting smile.gif
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28.04.2008 1:54, Vlad Proklov

To the attention of all interested parties smile.gif- full articles have appeared on the Eversmannia website 5th edition.
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20.05.2008 15:22, Vlad Proklov

Let's add lepidopteromania to the cauldron smile.gif

On the site "Eversmannia"in the "sectionLibrary"-- new arrivals:

- L. V. Bolshakov, O. A. Polumordvinov, and S. V. Shibaev, 2008. Moths (Lepidoptera, Geometridae) of the Penza region

- Review of the book by G. S. Eremkin, A. S. Masokhin, and E. V. Mimonov. Fauna of club-whiskered lepidoptera (Lepidoptera, Rhopalocera) Moscow region (current state and trends). 2006. Troitsk: "Trovant". 64 p.

- and most importantly:

Biological diversity of the Tula region at the turn of the century. Collection of scientific papers. Additional Issue 1 (2008)

Article-a list of lepidoptera of Tula, plus information for reflection and documents on the topic of L. V. Bolshakov's struggle with local charlatans from entomology. If anyone does not know - it is better to get acquainted. It's sad, but it's our life frown.gif

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 05/20/2008 15: 25
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28.05.2008 3:56, Vlad Proklov

A table of contents has been added to the Eversmannia website., 13-14 numbers, which is now going to the printing house.
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03.07.2008 15:30, Vlad Proklov

Well here I am again with you smile.gif

On this occasion, I'll announce a new addition to the Eversmannia Library:

D. I. Vodolazhsky, B. V. Stradomsky, 2008. Investigation of the phylogeny of the subgenus Polyommatus (s. str) Latreille, 1804 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) using mtDNA markers. Part I.

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 03.07.2008 15: 31
Likes: 1

03.08.2008 21:18, Vlad Proklov

Before leaving [to comesmile.gif] to Russia, I post 7-8 issue Eversmannia.

Unfortunately, the 6th issue in electronic form was lost in the printing house-and I will have to restore it from the paper version. I don't know when that will happen, and I don't promise anything. But I want to post it myself.

Let me remind you that I am flying to Moscow on August 6. See you soon with Muscovites and smile.gifvisitors
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05.09.2008 12:42, Vlad Proklov

Still fresh in the"Library" section:

D. I. Vodolazhsky, B. V. Stradomsky, 2008. Investigation of the phylogeny of the subgenus Polyommatus (s. str) Latreille, 1804 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) using mtDNA markers. Part II.
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17.12.2008 19:46, Vlad Proklov

1) On the website of Eversmannia posted 6th issue, an electronic version of which was lost and which I restored as best I could from paper. Oh, it wasn't an easy job. Messages about typos - in the personal account.

2) Also posted the table of contents of the currently published document 15-16 issues. Published review by L. V. Bolshakov on "Catalog of Lepidoptera of Russia" posted in full text.

3) But the freebie will soon run out: starting with issue 11-12, pdf articles will be uploaded only as the paper circulation is sold out-which may take five or ten years. I also don't need to beg for them, much less ask them to scan something: I estimate my time at a little more than 300 rubles, which costs any paper issue of the magazine. Purchase information is also available on the website.
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02.01.2009 18:20, Vlad Proklov

Happy New Year!

In the "Library" section -- top-up:

D. I. Vodolazhsky, B. V. Stradomsky, 2008. Study of pigeons of the group Lysandra corydonius (Herrich-Schäffer, 1804) (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae) using mtDNA markers.

This post was edited by kotbegemot-02.01.2009 20: 03
Likes: 4

07.01.2009 11:43, Yakovlev

Eversmannia Magazine is a great project. I recommend it to everyone. For both authors and buyers. Excellent printing, interesting content. Of course, you will say that every sandpiper praises his swamp, but the publication is interesting...
I've heard very positive reviews from Munich, Canberra, Berlin, Tokyo, and London. Lavr Bolshakov made a nice and clever publication. It is a pity that in 109 years of publishing EO, they can not achieve normal printing, but regional enthusiasts can do it without the help of such a colossus as the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Buy and print. Take a look at our Altai Zoological Journal online. Buy it too. number 1 and 2. Number 2, see the link http://files.mail.ru/OV99D5
Merry Christmas to all of you from faraway Altai towns.
Why can't EO and Zool. zhurnal become publications even on normal paper? And just don't talk about poverty! That's what you don't need, so it's stories about poor Ranovtsev....
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09.02.2009 23:14, Vlad Proklov

Added the full text of two articles:

L. V. Bolshakov, V. S. Okulov, 2007. Dissimilar lepidoptera of Udmurtia. 1. Bombycoid complex (Lepidoptera: Drepanidae, Thyatiridae, Lasiocampidae, Lemoniidae, Saturniidae, Endromididae, Sphingidae, Notodontidae, Lymantriidae, Arctiidae, Syntomidae)

Review of the book by V. I. Shchurov, A. S. Zamotailov. Experience in developing a regional list of protected insect species on the example of the Krasnodar Territory and the Republic of Adygea / Readings in Memory of N. A. Kholodkovsky. Issue 59, St. Petersburg, 2006, 216 p. (in Russian)
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17.06.2009 3:08, Vlad Proklov

On the website of Eversmannia - table of contents of the new 17-18 issue:


In particular, this issue presents 6 butterfly species for the first time in Russia (last year-0, the year before-4). This is about the use of the "Catalog" smile.gif
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12.08.2009 18:01, Vlad Proklov

Adding money to the Eversmannia Library:

D. I. Vodolazhsky, M. Vimers, B. V. Stradomsky, 2009. Comparative analysis of mitochondrial and nuclear DNA sequences of pigeons of the subgenus Polyommatus (s. str.) Latreille, 1804 (Lepidoptera: Lycaenidae: Polyommatus).
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04.11.2009 4:44, Vlad Proklov

Posted the full texts of the articles of the 9th issue:

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01.12.2009 18:20, Vlad Proklov

I posted the table of contents of the new, 19-20 issue, which just went to the printing house:
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23.08.2010 18:08, Vlad Proklov

Eversmannia's website has added a table of contents for issues 21-22:


It should be noted that the price of this issue, due to the large number of color inserts, is 400 rubles without postal services.

Two articles are available in full text from the new issue:

S. K. Korb, L. V. Bolshakov Taxonomic notes for publication. Lastukhin A. A. 2008. Taxonomic notes of the tribe Euphydryini Higgins, 1978 (Melitaeinae, Nymphalidae, Lepidoptera) / / Scientific works of the Prisursky State Nature Reserve, vol. 19, pp. 47-63.

and written by me

Book reviews. Poltavsky A. N., Matov A. Yu., Shchurov V. I., Artokhin K. S. Annotated catalog of scoops (Lepidoptera, Noctuidae) North Caucasus and adjacent territories of southern Russia.- Rostov-on-Don, 2009. - Vol. 1. 433 p., 8 color tables; Vol. 2. 332 p., 13 color tables.

The following article is also included in the "Library" section:

L. V. Bolshakov, O. A. Polumordvinov, and S. V. Shibaev, 2009. Fireflies (Lepidoptera, Pyraloidea) Penza region / / Caucasian entomol. bulletin 5 (1): 91-110.

Enjoy reading! :)
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22.09.2010 10:40, Vlad Proklov

Article added to Eversmannia library:

Bolshakov L. V., Ruchin A. B., Kurmaeva D. K., Semishin G. B., Polumordvinov O. A., 2010. Towards a better understanding of the Lepidoptera fauna Republic of Mordovia

14.12.2010 20:46, Vlad Proklov

Filled in the contents of the new issue of Eversmannia (#23-24):


Prices for the magazine have also changed on the main page.
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21.12.2010 17:30, Vlad Proklov

Added an article to the Library:

A. S. Ukrainsky, Yu. A. Lovtsova
Correction of the name of a species group in the genus Oiketicoides (Lepidoptera: Psychidae).

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19.01.2011 16:12, Vlad Proklov

In the "Library" section -- add:

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03.02.2011 2:03, Vlad Proklov

Added a review:

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28.06.2011 20:44, Vlad Proklov

Table of contents for the latest issue:


The price is 400 rubles.
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16.07.2011 12:22, Vlad Proklov

Added a summary of a Separate Issue 2:


You can buy it from L. V. Bolshakov, the price is 500 rubles.
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14.12.2011 18:40, Vlad Proklov

Fresh issue, costs 400 rubles:
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27.01.2012 17:00, Vlad Proklov

The full texts of the following issues are now available on the Eversmannia website:

10: http://eversmannia.entomology.ru/10.htm
11-12: http://eversmannia.entomology.ru/11-12.htm
13-14: http://eversmannia.entomology.ru/13-14.htm
15-16: http://eversmannia.entomology.ru/15-16.htm

And please: the fact is that the editorial office lost electronic versions of color tabs for issues 10 and 11-12. If it is not difficult for anyone, please scan them from paper magazines and send them to my email address. kbegemot@gmail.com I'll embed them in pdfs.

Thanks to Stanislav Korb, all the color tables have already been scanned!

This post was edited by kotbegemot - 27.01.2012 17: 53
Likes: 11

06.07.2012 0:15, Vlad Proklov

Zafigachil table of contents and summary of the new (29-30) issue:

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Pages: 1 2 3 4

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