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XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society

Community and ForumOffline eventsXIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society

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06.04.2007 20:08, Cornborer

Dear Insect Expert,
thank you for your kind words about our resource on your site, I think they are exaggerated.

Not at all. However, the point is not that wink.gif
The development of information technologies in entomology is one of the strategic directions. I wanted to prepare a report on this topic first, but I didn't. The reason is simple - limiting the number of abstracts by participants. There will also be no general (private) report on our joint project with VIR, St. Petersburg State University and ARS USDA - the creation of an Agricultural Atlas.

When we held the congress on plant protection, the task was set: to try to make an adequate cross-section of all directions. Therefore, there were no restrictions on the submitted material from the participants. Except, of course, for one thing: the quality of the material. However, the discussion of the strategic objectives of the congress is scholastic. We must try to do as well as possible what can be done.

This post was edited by Cornborer - 04/06/2007 20: 27

07.04.2007 6:10, Dmitrii Musolin

thank you for your kind words about our resource on your site

can I find out what kind of site it is ?

and who is hiding behind the Cornborer mask ? smile.gif "it's just that I'm from St. Petersburg, too, and it's interesting... smile.gif

07.04.2007 7:00, Cornborer

can I find out what kind of site it is ?
and who is hiding behind the Cornborer mask ? smile.gif "it's just that I'm from St. Petersburg, too, and it's interesting... smile.gif

1) see profile
2) see site from profile smile.gif

07.04.2007 8:24, Насекомовед

Dear colleagues! A big request to those who will go to the Congress! I think that anyone who, for various reasons, will not be able to take part in this event, it would be interesting to get at least some information about "how it was"in the form of a photo report with comments. If possible, grab a camera and, if it's not too difficult for you, make some sketches. You can post it either here on the forum or as a separate article on Entomology Info. Thank you in advance.
Likes: 3

05.07.2007 22:10, Cornborer

Congress program - http://www.zin.ru/conferences/cres13/progr13.pdf
Application for accommodation and excursions - http://www.zin.ru/conferences/cres13/advertis.htm
Likes: 2

19.09.2007 3:54, Dmitrii Musolin

as I understand it, the congress was held.... Can anyone tell me how it was? a photo? And another question: did you sell any new literature?

19.09.2007 9:11, Cornborer

as I understand it, the congress was held.... Can anyone tell me how it was? a photo? And another question: did you sell any new literature?

The first selection of photos from the congress can be found here: http://www.agriento.hut2.ru/reo13.html As soon as there is time (on the weekend, apparently), I will prepare another batch of photos (in total, I selected about 50 for the Internet).

What was it like? Well, if you've already been to conventions in St. Petersburg (of course, yes), then it was similar here. However, the program was changed too often and I missed too many reports that interested me. It was absolutely possible, if not to avoid it, then to reduce it significantly, if not to avoid it, then to reduce it in remote places (KubAGA, KubGU, VNIIBZR, and something else like the Ostriches Lagoon). A number of reports were very interesting (for me, of course), some (but I won't say anything) - caused a smile.

There were quite a lot of St. Petersburg residents. I apologize - I write without initials-it's faster smile.gifthis way . From ZIN - Medvedev, of course, Belokobylsky, Korotyaev, Kuznetsova, Sugonyaev (although there he seems to be on 1/x rates), Zaitsev, Gorokhov, Khalaim, and many others, and did not come, say, Krivokhatsky (seriously ill), Tobias, Lobanov, Kireychuk... From St. Petersburg State University there was no, say, Saulich. There were at least 20 people from the VISR (there were 9 people from our laboratory alone !) headed by the director. Selikhovkin was from the Forestry Academy. In general, a lot is being typed.

There were significantly fewer Muscovites. For example, Zhantiev, Chaika, Sinitsina, Korsunovskaya, Farafonova, Mikhailov did not arrive... But there were Chernyshev, Afonina, Mozolevskaya (from the University of the Forest), Popov from Timiryazevka, and, of course, A. P. Rasnitsyn. However, many more came from PIN and especially the pedagogical University.

Naturally, there were many participants from the south of Russia. Unexpectedly numerous were the delegations from the Far East and Siberia.

A representative delegation from Ukraine, several Belarusians and even one Iranian arrived.

It is very gratifying that a lot of young people (up to 35 years old) took part in the congress! There were a lot of them offhand, more than half of the number of participants. And this is very cool, it is clear that interest in science is being revived in the country.

The organizers tried their best, it was obvious; in general (IMHO) everything was not so badly done. Of course, they didn't have enough experience. But anyway, the congress was held, and it was quite good. The Board of REO was elected, and G. S. Medvedev remained our president.

Decided that the trail. The congress will be held in St. Petersburg, and sections will traditionally be held in the central entomological institutions of the city: ZIN, VIZR, SPbLTA, St. Petersburg State University.

This post was edited by Cornborer - 09/21/2007 09: 11
Likes: 1

19.09.2007 9:31, Dmitrii Musolin


And how many people, on a whim, were there ?

I know that the whole department wanted to go to St. Petersburg State University, but then it turned out that the ivf-physiological / diapause section is all St. Petersburg, someone could not go and no one went... (does 1-2 labs in the country deal with these issues?). That's why Saulich wasn't there...

When will the next congress be held?

Forum members gathered?

If anyone has more impressions and photos, write and post!


19.09.2007 9:45, Cornborer


And how many people, on a whim, were there ?

I know that the whole department wanted to go to St. Petersburg State University, but then it turned out that the ivf-physiological / diapause section is all St. Petersburg, someone could not go and no one went... (does 1-2 labs in the country deal with these issues?). That's why Saulich wasn't there...

Many more people arrived than planned by the organizers (300) and they did not have enough folders, caps, notebooks, pens (trad. exit kit) but collections of abstracts (2) - it seems that there should have been enough smile.gifSo that there were no less than 450 participants!

By diapause - not only St. Petersburg State University, but also the lab. Resnick, too smile.gif. He made a beautiful report on the trichogram diapause.

When will the next congress be held?

And the trail. the congress will be held as usual-in 5 years.

Forum members gathered?

I'm afraid that not every day and not all of the participants who arrived smile.gifare likely due to the absence of a moderator and active forum participants at the congress. For example, Musolina smile.gif

If anyone has more impressions and photos, write and post!


19.09.2007 9:53, Dmitrii Musolin

Many more people came than planned by the organizers (300)....
So there were no fewer than 450 participants!

-- great!!!

By diapause - not only St. Petersburg State University, but also the lab. Resnick, too smile.gif. He made a beautiful report on the trichogram diapause.

-- yes, I can hear him and I had in mind as a second placesmile.gif, but he was the only one driving from that canceled session....

And the trail. the congress will be held as usual-in 5 years.

-"Mmm.".. it seems that once they decided to reduce the gap to 3-4 years... (in Japan, there are 2 societies and each has annual rallies...)

Probably due to the absence of a moderator and active forum participants at the congress. For example, Musolina smile.gif

-"Yes, I'm sorry..... But I'll fix it for the next one!!!

thank you again and look forward to seeing more photos this weekend!

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