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XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society

Community and ForumOffline eventsXIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society

Dmitrii Musolin, 09.02.2007 7:55

in general, people know what will happen

XIII Congress of the Russian Entomological Society

Krasnodar, September 9-15, 2007




Pages: 1 2

09.02.2007 9:39, Dmitry Vlasov

The people know, the people want..... (to participate). Gentlemen forumchane, those who of you will be at the congress I suggest to wear two badges: official and with the nickname by which you are known on the forum!!!
See you in Krasnodar!

09.02.2007 11:00, Гость, просто гость

First, as a collectible insect with two labels, definitive and geographical smile.gif

09.02.2007 11:02, omar

Good joke! smile.gif

09.02.2007 13:10, Tigran Oganesov

Here here announcements of upcoming events are posted.

09.02.2007 14:11, RippeR

And what will happen there? Do you need to prepare some kind of material? I would like to get there.

lol.gif Can you imagine how the congress will react to a collector with a Ripper badge? lol.gif At the bottom, you will need to add "insects in terror" lol.gif

This post was edited by RippeR-09.02.2007 14: 17

09.02.2007 14:36, omar

RippeR: various men with beards and glasses will gather, surround you, drink vodka to your health, ask you which "left" types you are not interested in, and which ones you would really like to have, and then suddenly ask "Why did you come?"

09.02.2007 16:18, Dmitry Vlasov

First: see the link! There is an informational letter that says what you need to do to get to Krasnodar.
Secondly: the men will also be harsh, and they will drink vodka at your expense...

09.02.2007 19:34, Tigran Oganesov

Well absolutely intimidated the guy lol.gif

09.02.2007 22:27, RippeR

So, stop pre-ordering a lot of vodka at my expense. First of all, I don't drink smile.gif
I looked at the site, but I didn't find anything, and some links don't work there, and I should have left as soon as possible.
And I don't mind getting acquainted with bearded unclessmile.gif, Probably interesting people.
Only so far it is only even a dream.
Well, here's to you, snarkers. lol.gif

10.02.2007 8:53, Dmitry Vlasov

The site still has the "Newsletter" link, which says everything: Organizers, Organizing committee. how to draw up abstracts for participation, sections and symposiums that will be held, where to send the participation fee... Just like two fingers....
Likes: 1

14.02.2007 11:51, Dmitrii Musolin

in fact, according to the mind, here's what you should do::

the initiative group of those who still go to the congress and register, make a poster report (poster) about THIS FORUM. As far as I know, this is the first Russian-speaking entomologist. forum. Write when it was created, by whom, why, who is participating (professionals, amateurs, collectors, students?), from which countries and cities, what we are discussing, what benefits someone has already had, HOW to FIND and SUBSCRIBE, etc.

Do we have a moderator to ask for statistics? You can make a survey here...

There is not much text, a few photos (from the forum itself!) and loose pieces of paper with an ad about the forum, instructions for subscribing and an address.

This is how we can make our presence known, meet at the booth, communicate and, most importantly, tell people about ourselves and attract new participants!

In foreign languages. such stands are not uncommon at rallies. How are we worse off??? This is even more important for Russia!

I'm ready to participate intellectually, but I don't know if I'll be able to attend the congress yet - it's too expensive to go all the way, and the boss is still scratching his turnips ...

We must hurry, because registration and abstracts - until March 1.

Who supports and is ready to be an organizer-co-author-coordinator - - - write!

Likes: 1

14.02.2007 12:06, Dmitry Vlasov

The offer is very good! Two hands-for!!!
I plan to go, but whether it will actually work out is a question.
Will we submit theses about the forum or just do a stand-up?
I suggest that the moderator arrange a survey on the participants and what the forum gives in professional and other plans.

14.02.2007 12:36, Dmitrii Musolin

You can't just do it, you need to get a place for it in the hall, and not on the fence... But as I understand it, if a person registers, they can submit more than one thesis.

Plus in the submission of the thesis that the information will be printed and can anyone else see...

Who is the moderator? I don't even have time to look right now...

It would be good to include in the survey:
- age
-Prof. or amateur
- education-degree
- place of work-study
- city-country

and what this forum has already given - it would be ideal to ask people here to speak out...

14.02.2007 13:28, Насекомовед

You can't just do it, you need to get a place for it in the hall, and not on the fence... But as I understand it, if a person registers, they can submit more than one thesis.
Plus in the submission of the thesis that the info will be printed and maybe someone else will see...
Who is the moderator? I don't even have time to look right now...

To find out who the moderator is, you don't need to break your head: five posts above, he made himself felt - Bolivar. Many thanks to everyone who wants to make a statement about our forums in this way. Molbiol and Entomology Info try their best.

By the way, the congress will have a section related to computer science.

14.02.2007 13:40, Dmitrii Musolin

Yes, there will be a section, but this probably applies more to oral reports.

Thanks for the tip-I just didn't have time to watch. Then the above questions should be addressed to Bolivar as the Founding Father and Leader of the Russian nobility! smile.gif

And about the survey - there is also a button at the top right... But maybe the moderator already has statistics...

And still the question is-who is going exactly and will be the curator of this project - - - coordinate the writing of the thesis, poster layout, printing and hanging smile.gif???

I would take it, but I'm not sure yet that I can go (I work in Japan) and if I go, what can I technically print on a plotter in _russian_....

14.02.2007 15:33, Насекомовед

The founding fathers, unfortunately, for a number of objective reasons, will not be able to get out to Krasnodar this fall (one of them is not an entomologist, the second goes to the hospital) frown.gifThe moderator, I think, will speak for himself.

A month ago, I contacted Valery Shchurov (see info on the congress page on the Zinovsky website) about the possibility of submitting abstracts without personal participation at the congress. It turned out to be quite possible. In any case, I think we can contact him personally and discuss any organizational issues of this kind.

Regarding the form of reports on computer science, here it is necessary for someone who will take the hard work to organize all this, to contact A. L. Lobanov, because he is the head, I quote: "Section. Informatics and Entomology (head-A. L. Lobanov)" and get answers to your questions directly from him.

I'll give you the address of the congress page again http://www.zin.ru/conferences/cres13/ and the first information letter http://www.zin.ru/conferences/cres13/inform2r.htm

14.02.2007 15:44, Dmitrii Musolin

The email says that registration is required to print abstracts. I think someone will go...

If someone wants to make an oral presentation, please respond, but I think that the poster will be enough for now...

14.02.2007 16:22, KDG

The email says that registration is required to print abstracts. I think someone will go...

for registration and printing, personal presence is not necessary. You send theses, money, and whether to go or not is a separate question. not all those who submit theses and contributions come (based on the experience of the previous 2 congresses).

14.02.2007 16:45, Dmitrii Musolin

for registration and printing, personal presence is not necessary. You send theses, money, and whether to go or not is a separate question. not all those who submit theses and contributions come (based on the experience of the previous 2 congresses).

that's for sure. but somehow it's stupid to pay and not go. especially when I'm counting. that such a report is better than a poster one...

14.02.2007 16:54, KDG

that's for sure. but somehow it's stupid to pay and not go. especially when I'm counting. that such a report is better than a poster one...

whether there is a stand or not depends to some extent on the number of reports in the section. in 1997, there were a hell of a lot of people on Zhukov and almost everyone came - there were a lot of stands, and on the trail. at the congress, everyone read from the rostrum - there were few people.

14.02.2007 17:24, Dmitrii Musolin

the question is, WHAT should we read about the forum? We need to inform people about the forum - that's the goal in my opinion...

This post was edited by Musolin - 02/14/2007 17: 25

18.02.2007 15:07, Guest

A good, good goal. But I think anyone who wants online communication has already received it. For many oldies, the Internet remains an unknown animal.

19.02.2007 7:06, Dmitrii Musolin

But I think anyone who wants online communication has already received it. For many oldies, the Internet remains an unknown animal.

the conversation is about young people. I am sure that many people simply did not think about it, and do not know that there is such a site and forum...

But I still haven't received any constructive answers-who goes exactly and is ready to participate in writing abstracts and making a stand presentation... Bolívar is for my personal use. the message was also not answered...

19.02.2007 9:38, Tigran Oganesov

I fully support Musolin, the idea is great beer.gif. Of course, it is better to make a stand, it is convenient from all sides. In fact, any forum participant who is already making a presentation can take over this booth. As for my participation in the Congress, I can't say anything yet, I don't think it will work out frown.gif(they probably won't let me leave my job, but I still need to ask if I can help you). But I promise to participate in the development of the stand.

19.02.2007 13:57, Dmitrii Musolin

unfortunately, the chief did not support my idea to go to Krasnodar, and it is very expensive to get out of here at your own expense... So I put the question squarely: who is ready to pick up the flag from the hands of a dead fighter? = Who exactly goes and is ready to hang up the stand and coordinate the writing of abstracts and the stand itself?

20.02.2007 7:53, Aleksandr Ermakov

I'm going. Velvet season, a party of beetles-how can you miss this? The only thing is that I will be there without registration. Not that the money is a pity (although 700 rubles is not bad), just publications and theses are not needed, but you need to talk to someone. They promised to pay for this joy at work.
As for the stand, it seems to me that such a stand should be presented by its founders, moderators and others like them. I, as someone who didn't put my hands on it, can only help attach this stand to the wall at the right time and place.
Actually, it is probably possible to negotiate with A. L. Lobanov, he can help in advertising the forum. Moreover, he will preside over the necessary section (Informatics and Entomology).
PS: their nicknames would look nice instead of the list of stand authors.

Or you can just put up an advertising leaflet for the site. What's wrong with a ready-made stand?
user posted image

20.02.2007 9:06, Насекомовед

It's a good idea. I don't mind at all. However, on this ad, the main organizers are Molbiol.ru and Entomology Info are missing. I think that it makes sense to mark them, at least in the form of small banners. The moderator said that "I promise to participate in the development of the stand", I hope for it. One more request, magazine Zbio.net it is indirectly related to the entomology forum (only as one of the redirects; it was created before the redirect was installed http://entomology.ru/forum ). In fact, the main address of our forums is: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=40 or direct redirect with Entomology Info: http://entomology.ru/forum

20.02.2007 9:20, Dmitrii Musolin

The option to hang loose pieces of paper with an ad about the forum, I suggested a long time ago as a minimum program and this picture was meant-it already appeared on the forum. Maybe just do not limit yourself exclusively to the Lobanov section, but hang this ad in several places in the lobby...

Link http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?act=SF&s=&f=40 it will be very difficult to record or recruit people. Of course direct redirect with Entomology Info: http://entomology.ru/forum -- much more preferable option...

Does anyone have the source file of this ad so that you can edit the link?

I also don't really like the fact that the text is addressed only to professionals... I would have finished the amateurs too...

20.02.2007 9:25, Dmitrii Musolin

ah, so it's ready to eat (though also only with professionals) :

20.02.2007 9:53, Tigran Oganesov

The option to hang loose pieces of paper with an ad about the forum, I suggested a long time ago as a minimum program and this picture was meant-it already appeared on the forum. Maybe just do not limit yourself exclusively to the Lobanov section, but hang this ad in several places in the lobby...
If you hang it, then, of course, everywhere. I hope the organizers won't mind. But I think that this is really a minimum program. Still, it is necessary to explain what the forum is, popular questions, etc., etc. The ideal option is a stand and a pack of A4 copies of it, plus ads. And as there in the end it will turn out... Of course, all this will cost quite a lot, but that's another question.

21.02.2007 9:28, Tigran Oganesov

Judging by a neighboring survey, people support Musolin's wonderful idea of placing a stand at the REO Congress. A reasonable question arises: who is going to the Congress and is ready to put up a stand?

21.02.2007 9:44, Dmitrii Musolin

yes, and we need to hurry - - - to put up a stand, you need to submit your abstracts before the end of the month. And before that, you need to know who is still exactly going and hang up on the selected place what it will print smile.gifout before

21.02.2007 13:11, Tigran Oganesov

Yes, just a week of time.

23.02.2007 14:00, Насекомовед

Here is a slightly tweaked version of the ad. If you are satisfied with this, then on Monday (in the afternoon in Moscow) I will post a full-fledged JPG for printing on the download site. I will accept your suggestions and recommendations until Monday.

 the image is no longer on the site: entomoforum_reo.jpg entomoforum_reo.jpg — (73.67к) 23.02.2007 — 09.03.2007

23.02.2007 14:43, Dmitrii Musolin

in my opinion, great!

23.02.2007 17:58, Насекомовед

2Musolin - Thank you.

In the ad, I omitted the other ads (Molbiol and Entomology Info), but on the poster, if someone wants to help make one, I think it's necessary to give small banners, links, or something else about these two sites. Also, I think that it will also be necessary to place ads for the sponsors themselves, i.e. those who will make a poster, help with its printout and deliver it to the congress. A country should know its hero entomologists smile.gif

04.04.2007 23:34, Cornborer

List of abstracts as of April 2 http://www.zin.ru/conferences/cres13/cres13_abs1.htm

Report on the forum marked-Oganesov T. G., Benediktov A. A. The first entomological forum in Runet Entomology Info (http://entomology.ru/forum) for professionals and amateurs

This post was edited by Cornborer - 04/06/2007 16: 49
Likes: 3

06.04.2007 15:58, Cornborer

Dear colleagues,
first of all, of course, Insects with Bolivar. Today, a meeting of the REO Council was held, at which the Kuban colleague A. S. Zamotailov reported on the progress of preparations for the congress. I bring to the attention of the interested public those points that I consider important. The deadline for accepting abstracts is now very close smile.gif, i.e. if the abstracts are received within a couple of days, they will be accepted. Later , not anymore.

Some pressing issues were discussed - in particular, payment and the number of abstracts from one participant. In short, you will be able to pay for your participation in the congress on the spot. The call to limit the number of abstracts per participant remains valid, but within reasonable limits.

For some reason, there are few participants in medical entomology. Too little - in the information area. But there were a lot of applications from buggers, especially for karabids.

If you have any more questions , I'll try to answer them.

I hope that many people will be able to come to Krasnodar, where they will be able to communicate in person.

This post was edited by Cornborer - 04/06/2007 20: 16
Likes: 2

06.04.2007 16:41, Насекомовед

After reviewing the list of accepted theses, I was also surprised by this bias. It also seems strange that some non-fly specialists I know did not take part frown.gifin a lot of work on straight-winged insects at the same time, which is good. And in the information direction... Well, we don't have such a computerized entomologist yet (I speak as a computer science teacher). Most people are afraid that electronic information (I mean network resources, websites) is not valid in science. Let's see, over time, I think that this direction will develop no worse than others smile.gif

2Cornborer-thank you for your kind words about our resource on your site, I think they are exaggerated. Your site is no worse than Entomology Info.

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