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Missed specimen

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsMissed specimen

Mylabris, 30.11.2007 23:07

And never again, despite the most thorough search, did you find them again...

This post was edited by Mylabris - 11/30/2007 23: 08


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01.12.2007 0:08, RippeR

a small thing, but I remember very much when Pogonocherus flew home to the light, I grabbed him by the eggs, and he flew away through the open window, och. sorry frown.gif smile.gif

01.12.2007 0:44, Aleksandr Safronov

Well, here is one of the "uncool" stories. wink.gif In the Tula region, I often visited the forest lands in the north of the region along the Oka River. Usually for a couple of days. As it should be-I dug traps on the carabid in various biotopes, collected them by hand during the day, mowed grass, and at night I indulged in light fishing with my brother. All that is found there from the genus Carabus studied thoroughly. So about three years ago, in the morning I go to check the traps. And in one of them I see a single Carabus arvensis. I've never seen a single specimen in these places. Somewhere the beetle is generally banal (for example, in the neighboring Moscow region). But, in the area of relatively recently installed one place (before that it was not in the lists). And so " God once sent a piece of cheese to the Crow ...". The stains are all clogged. Pulling out the trap (a plastic cup), I began to climb the hill, stumble, and all the contents of the trap" safely " flies to the ground in the direction of movement. The grass is knee-deep. No, I certainly tried to compete with the bug in agility, but I was probably out of shape. rolleyes.gif After that, I regularly made traps there - the result was zero. frown.gif

01.12.2007 2:37, Zhuk

I missed a lot of different frown.gifgold coins Even I don't want to remember...

01.12.2007 6:51, Pavel Morozov

This was in 1990. When I was still a schoolboy, I was on vacation with my parents in Pitsunda. I found the hawk moth Hyles livornica, put it on the beach under the Panama hat, not knowing yet about the high mobility of hawk moth. While I went for a swim, while I was sunbathing, the hawk moth was like this. Then, at the end of the race, another one was caught for me. I let him in the room, and he went through the window. It was a shame.
Although a trifle, but remembered.

01.12.2007 8:17, bora

Mylabris, well, why provoke to engage in masochism? I didn't sleep half the night, I remembered everyone.
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01.12.2007 9:20, Victor Titov

Yeah... Old soul wounds opened up! It is very disappointing that as a schoolboy (this is in the 70s) I not only found the widest swimmer twice, but even kept one female at home for some time. But I didn't save the copies (while I was serving in the army, the collection was 2/3 unpatronized by Pharaoh ants and grinders) weep.gifAnd since I haven't been looking for this beetle, everything is to no avail! And as for goldsmiths, this is generally a "pitchfork"mad.gif. This summer, with three attempts, I could not take a rare Chrysobothris affinis with a net in our area.

01.12.2007 9:55, bora

I had a day like this. I spent the whole month crawling in a marching order in Primorye. Three days later, the plane is already home. The last place is the village of Khrustalny, Kavalerovsky district. And the whole of July-rain, drizzle, fog. I look - and already mold on the mattresses. In the evening I sit by a small fire at the very edge of the village. I decided to dry the material, heated the stone, put the box on it next to the heat. It is already evening, almost dark, there is an itchy hum overhead, and something clearly hard and long-about 10 cm with spreading limbs, spreading elytra flying 4 meters above the ground along the edge of the forest. I rushed to get it, of course, I didn't catch the barbel, but I dropped the korbka into the fire (there was about a week's worth of material there) and everything burned down. For several years I tried not to remember this in principle. And now I remember.

01.12.2007 10:34, Victor Titov

But it was probably the Ussuri relict! After two birds with one stone, indeed...

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 01.12.2007 10: 35

01.12.2007 11:42, AntSkr

Just don't laugh, I haven't been able to catch Argynnis paphia for several years, where I catch it is quite rare, but when I try to catch it, it doesn't let me get close to it and flies away frown.gif
I also saw a Nimfalis vau-album once, but I didn't have a net until I reached it to take it and catch it - it had already flown away frown.gif
A similar situation with C. dominula, flying near the forest (in the morning), tried to catch, but missed.

This post was edited by AntSkr - 01.12.2007 23: 14

01.12.2007 12:56, Pavel Morozov

I had a day like this. I spent the whole month crawling in a marching order in Primorye. Three days later, the plane is already home. The last place is the village of Khrustalny, Kavalerovsky district. And the whole of July-rain, drizzle, fog. I look - and already mold on the mattresses. In the evening I sit by a small fire at the very edge of the village. I decided to dry the material, heated the stone, put the box on it next to the heat. It is already evening, almost dark, there is an itchy hum overhead, and something clearly hard and long-about 10 cm with spreading limbs, spreading elytra flying 4 meters above the ground along the edge of the forest. I rushed to get it, of course, I didn't catch the barbel, but I dropped the korbka into the fire (there was about a week's worth of material there) and everything burned down. For several years I tried not to remember this in principle. And now I remember.

This is the cruelest story yet.

01.12.2007 16:54, алекс 2611

This is the cruelest story yet.

Yeah! There has never been such a tragedy in my life... I wouldn't survive it.

01.12.2007 21:12, taler

This was in 1990. When I was still a schoolboy, I was on vacation with my parents in Pitsunda. I found the hawk moth Hyles livornica, put it on the beach under the Panama hat, not knowing yet about the high mobility of hawk moth. While I went for a swim, while I was sunbathing, the hawk moth was like this. Then, at the end of the race, another one was caught for me. I let him in the room, and he went through the window. It was a shame.
Although a trifle, but remembered.

Also not hilo!Miss leghorn twice.I hope that in 17 years it has been registered in the collection.And if not, then it's really a shame!

02.12.2007 0:35, Pavel Morozov

Yes, it's been a while since I registered. Now-this is the completed stage. There is a good thing.

02.12.2007 0:40, Zhuk

I remember when fly-km and I were in the Crimea in 2006, when the ants gave her 2-week-old mattresses...finally, the ppc was ((((Although there were some ground beetles that are not in my line, but still.

02.12.2007 10:32, Pavel Morozov

Yes, ants are such scoundrels sometimes. In 2001, in August, in Sechenovets, there was an ant track to my container of meterial. Eaten by Phassus shamyl.

02.12.2007 11:55, omar

I hate ants mad.gif
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02.12.2007 14:56, Aleksandr Ermakov

Once in the Northern Urals on the char tried to catch a sailboat too very similar to podaliriya (by God when I was sitting was poured he !!!). I was ready to break my leg. But I didn't catch it, this proud bird flew so well....! I console myself with the thought that it was such a shabby swallowtail.
And once in an open box with barbels (pricked, of course, dry) fell a healthy pair of tweezers. And all my Cornimutila lost their antennae and legs. I still can't look at these disabled people without pain. But then I easily presented two of them to my colleagues smile.gif
By the way, how do you feel about repairing insects? (I'll start a separate topic for this...)

02.12.2007 17:18, Ilia Ustiantcev

And where exactly in the Urals? They sometimes migrate far away:
(part of the map from "Day Butterflies of Eastern Europe")
 the image is no longer on the site: 3t.JPG 

This post was edited by Ilya U-02.12.2007 17: 19

3t.JPG — (28.92к) 02.12.2007 — 16.12.2007

02.12.2007 18:42, PVOzerski

In 1986, a male grasshopper Phaneroptera bivittata was lost in Armenia. In my opinion, at that time the species was known only from females.

02.12.2007 21:45, Aleksandr Ermakov

And where exactly in the Urals?

Near the intersection of the sixtieth latitude and longitude (Severouralsky district, Sverdlovsk Region).
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02.12.2007 21:51, Aleksandr Ermakov

Also about the annoying omissions. Once in a trolleybus on the window saw a wonderful bystryanka. A beautiful beetle with an unusual pattern, I've never seen such a thing. I try to grab it, but I can't. the passengers look at me strangely, all in incomprehensions. This is my stop. I take the gum out of my mouth and gently slap the poor guy. Yeah stuck. Nice one! I go to the bus stop, gently peel off the animal and.... I watch as he quickly flies away to his children. It was sad.

03.12.2007 0:12, RippeR

This is no longer to this topic, rather more to the extreme, but still..:
This year mnemosyne collected, the first exit for them. There were a few of them that day, I caught 2 things, but I wanted to grab a bunch. The terrain was staggered, uneven, and all that. And then I see a healthy mnemosyne flying out, I just ran after her, and here I am running, running, and almost, almost!!!!! I caught up, I know what I'm going to catch, I start swinging the net, I bring it to her, and bam, I dislocate my leg and fall to the ground, my foot got caught in an unevenness that was not noticeable because of the thick grass, and here's a little fear and resentment.. The pain is not felt at first, only fear, what will happen now, I'm alone, and the bus ride is ~3-4km.. And then the pain begins, but fortunately not severe. I stretched my leg slightly, the pain calmed down. I look, and in the net this mnemosyne, I thought: "well, you bastard," and smiled. This was not the last mnemosyne for the day smile.gifSomehow hobbled to the minibus, even ran a little sometimes, as I stretched my leg and did not feel any pain, but the next day.. uuuu smile.gifSo it turns out-a feeling, like I didn't catch it, and even got hurt, it's a shame, but everything worked out smile.gif

03.12.2007 1:31, Bad Den

So it probably wasn't a dislocation smile.gif

03.12.2007 11:08, omar

Actually, the biggest annoyance is that we still missed this mermaid. I'm not crazy.

03.12.2007 11:21, omar

In general, such an ambush is everywhere-it happens, you want to grab it, but you feel that it is too tender, and the choice is between catching and maiming, or let it run away, but still enjoy life. I often choose the latter.
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03.12.2007 22:15, Tigran Oganesov

Yes, a good topicsmile.gif, but I remembered the case with a couple of missed praying mantises. I was on holiday in Spain at the time and went to Portugal for a day. There will be more wild spaces (the whole south of Spain is planted with olives - extremely disgusting biotopes). And I once saw wonderful thickets of red grass or small shrubs, knee-high at most. So, on one of the branches sat a small red (!) pilgrim. I was amazed - I did not expect that in Europe there is such a miracle. However, when caught, the creature quickly fell to the ground and was instantly lostfrown.gif. I shoveled all this grass there, but to no availfrown.gif, I still don't know who it was, maybe an iris larva? And then, after 20 kilometers, I again wandered into a thicket of bushes in human growth. And there I met a gray iris, which showed off its classic scaring pose with its colorful wings spread out and its front legs spread out to the sides. After that, he quickly fell to the ground and clearly showed how close he was to cockroaches-he immediately disappeared into the thorny thicketsmile.gif, But I still remember the red mantis...
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02.02.2008 12:33, zerg69

I even registered on the forum for this story...It was in June 1978 in the Sochi area.I was still a kid, but obsessed with insects, catching everything and making some kind of pseudo collection there..Then I tried to determine all this..well, that is, some basic knowledge was...I caught fireflies in the evening-in June there are a lot of them flying there and now I see a firefly flying, but some kind of unusual one..I praise him of course...I look at it glows for some reason more green and two spots on the belly, and not one and the size is much larger...I brought it out into the light ,and this is the nutcracker...I think I made a mistake or something, the opt glows in the dark...I didn't understand anything and put it in a transparent plastic bag and hung it by the window...like to admire the glow at night..... in the morning the package is gnawed through the beetle is not...I still don't know what it was...I don't recall any glowing nutcrackers in our fauna...can anyone come across something like this? Yes, I almost forgot then I found this nutcracker.. on the photo..however, when I found out the details, I decided .that this is some kind of mistake

This post was edited by zerg69 - 02.02.2008 21: 57
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22.02.2008 21:55, zerg69

well guys maybe there is some idea about the glowing nutcracker?real specialists immediately gathered...I then thought for a long time that it was pareis-too similar in size and appearance, but however I did not meet any mention of such properties of pareis and its rarity was also confused...maybe someone knows something about glowing nutcrackers in our fauna?...I swear I wasn't wrong and I'm not lying...this story has been haunting me for many years...

23.02.2008 12:10, Tigran Oganesov

Of the glow beetles in Sochi, I saw only two types of fireflies and that's all. I think it's one of them after all. Yes, and the time of year is suitable.
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23.02.2008 12:23, RippeR

I'm weak at nutcrackers. I've read about glowing tropics. I'm afraid to lie, but it seems that I read something, I don't remember when and where, and about the Crimean-Caucasian or some other, but I won't say..
It remains to catch smile.gif
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23.02.2008 21:15, zerg69

thanks guys...I have this hyper-entomological idea...but it was definitely a nutcracker and not a firefly...okay, maybe someone will catch))

23.02.2008 22:25, Cerambyx

The same thing I've never heard about the Alaus glow, but when I read about the glowing nutcracker, I immediately thought about it...
And in the Crimea, I once found a large nutcracker in a rotten pine-the size of a large Lacon murinus, black (as it now seems even bluish-black), with numerous light specks. I put him in a separate test tube, came to grab him, but there are no test tubes in the backpack... I still didn't understand what it was, I looked at the green - no one comes to throw up. It was a shame smile.gif
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24.02.2008 13:42, Bad Den

A long time ago, as a child, when the trees were quite large, I caught beetles near our panel high-rise building. And so, turning over the stones, I came across a nest of ants under one of them (I don't remember exactly what kind, but I think they were Lasius niger). On the very ground where the ants crawled, there was nothing, and on the lower surface of the stone sat 2 small yellow-red beetles with short elytra and strange long antennae and tentacles. I didn't have an exhaust fan at the time, so I just grabbed everything with my fingers. I took one, wanted to put it in a jar, but while I was carrying it, it slipped out of my fingers and fell... I grabbed the second one and also dropped it - still small, I was afraid to crush it... I was very upset, I've never seen such things before. Later, when I got home, I looked at the most complete book on insects at that time: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Insects by V. Ya. Stanek. And found it! How I cursed my crookedness! It turned out to be some kind of Claviger. I haven't seen them since. Such a fiasco smile.gif
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25.02.2008 11:50, gumenuk

When I was shooting insects with film cameras, I missed so much that now, while shooting with a digital camera, I still can't make up for what I missed mol.gifAnd forget, even what I missed 30 years ago, I can't :-(((
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25.02.2008 21:55, Konstantin Shorenko

I also had a case in the Crimea near Alushta. There is a village called Izobilnoye, so I spent three days collecting there. And all these days are absolute banality. I do this and that and that, but there is no interesting creature smile.gif. Well, what should I do? We need to get out of this rotten place, which I did. I put together a tent, packed a backpack, and didn't really hide the net. And I went further along the mountain Crimean highway. And then the beast appeared. I took a closer look - CLORION !!! (For those who are not familiar with burrowing wasps, I will tell you - this is such a wasp, brilliantly blue in color, with a thin waist and very expressive faceted eyessmile.gif). And most importantly! I've never BEEN REGISTERED in Ukraine before!!! Ege - At least new to the fauna, - I estimated. I dropped my backpack and followed her, and she left me. Further as in the famous fairy tale: Above me, an animal whirls - it lands right on my nose, my nose was stung by a "crocodile": a blister jumped up on my nose. And again the alarm went off: "Help, for God's sake! The guard! catch, catch, yes mori him, mori... That's too bad! wait a bit, Wait!.. " and he looked at the cat!, and calmly flew to his lot across the sea. That's how it happens!!!
P.S. Motorists passing along the highway even stopped their cars to look at such a sight. The accident really did not happen, which I am very happy about.

This post was edited by Dormidont - 02/25/2008 21: 57
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26.02.2008 16:11, Zlopastnyi Brandashmyg

A long time ago, as a child, when the trees were quite large, I caught beetles near our panel high-rise building. And so, turning over the stones, I came across a nest of ants under one of them (I don't remember exactly what kind, but I think they were Lasius niger). On the very ground where the ants crawled, there was nothing, and on the lower surface of the stone sat 2 small yellow-red beetles with short elytra and strange long antennae and tentacles. I didn't have an exhaust fan at the time, so I just grabbed everything with my fingers. I took one, wanted to put it in a jar, but while I was carrying it, it slipped out of my fingers and fell... I grabbed the second one and also dropped it - still small, I was afraid to crush it... I was very upset, I've never seen such things before. Later, when I got home, I looked at the most complete book on insects at that time: The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Insects by V. Ya. Stanek. And found it! How I cursed my crookedness! It turned out to be some kind of Claviger. I haven't seen them since. Such a fiasco smile.gif

Ants are cruel. In Thailand, I turn over a stone and in the nest of ants (quite large ~ Formica and stinging - this later turned out) I saw several earwigs from my favorite group. At that moment, I realized what it was like to look at the embrasure... 2 pieces caught. When examined, the earwigs turned into staphylins. rolleyes.gif
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26.02.2008 16:25, Victor Titov

Well, from my bell tower, staphylines are even cooler and more successful smile.gif
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26.02.2008 17:44, RippeR

ants are the best! lol.gif
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27.02.2008 18:08, Сергей Шер

Last year in the spring.
On a day off, I went to a very high hill to take pictures of ludofia,and I see an unusually yellow and large ludofia flying at the very descent of the road.I had a small net with a handle of 50 cm, so I ran after this beauty with it.He was dressed like the last Rimbaud,only his shoes weighed about a kilogram and a half,not saying that banks and all sorts of photo accessories were packed in his pockets.I pick up speed, the descent is steep and it flies straight ahead, and ahead of me a car is coming towards me, judging by the appearance of tourists on vacation .Running 10-12 meters to the car, I make a swing and a butterfly in a net.But at this moment I understand that I was carried away ), I was on the hill in such butts, my legs were tired and I just can't stop them ,the descent is very steep and the inertia is very large.Realizing that another second and I will be either in the car or in the trees on the cliff, I made a decision and grouped flying down the slope strewn with cobblestones.It is clear that everything that was in the pockets, including the macro glass (since the camera remained at the top), flies in different directions.The net got under me and there is no longer that net,ludorfia calmly flew away(I did not understand how she got out of the bag).
The tourist car pulled up and they all stared at me .Fortunately, I did not fly to them quite a bit.I've never seen such an unusual ludorphy before.
He almost did not suffer and all the equipment remained intact, except for the net and self-love: 0)
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