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Where to begin?

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsWhere to begin?

Miseri, 12.03.2010 19:00

Good day! I've been looking for a forum of this kind for a very long time. Recently, I've been constantly reading topics here. Everything is very interesting. I started collecting beetles. I would really like to know what interesting species are found in the Rostov region, or links to sites where you can find out about it. There is one more question. I want to purchase material from the site http://www.kayakuya.com/cgi/shop/catalog/d...lt.php/cPath/30 How reliable it is.
I would very much like to buy spectacular and bright beetles... Don't judge me harshly if I wrote something wrong ,but I'm just getting started...


12.03.2010 21:07, RippeR

Welcome! smile.gif
There are a lot of interesting things in the Rostov region - it depends on what exactly is interesting - what groups of beetles )
Join Skype conferences - so it will be easier to tell than to flood here )

As for the site, the definition of species is doubtful, since judging by the dorkasham I looked at, there are a lot of incorrect definitions. At prices-most are too expensive.

13.03.2010 14:51, Miseri

Thanks! smile.gif Thank you so much for the site tip. What are Skype conferences? What sites can you recommend?

13.03.2010 15:28, okoem

Thanks! smile.gif Thank you so much for the site tip. What are Skype conferences? What sites can you recommend?

The conference is available here http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtop...view=getnewpost
There are separate topics about buying insects and online stores. Use the search engine and read the forum. umnik.gif
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16.04.2010 12:41, ravenousX

Friends, help!
The topic of collecting a collection of beetles, scorpions, and spiders is very interesting. As a beginner, I'm still interested in large instances. There are a lot of questions, but after looking at the form, I didn't find an answer to them.
Now I buy ready-made copies in the framework on ebay, but I feel that this is not quite what I need.
Many interesting specimens are sold in raw form. I've heard that they need to be straightened out somehow, stuffed with cotton wool, taxidermied, but I can't find any information on the process anywhere. In addition, I do not understand how they will go in a box from Peru for two months, because, for sure, during this time they will either dry out or rot.
In general, if anyone is willing to help me, an unwise person, understand the basics, I will be very grateful.
In addition, you are interested in communicating about buying / exchanging copies. Entomology Shop #1 is very biting at prices.
Now, for example, I'm looking for a place to get a large copy of solpuga.
In general, I hope for your intelligent support

16.04.2010 12:53, vasiliy-feoktistov

Read it here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showforum=42 and here: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showforum=52 Maybe in these subforums you will find the answer to many of your questions smile.gif.

This post was edited by vasiliy-feoktistov - 04/16/2010 12: 56

16.04.2010 12:55, london

Hello Mikhail
I myself have relatively recently started collecting beetles but have already familiarized myself with the basics.
Regarding the spread of beetles, I advise you to proceed as follows: place the insects in an airtight container, whether it is a plastic box or a glass jar, at the bottom of which there is not a thick layer of cotton wool or a sponge soaked in water and drop two or three granules of morgontsovka there to exclude the development of the fungus. After some time, the insect will absorb the moisture and become soft and pliable even when worn out (if you don't want to wait, put the jar with acekom in the microwave at low speed) after soaking the insect, place it on a sheet of styrofoam (foam) and fix the body and limbs in that position so that it looks natural by tucking it all with pins and wait until it won't dry out. for the safety of your future collection, please remember that dry insects are very fragile, so take care of them carefully, otherwise you run the risk of losing meaning to all those deaths that you have in the framework
of Good Luck

16.04.2010 13:13, vasiliy-feoktistov

I also recommend downloading this manual: http://ashipunov.info/shipunov/school/book...kollekcija.djvu (previously Plantago posted). I myself (and many others) started with this wonderful book.
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16.04.2010 23:57, Yakovlev

Guys, it's lucky that you start when there are all the conditions for this, first of all information!!! Good luck!

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