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A. I. Kurentsov: Diary of an expedition to the Ussuri Region in 1928

Community and ForumOther questions. Insects topicsA. I. Kurentsov: Diary of an expedition to the Ussuri Region in 1928

Coelioxys, 15.09.2011 4:48

Today they took away from the printing house the extraordinary (XXII) Readings in memory of A. I. Kurentsov. In addition to the traditional articles (see table of contents), this issue contains the decoded diary of A. I. Kurentsov for 1928
. " Here are the diary entries of A. I. Kurentsov during his six-month expedition to the Ussuri Region in 1928. The entries contain data on plants and vegetation, insects, birds and other animals encountered by A. I. Kurentsov during excursions, observations on their habits and behavior in nature, on seasonal changes in the environment, as well as his judgments on the peculiarities of zoogeography and the history of the formation of the entomofauna of Primorye on the example of lepidoptera."

Kurentsov spent this field season in the vicinity of Kangauz (Anisimovka) and Tigrovoye. Places known to all collectors coming to Primorye. I think many of those who wandered with a net in those places will be interested to read how it was almost a half-century ago...

The price, including shipping across Russia, is symbolic-100 rubles
. (orders are accepted, but I will be able to send the books only after October 25 - I'm going on a business trip).


download file __1_5________.pdf

size: 225.81 k
number of downloads: 683

download file C_292_293.pdf

size: 127.03 k
number of downloads: 618


15.09.2011 6:18, Proctos

Were they our Stanislav's ancestors?

Novomodny E. V., Dubatolov V. V. Travel of the Bavarian entomologists
Max and Rosina Korb to the Russian Far East (1903, 1907)..... 126

15.09.2011 8:41, rhopalocera.com

They were. To be exact - not ancestors, but relatives.

The message was edited rhopalocera.com - 15.09.2011 08: 42

15.09.2011 9:34, Yakovlev

Yes, I copied articles about the life of Maximilian Korb for Evgeny Novomodny. By the way, outwardly, Stas, not a bit like you. Really relatives??? Great!

15.09.2011 10:46, Penzyak

And where can you actually read this work???
Yes, men and you did not come across biographies or biographies of entomologists who worked in the Volga region (according to Eversmann, I have an Orenburg book) - a minimum is written everywhere, I would like to know more...

15.09.2011 10:55, А.Й.Элез

Something about relatives (thank God it fit on the scanner):

korb_cover.jpg — (9.21мб)

korb_title.jpg — (712.79к)

15.09.2011 11:09, Bad Den

And where can you actually read this work???

Buy the above collection smile.gif

15.09.2011 13:55, Coelioxys

Guys! Private messages don't reach me, so all questions are about soap. Once again, I can't send it to anyone right now, only after October 25.
In the near future, we will post everything on the site, you will be able to get acquainted.

15.09.2011 18:35, Vlad Proklov

Or wait on the officialnorm site:

16.09.2011 1:40, Coelioxys

Yes, this is exactly the site Mel had in mind. Just reading 125 pages of a 9-pin diary is much more convenient in the hard version than staring at the monitor, with which you already spend more time than recommended by aesculapius)))

16.09.2011 9:55, Penzyak

- I was referring to this publication itself:

Novomodny E. V., Dubatolov V. V. Travel of the Bavarian entomologists
Max and Rosina Korb to the Russian Far East (1903, 1907)..... 126

16.09.2011 11:15, Ekos

Yes, I copied articles about the life of Maximilian Korb for Evgeny Novomodny. By the way, outwardly, Stas, not a bit like you. Really relatives??? Great!

Evgeny Vladimirovich is the most active specialist in the history of entomological research in the Russian Far East. He published quite a lot of articles on this topic: about Christoph, Yankovsky, Grezer, Alina, Nikitin, Moltrecht and other pioneers of Far Eastern entomology.

16.09.2011 17:43, Yakovlev

These are excellent articles, very interesting, informative and surprisingly thorough. Many thanks to the author!

19.09.2011 10:35, Penzyak

I would VERY much like Evgeny Vladimirovich to collect all these publications together and publish them all in ONE book with photos of researchers!!!

It is a pity that in the European part of Russia there is no such scrupulous researcher of the history of entomological research...

19.09.2011 11:16, rhopalocera.com

Yes, I copied articles about the life of Maximilian Korb for Evgeny Novomodny. By the way, outwardly, Stas, not a bit like you. Really relatives??? Great!

6 generations have passed since he lived. But in fact, there is a family resemblance smile.gif.

26.10.2011 13:12, Coelioxys

I came back from a business trip. Orders are accepted by soap proshchalikin@biosoil.ru

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