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Entomology at the Festival of Science in Moscow. Photos!

Community and ForumOffline eventsEntomology at the Festival of Science in Moscow. Photos!

Pavel Udovichenko, 07.10.2013 23:53

Dear colleagues! On October 11-13, from 10 to 18 o'clock, the next Science Festival will be held in Moscow! Traditionally, we will present the Biology Department of Moscow State University with our collections! umnik.gif Come, you won't regret it! We will be glad to see you all! As usual, there will be many forumchane! Admission is free!
Tell the younger generation about entomology! Just chat and look at the "burning" eyes, and they are there, despite all the reforms of the Russian Academy wink.gifof Sciences, Our stand at the main site of the festival - in the Fundamental Library of Moscow State University (27 Lomonosovsky Prospekt Street)! Bring your kids! Lots of interesting things - contests, experiments! You will be able to subscribe to excellent popular science magazines at a reduced price (which, by the way, we also do)! Great buffet! beer.gif Irina and Pasha (Entoterra)

This post was edited by Entoterra - 12.10.2013 21: 56


08.10.2013 13:14, Коллекционер

why I'm not in Moscow weep.gif

08.10.2013 18:00, Лавр Большаков

In fact, Irina and Pasha are doing more for the future of Russian entomology than the entire Russian Academy of Sciences combined, plus specialized universities.smile.gif
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10.10.2013 1:09, Pavel Udovichenko

Link to the event: http://www.msk.festivalnauki.ru/vystavka/20354/kabinet-entomologa! Once again, we invite you all! Come with your children, it will be very interesting!!!

This post was edited by Entoterra - 10.10.2013 22: 47
Likes: 3

10.10.2013 13:11, Иринка

My dear entomologists, Thank you so much for such a flattering assessment of our activities! I encourage everyone not only to come to the Festival, but also to participate a little: maybe someone will be able to bring something lively that could crawl-fly-flap its wings-take pictures; maybe someone will stand with us at the stand for a while, help answer all sorts of questions from interested people... Perhaps someone will be able to print out small pieces of paper with the address of the forum, so that we can send those interested in the right direction. But only then do you accept newcomers in a friendly way. Be lenient with them!

12.10.2013 10:44, Zhuk

Photos from the first day of the festival! Come all who can and can't, wakes up fun! smile.gif
...and the help does not hurt, the people are more and more)

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12.10.2013 12:04, Dergg

On such days, I often remember an anecdote I heard in the first year of the biofactory faculty:

Moscow State University hosts a science festival. All faculties display their best and most significant achievements to the public. Objects of your pride. In particular, the physics department exhibits all sorts of super-duper lasers and other amazing devices, the chemistry department-a variety of fullerenes and nanotubes from the forefront of science, and the VMK - the most powerful computers in Russia (and maybe in the world). Biofac puts it up... butterfly collection smile.gif smile.gif smile.gif.
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12.10.2013 21:38, Pavel Udovichenko

Photo report on the second day of the Festival!

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12.10.2013 21:39, Pavel Udovichenko

A. Y.Elez and A. Krupitsky (Lepidopterolog)

A.Elez___Lepidopterolog.jpg — (587.85к)

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12.10.2013 21:41, Pavel Udovichenko

Perhaps our future colleagues!

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12.10.2013 21:44, Pavel Udovichenko

A. Udovichenko and A. Marusov (Zhuk)

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12.10.2013 21:45, Pavel Udovichenko

Arachnophobia Test smile.gif

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12.10.2013 21:46, Pavel Udovichenko

A. Krupitsky (Lepidopterolog) and A. Yakovlev (Botalex)

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12.10.2013 21:48, Pavel Udovichenko

Photo exhibition.

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12.10.2013 21:54, Pavel Udovichenko

Your future!

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13.10.2013 1:36, Kharkovbut

In the box with dragonflies top-IMHO some Chlorogomphus, and on the signature something completely different - (nrzb) aeschna.
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13.10.2013 2:36, Dracus

Cool, Pasha, incredibly cool! What eyes children have! We will have to join next year, if circumstances allow.
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13.10.2013 9:21, Pavel Udovichenko



13.10.2013 22:11, Kharkovbut

Indaeschna does have a similar coloring, but that's not it, and not Aeshnidae at all. This family is Chlorogomphidae-probably Chlorogomphus sp. (sometimes the genus Sinorogomphus is also distinguished). I don't know about the species: in this oriental family, most of the species are little known.
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13.10.2013 23:33, Pavel Udovichenko

Third day of the festival! Bolivar family, Morozzz, Irinka, Lepidopterolog, A. Klimenko...

This post was edited by Entoterra - 13.10.2013 23: 35

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Lepidopterolog__Morozzz__Bolivar___A.Klimenko.jpg — (539.09к)

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14.10.2013 11:20, Насекомовед

Great, well done! It's a pity that I couldn't take part, I was out of Russia. But I see that there were a lot of visitors at the stand, and this is very encouraging. THANK you so much!
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14.10.2013 18:59, kovyl

Arachnophobia Test smile.gif

I want such a spider!
Where can I buy it?

15.10.2013 22:56, Pavel Udovichenko

Alas!.. it seems that only in the city of Paris, where it was purchased a couple of years ago.

15.10.2013 23:02, Pavel Udovichenko

Dear friends, who came to the Festival and provided invaluable assistance in educating the young, and not only, generation in the field of entomology! Thank you so much!!! Special thanks to Zhuk, Lepidopterologist, Morozzz!!! Sincerely, Irina and Pavel.

15.10.2013 23:11, Pavel Udovichenko

Funny and sad. A real case at this Festival: a very smart and enthusiastic student approaches, looks at collections with knowledge, "sips" Latin, and is interested in details.... To Irina's question, where are you, boy, such a smart student, the student proudly raises his head and answers-in the fifth grade! Well, how was it in the fifth grade, Irina asks with a smile. Bad, the boy answers firmly, adjusting his glasses.
Here are the cases.

This post was edited by Entoterra - 10/15/2013 23: 14
Likes: 9

16.10.2013 13:18, Сергей76

I'm sorry, but can I post a separate photo of the pepsi box?
I would really appreciate it.

17.10.2013 17:01, Peter Khramov

And a boy. If possible.

17.10.2013 19:34, Pavel Udovichenko

And a boy. If possible.

The boy in photo # 6! I'll send a photo of the os to my personal account when I get to Moscow.

17.10.2013 21:33, Hierophis

Funny and sad. A real case at this Festival: a very smart and enthusiastic schoolboy is suitable

There's nothing funny about it, by the way.
But while this will happen, all graphenes will be discovered in the west, and here only decanters.
So I wish the boy to grow up, and leave at the first appropriate time, if he wants to do what he likes.
For the sake of justice, what a nerd I was already, especially in school time, and even in some-mostly the beginning-middle of the 90s, so no one really teased, and now it's the 21st century, and Russia has risen from its knees... So nothing funny.

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