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Question to our specialists

Community and ForumHow to get rid of insectsQuestion to our specialists

vladvinn, 05.07.2015 16:56

Good day dear forumchane, we need your help. The fact is that today I found such a "moth"on the balcony. The question is whether to release it into the wild, and whether it will not harm the environment, flora, fauna, etc.?

user posted image user posted image


05.07.2015 17:06, vasiliy-feoktistov

Good day dear forumchane, we need your help. The fact is that today I found such a "moth"on the balcony. The question is whether to release it into the wild, and whether it will not harm the environment, flora, fauna, etc.?

Release boldly. No harm done.
The only representative of the fauna on earth that causes the greatest harm to "ecology, flora, fauna, etc." is a person (he also invented these concepts) wink.gif
And nature is on its own and knows without us what is harmful to it and what is not smile.gif
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05.07.2015 17:33, vladvinn

Of course, I was just afraid that he might breed like his fellow Colorado Potato beetle. eek.gif

05.07.2015 17:56, vasiliy-feoktistov

Of course, I was just afraid that he might breed like his fellow Colorado Potato beetle. eek.gif

The Colorado potato beetle is harmful to potatoes (the plant is not local, but also American initially). And in order for an insect to breed, it needs a pair that does not smile.gifexist, and even if it did: one pair is not enough in most cases. And it is quite likely that we will have nothing to eat in nature... Release: Don't be afraid smile.gif

05.07.2015 17:59, Alexandr Zhakov

Vasily, Introduction is prohibitedsmile.gif, this is a bear, polyphaga bears, as if there were no second American white butterfly.
After all, they didn't say where they took the picture, maybe she lives there. smile.gif

05.07.2015 18:08, vladvinn

Ukraine, Vinnytsia. I was sitting on the balcony in the morning, apparently napping. It is not small in size,about 4-4. 5 cm. Now he's sitting in a bank in the shade.

05.07.2015 18:29, Alexandr Zhakov

Super, a new imported species in nature, No one went abroad with you? maybe with something delivered? I'll try to see from which part of the world smile.gif

05.07.2015 18:33, vasiliy-feoktistov

Super, a new imported species in nature, No one went abroad with you? maybe with something delivered? I'll try to see what part of the world I'm from smile.gif

Well, if the Colorado potato beetle is a fellow countryman, it is clear that the Nearctic smile.gif

05.07.2015 18:36, Hierophis

And why photos from the Internet? ))) Yes, and different)
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05.07.2015 18:43, vasiliy-feoktistov

And why photos from the Internet? ))) Yes, and different)

So they seem to be on the" Radical " laid out simply smile.gif
This is an image hosting service like this: http://radikal.ru/
A person posted it there and that's it. Not everyone knows that they can be directly attached to molbiol.
Or do these images exist somewhere else?

05.07.2015 18:47, Hierophis

It does not matter where it is posted, it is important where it is taken ))

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05.07.2015 18:56, vasiliy-feoktistov

It does not matter where it is posted, it is important where it is taken ))


Thank you, Roman. It's all clear now: topikstarter campaign having fun ((( And we're here brain soar...
I suggest you close the topic.

05.07.2015 18:59, Hierophis

Normally, the author is well done, so here it is necessary,
only advice, in sl. times you need to take not glamorous photos not from promoted resources, and, most importantly, the same lol.gif

05.07.2015 18:59, Alexandr Zhakov

smile.gif Delete smile.gif

05.07.2015 19:09, vasiliy-feoktistov

  smile.gif Remove smile.gif

yes.gif And ban topikstarter.
Anyway, he only signed up today, apparently just to scare the hell out of people.

05.07.2015 19:27, vladvinn

Here are the latest photos I just took, there is no real sharpness on the phone. It has already managed to sweep away the caviar))

user posted image
user posted image
user posted image
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05.07.2015 19:29, Hierophis

Here are all the pictures, it is always better to post pictures of those that are wink.gifThis treehouse is just annoying ))) Eggs I would have brought out, lucky)
Likes: 1

05.07.2015 19:49, vladvinn

Sorry for misleading me, just from what Google gave out on "white moth with black dots" gave out the photos that I put at the beginning. Since I have never seen such insects before, I decided to contact you. Because I didn't know if this insect was harmful or not dangerous, but rare. I apologize for the incorrect photos, thank you all for your help.
Likes: 1

05.07.2015 19:51, vasiliy-feoktistov

Here are the latest photos I just took, there is no real sharpness on the phone. It has already managed to sweep away the caviar))

Now it's another mattersmile.gif, because you're confusing everything with American bears. Don't pull from the network again.
In your photos, a pest of hardwoods (birches first of all) and a butterfly from a completely different family.
Here is a brief description of it: http://lepidoptera.ru/taxonomy/2928
to. Hierophis. She has a goose for at least two years smile.gifand I'm not sure she has the patience to sit smile.gifout

06.07.2015 23:29, Bad Den

Music, as they say, inspired:
"... here is exactly the same mine, only smaller, but different, dolphins who fought on our side, blew up the German cruiser Gunther Netzer."
Likes: 1

07.07.2015 0:22, vasiliy-feoktistov

That's for sure... And most importantlysmile.gif, I was the first to fall for it, damn it...

01.08.2015 17:15, guest: Елена

Hello. Please tell me how the apartment could be padenki? In the morning, I found their corpses on the table, under the lamp) They have laid down larvae somewhere it turns out?

02.08.2015 12:00, Bad Den

Hello. Please tell me how the apartment could be padenki? In the morning, I found their corpses on the table, under the lamp) They have laid down larvae somewhere it turns out?

They came to the light as an option.

03.08.2015 1:59, Vlad-Tepesh

I'm sorry, but could you identify it? Other than an empty form from an alien larva? Found on clothes in the wash. This is an isolated case at the moment. Photo from the back and abdominal area, size of the suspect in the photo, about 6 mm, inanimate, feeling like either a larva or an egg. Given that the "hooks" are stationary and are used for "hooking" and transferring. Sorry for the quality, the tape measure is difficult to hold together with the photo (there are between 9 and 8 cm marks). Google offers me a photo of Hedgehogs (4 at once), please do not send them there... I suspect that the larva. The question is, whose and who will grow up? I will also add that a pronounced head part was not found, as an option, if not the place of the previous habitat, then it was torn off during washing... Sitting with such hooks... Just at a dead end, who to wait for... A boy or a girl, or just an ambulance, I'm sorry...
If not on the topic, then immediately I apologize, send to specialists, only SPECIALISTS and not these, with masks and "dust", who are special on parasites... If it's for them.

This post was edited by Vlad-Tepesh - 03.08.2015 02: 54

picture: Mon_Aug_03_01_54_02.jpg
Mon_Aug_03_01_54_02.jpg — (25.62к)

picture: Mon_Aug_03_01_09_38.jpg
Mon_Aug_03_01_09_38.jpg — (27.42к)

picture: Mon_Aug_03_03_17_24.jpg
Mon_Aug_03_03_17_24.jpg — (27.68к)

03.08.2015 9:49, Victor Titov

I'm sorry, but could you identify it? Other than an empty form from an alien larva? Found on clothes in the wash. This is an isolated case at the moment. Photo from the back and abdominal area, size of the suspect in the photo, about 6 mm, inanimate, feeling like either a larva or an egg. Given that the "hooks" are stationary and are used for "hooking" and transferring. Sorry for the quality, the tape measure is difficult to hold together with the photo (there are between 9 and 8 cm marks). Google offers me a photo of Hedgehogs (4 at once), please do not send them there... I suspect that the larva. The question is, whose and who will grow up? I will also add that a pronounced head part was not found, as an option, if not the place of the previous habitat, then it was torn off during washing... Sitting with such hooks... Just at a dead end, who to wait for... A boy or a girl, or just an ambulance, I'm sorry...
If not on the topic, then immediately I apologize, send to specialists, only SPECIALISTS and not these, with masks and "dust", who are special on parasites... If it's for them.

In my opinion, the skin of the larva of a skin-eating beetle (family Dermestidae).
Compare: https://www.google.ru/search?q=личинки+коже...godPHsCLQ&dpr=1

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 03.08.2015 09: 51

03.08.2015 13:24, Vlad-Tepesh

In my opinion, the skin of the larva of a skin-eating beetle (family Dermestidae).
Compare: https://www.google.ru/search?q=личинки+коже...godPHsCLQ&dpr=1

You know, it was considered as an option, but something about the specifics was a little suspicious... They have villi, but in my opinion, the photo is still exactly hooks, and according to the Wiki "Leatherworm larvae are mobile, with hard covers, covered with long protruding hairs, often with a particularly large tuft of hairs forming a kind of "tail"", which is clearly absent here. Well, if there are no other options, we will look for the skin first, then where she ate it... Mole pancake, upgrade to 2.0

This post was edited by Vlad-Tepesh-03.08.2015 13: 30

03.08.2015 13:29, Victor Titov

we'll look for the skin first, then where she ate it...

Leather as such (products made from it) may have nothing to do with it at all: the larvae of many leatherworms that live in our homes feed on organic residues contained in dust in corners, behind baseboards, wallpaper, in nooks and crannies in furniture, etc. Well, if you consider that in this dust there is also exfoliated skin epithelium, hair, then... wink.gif

03.08.2015 13:32, Vlad-Tepesh

Leather as such (products made from it) may have nothing to do with it at all: the larvae of many leatherworms that live in our homes feed on organic residues contained in dust in corners, behind baseboards, wallpaper, in nooks and crannies in furniture, etc. Well, if you consider that in this dust there is also exfoliated skin epithelium, hair, then... wink.gif

Sorry, if the larva is 6 mm, and even assuming that this is the last molt, this is a gluttonous and noticeable infection. Still, I doubt it a little... on http://molbiol.ru/forums/lofiversion/index...t42936-400.html I found the larva of a skin-eating beetle from the genus Attagenus, the shape is not quite similar... Maybe someone else will suggest something...

This post was edited by Vlad-Tepesh-03.08.2015 13: 38

03.08.2015 13:41, Victor Titov

I'm sorry, if the larva is 6mm, and even assuming that this is the last molt, this is what a voracious and noticeable infection, I still doubt it a little...

First, judging by your photo, the length of the skin is still even slightly less than 5 mm, and not 6. However, even if it is 6 mm: many skin eaters of the genus Dermestes exceed this size, and the genus Attagenus fit within these limits. Here, check it out:

03.08.2015 13:45, Vlad-Tepesh

First, judging by your photo, the length of the skin is still even slightly less than 5 mm, and not 6. However, even if it is 6 mm: many skin eaters of the genus Dermestes exceed this size, and the genus Attagenus fit within these limits. Here, check it out:

I probably didn't describe it quite right, I have no doubt, I AM HORRIFIED by this cutie... And in general, " Peacock, where did you lose your tail?". Those who were observed in the photo do not have clearly separated processes at the end of the body. Is it also "mutant" ? I went to look for Schwarzenegger, he's a specialist in this...
I'm sorry that I'm cluttering up the topic, I just want 146% not to worry about what kind of animal has settled. So I find fault, honestly, at first I found fault with Google... He gave up and said that it was a hedgehog...
P.S. judging by the links in this form, the legs should already be present, but in my photo, this is not observed if the larva is formed, after all, or the first molt, or the remains of the cocoon, am I wrong again? I'm just in entomology like from the movie "Dae ja vu", a professor from America...

This post was edited by Vlad-Tepesh-03.08.2015 14: 05

03.08.2015 14:04, Victor Titov

I will not insist that it is very similar, but here some processes are present: the larva of a skin-eater from the genus Dermestes:
However, here is another option: the larval skin of some diptera (fly). Note Figure 408 on this page. ( http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_biology/164/Отряд ) link, position # 5...

03.08.2015 14:08, Vlad-Tepesh

I will not insist that it is very similar, but here some processes are present: the larva of a skin-eater from the genus Dermestes:
However, here is another option: the larval skin of some diptera (fly). Note Figure 408 on this page. ( http://dic.academic.ru/dic.nsf/enc_biology/164/Отряд ) link, position # 5...

All, thank you, number five in this picture, in my opinion, revealed the topic. I'll go get a fly swatter and put Valerian with Corvalol in its place...
I calmed my wife down with a"whisper", I didn't find a photo similar to the picture, everything is a la maggots, smooth worms, but it doesn't matter)) She treats insects with "trepidation"...

This post was edited by Vlad-Tepesh-03.08.2015 14: 21

04.08.2015 23:27, Bad Den

All, thank you, number five in this picture, in my opinion, revealed the topic. I'll go get a fly swatter and put Valerian with Corvalol in its place...
I calmed my wife down with a"whisper", I didn't find a photo similar to the picture, everything is a la maggots, smooth worms, but it doesn't matter)) She treats insects with "trepidation"...

Choose for every tastesmile.gif :

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