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Mantis keeping

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13.07.2019 16:47, Decticus

There are only 2 praying mantises left, both females, already adult.

03.08.2019 18:51, Decticus

The second Transcaucasian after molting changed color.
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03.08.2019 18:53, Decticus

The day before yesterday faded in imago owl, which was brought in July from Anapa.
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06.08.2020 14:16, Decticus

The Transcaucasian caught in Crimea at the end of July became an imago.



06.08.2020 15:08, ИНО

Decticus, can you tell me how you pair them? My Transcaucasian males don't want to show any interest in females, they run away from them with terrible force. Ustarvivat sex-mochilovo in the style of Pan Hierophis'a do not want. It was easier with dogs: you put the female on a twig, let her go on that point behind the male-and in five minutes it was all over. True, then both males and females were caught in nature, and Transcaucasians were brooders, and siblings, maybe this is the case...

06.08.2020 16:14, Decticus

ENO, they didn't mate with me either. 2 years ago, I caught an already fertilized female, she laid oothecae, and larvae hatched from one of them. Last year I kept only 2 adult Transcaucasian females.

01.10.2020 18:56, Decticus


He still lives, but not with me anymore. smile.gif

02.10.2020 9:43, ИНО

Briefly about mating: everything worked out, but the process itself is very interesting from an ethological point of view and differs from that in the cow: the male, noticing the female. approaches it at a distance of at least 10 cm and stops. So it sits motionless exactly until the female catches the food object (it can sit for more than a day waiting). And only after that, quickly comes up and jumps on top. With this tactic, cannibalism is almost completely excluded. I checked it 11 times. Hello not svidomo pan, who failed to solve this simple problem lol.gif

One more thing: the males were much more long-lived than the males of the cow, which, according to my observations, always die within 2 to 3 days after mating. Two of the seven male hyeroduli lived for more than 3 months, including one double-mated. But for that they need to be fed daily with scoops or other soft insects, locusts are not suitable. The others died before, but not before, a month after mating.

13.06.2021 14:23, Decticus

picture: hyggznd9LU0.jpg
In September of last year, they mated with Vladimir (Kolez), the male died the next day, and the female did not postpone the ooteka and also did not live so long afterwards.

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