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Where is the best place to buy dry beetles?

Community and ForumInsects breedingWhere is the best place to buy dry beetles?

Cloyster, 11.01.2012 16:20

It's me again, where is the best place to buy lucanide and dynastide?
it's just that insectsale doesn't have everything you want.
on <url> especially.
and to order in different places is on the delivery will go broke.
maybe there are some good Asian sites?
I Googled it myself but didn't really find anything.
there is also a European store, but something is too expensive there and also many beetles are not available.


11.01.2012 18:01, Cloyster

I can write specific beetles that I need.

11.01.2012 20:21, Bad Den

So it will be more reliable

11.01.2012 20:33, rhopalocera.com

I wonder how this topic relates to the section?

11.01.2012 21:43, Cloyster

mostly interested in rhinos.

Augosoma centaurus
Allomyrina dichotoma
Eupatorus gracilicornis
Enoplotrupes sharpi
Eupatorus beccarii
Megaceras jason
Oryctes congonis
Oryctes gigas
Xylotrupes gideon
Xylotrupes gilleti
Xylotrupes pubescens
Heliocopris dominus
Enema pan
Chalcosoma atlascaucasus
Golofa claviger
Golofa eacus
Golofa pizarro

and a couple of lucanides

Chiasognathus granti
Lamprima adolphinae
Phalacrognathus muelleri
Cyclommatus metallifer

and zlatku

Theodosia viridiaurata

11.01.2012 21:44, Cloyster

I wonder how this topic relates to the section?

missed the section ge

11.01.2012 22:47, Aaata

mostly interested in rhinos.

Augosoma centaurus
Allomyrina dichotoma
Eupatorus gracilicornis
Enoplotrupes sharpi
Eupatorus beccarii
Megaceras jason
Oryctes congonis
Oryctes gigas
Xylotrupes gideon
Xylotrupes gilleti
Xylotrupes pubescens
Heliocopris dominus
Enema pan
Chalcosoma atlascaucasus
Golofa claviger
Golofa eacus
Golofa pizarro

and a couple of lucanides

Chiasognathus granti
Lamprima adolphinae
Phalacrognathus muelleri
Cyclommatus metallifer

and zlatku

Theodosia viridiaurata

the latter is not gold, but bronze.

12.01.2012 0:57, Cloyster


12.01.2012 12:47, Cloyster

I am waiting for the advice of the wise.

12.01.2012 13:19, Bad Den

And now we move to the topic http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=228188

13.01.2012 23:34, Cloyster

no one will answer the subject there.
can you tell us here proven online shops, without inflated prices and with a good assortment?
I don't think there are many of them.

This post was edited by Cloyster - 13.01.2012 23: 36

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