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The fat brown bear

Community and ForumInsects breedingThe fat brown bear

Тьерра, 06.04.2012 17:41

Hello everyone I am a person far from breeding insects, I have never been particularly interested in this. Yes, and I live in the countryside, here and without special breeding, butterfly flies bloom and smell... Recently there was one "but"=) The situation is as follows.
A couple of weeks ago, when I was returning home from work, I came across a furry caterpillar, briskly crawling right through the snow. I was surprised, the temperature is a deep minus, where does it come from? Well, I think, probably mixed up the seasons, it will freeze and look. I took the beauty home with me. I put it in a jar, with a rag on top to let the air pass through. I threw cabbage leaves, immediately wrapped beans, peas and sunflower seeds in a wet cloth, and prepared to sprout and plant them. I searched the Internet and realized that this is a representative of the Bears. The caterpillar crawled furiously for the rest of the day, and the next morning I found it at the top of the jar on a rag, in a cocoon of fine hairs. Again, after searching the Internet, I came to the conclusion that she would definitely spend a month or two in this state, and then you'll see and the butterfly will come out just in the summer days. And today... I come home from work, look in the jar, and there is a butterfly. Red-brown furry prelest. The bear is a fat brown bear, as Yandex suggested. But what should I do with this beauty now? What to feed? How do I maintain it? I don't know. I don't even know the basics of keeping butterflies in captivity. It seems to be too early to let out on the street, it's freezing all the same.
Help-advise, fellow experts. I really want the cute guy to live up to the warm days.


06.04.2012 18:14, vasiliy-feoktistov

She? Well, we have in the middle zone imago in May, I usually start to find. You got it out early. Apparently artificial conditions affected.
Read the forum (many such questions were asked here), and maybe someone will advise you something.
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06.04.2012 18:32, Тьерра

vasiliy-feoktistov, that's the one.
Not the right word for early, I've never seen caterpillars ploughing through the snow before.
I read the forum, in my head while porridge =) A three-liter jar for maintenance, as I understand it, will not work?

06.04.2012 18:49, vasiliy-feoktistov

I think the jar will do. Although the imago itself has never kept butterflies: immediately "sadistic-on a pin" smile.gifBut there are people here who know how to keep: conditions, what to feed, etc
. Wait.

06.04.2012 19:00, Коллекционер

small ones are probably hard to keep.. you can't even feed them.. they should eat on the flowers themselves.. if the hawk moth was still possible, it would be possible to feed sugar water.. but this one.. she's small

06.04.2012 19:13, Тьерра

vasiliy-feoktistov, thank you for your answers) I'm waiting.

Collector, is there really no way at all? Is it not an option to pour sugar water into the cork? Can she drink it herself?

06.04.2012 20:39, Entomon

Tierra, put the bear in the refrigerator, and before feeding, take it out, and immediately transfer it to a thin layer of cotton wool soaked in a 10% solution of honey in water. Without wasting a minute, take the thinnest needle, and unwinding the proboscis with it, lower it onto the cotton wool. If it twitches, just fix it with your fingers (not for the "back"!!!). The photo below shows the location of the proboscis in moths:image: _______. jpg

This post was edited by Entomon-06.04.2012 20: 41
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06.04.2012 21:37, Тьерра

Entomon, how long can you keep it in the refrigerator? How often to feed?
Brr, I don't even know what it's like to have a proboscis with a needle... and if I poke it the wrong way) And for what to fix, if not for the back? by the sides?
And this is just the first batch of questions =)

06.04.2012 21:41, Тьерра

Should the proboscis be pressed down and released immediately? You really need more details, please, and then I vaguely imagine all these actions=)

I'm looking at a butterfly right now and I don't know where its proboscis is. You need to look at this with a magnifying glass)

06.04.2012 22:01, Тьерра

I also found such information (although more related to daytime butterflies, but what the hell is not joking) that you can make a feeder-an artificial flower.

06.04.2012 23:03, Romyald

Do not suffer. Place the insect in the refrigerator , in a ventilated container. Only a week left at most. After that, it will be warm, and you can release the butterfly into nature.

07.04.2012 2:13, Тьерра

I doubt it'll be warm enough in a week, Romyald. Although anything is possible. In a week in the refrigerator and without food, the butterfly will not die?

07.04.2012 7:36, vasiliy-feoktistov

In a week in the refrigerator and without food, the butterfly will not die?

I don't think it will die: she will fall into hibernation and, accordingly, she will no longer need to eat.
The main thing is to put it on the very bottom of the refrigerator, where vegetables are usually stored, so as not to overdo it with the temperature.

07.04.2012 8:56, Macroglossum

In modern cold storage rooms over put up There everything is reversed

07.04.2012 9:29, Entomon

In short, it should be placed in the coldest corner of the refrigerator. I have so in the "zone of freshness" month scoop and tongue lay, I did not feed them all this time.

07.04.2012 9:34, Macroglossum

To the super fresh zone?smile.gif

07.04.2012 9:44, Entomon

Entomon, how long can you keep it in the refrigerator? How often to feed?
Brr, I don't even know what it's like to have a proboscis with a needle... and if I poke it the wrong way) And for what to fix, if not for the back? by the sides?
And this is just the first batch of questions =)

Well, not directly behind the sides, but through the wings, but carefully, so as not to damage them! At the expense of unwinding the proboscis, do not be afraid, the only thing that can be accidentally stratified (the proboscis is the fused and strongly elongated upper and lower jaws), if you get into the proboscis itself, you will feel that it is as if the needle has caught on something. If everything is normal, then you will not need to apply the slightest effort when unwinding the proboscis.
I don't know about you, Tierra, but I agree with vasiliy-feoktistov.

07.04.2012 9:46, Entomon

To the super fresh zone?smile.gif

We call it a Chilled Room smile.gif

07.04.2012 12:23, Тьерра

Of course, the option with a refrigerator is optimal for me. Because the only thing I want from a butterfly is for it to live up to the warm days) Actually, I did, put the jar at the very bottom of the refrigerator (exactly in the superfresh zone=)). More than 12 hours have passed, but the butterfly has not changed its position. As I understand it, I will only find out if the patient is alive or dead on the day of "defrosting"?

07.04.2012 14:50, Victor Titov

Tierra, put the bear in the refrigerator, and before feeding, take it out, and immediately transfer it to a thin layer of cotton wool soaked in a 10% solution of honey in water. Without wasting a minute, take the thinnest needle, and unwinding the proboscis with it, lower it onto the cotton wool. If it twitches, just fix it with your fingers (not for the "back"!!!). The photo below shows the location of the proboscis in moths:

You will forgive the dark "bug", but does Phragmatobia fuliginosa have an imago that feeds?
As for the content, I recommend Tierra to pay attention to the post URL #47 here at this link: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=355726

This post was edited by Dmitrich - 07.04.2012 14: 50
Likes: 1

07.04.2012 15:42, Entomon

You will forgive the dark "bug", but does Phragmatobia fuliginosa have an imago that feeds?
As for the content, I recommend Tierra to pay attention to the post URL #47 here at this link: http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=355726

I don't know for sure, but other bears do.

07.04.2012 15:48, Тьерра

Thanks for the link, Dmitrich, by the way, I've already come across this topic. I was confused that the post was written in 2008, and the author himself did not appear on the forum for more than six months. I'll try, of course, to knock in private, it won't get any worse.

07.04.2012 17:01, vasiliy-feoktistov

About aphagia I didn't know her, by God confused.gif.
Tierra, then it will be quite easy with her: the main thing is not to overdo it in the refrigerator. Good luck smile.gif

07.04.2012 17:26, Тьерра

07.04.2012 23:58, okoem

Isn't my fat girl one of those rare exceptions?

Doesn't apply.
Put it in the refrigerator and wait for the heat. Maybe he'll live to see it.
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08.04.2012 9:12, Тьерра

Thank you all for your answers. Looking forward to warm days =)
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08.04.2012 20:42, Тьерра

Maybe it will be interesting for someone. I managed to talk a little with Izbasar Temreshev (nickname on the forum Bukashechnik), who bred fat brown women at one time. Aphagia is not typical for them, you can feed sugar water from cotton wool.
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29.02.2016 15:02, Тьерра

Four years later, I raise the topic)
One - on-one situation-a live fluffy caterpillar was found in the snow, most likely the same fat brown bear. Brought home to warm up, the caterpillar is sluggish, mostly lies in place and does not move. It responds sluggishly to touches. Apparently, in hibernation.
If it suddenly pupates and comes out (as it did last time), then the butterfly in the refrigerator will simply not live up to the heat, it's too long.
Question : is it possible to put a cup with a caterpillar in the refrigerator so that it sleeps there at least until April or May?

29.02.2016 17:17, okoem

Question : is it possible to put a cup with a caterpillar in the refrigerator so that it sleeps there at least until April or May?

May. But there is a risk that it will dry out in the refrigerator.
In general, it all depends on what kind of caterpillar actually belongs to and for what purpose you brought it home.

29.02.2016 17:20, Тьерра

Are there any less risky methods to extend the caterpillar's hibernation?

In general, it all depends on what kind of caterpillar actually belongs to and for what purpose you brought it home.

Just saved a caterpillar from certain death on the street.
I want to let you go when the heat comes - in the form of a butterfly or in the form of a caterpillar, as it goes.

29.02.2016 18:06, okoem

Just saved a caterpillar from certain death on the street.

If you want to save it, then the caterpillar must be taken back to the street, to its natural habitat. And only so.
And in the refrigerator, with a high probability, you will not save it, but destroy it. Either he will die of hunger, or of thirst, or the chrysalis will dry up. And if it still doesn't dry out, it may turn out to be a crooked ugly butterfly.

29.02.2016 23:53, Тьерра

okoem, just put on the snow?
The caterpillar apparently came out of hibernation ahead of time, when there was a thaw, and ended up in the snow in an open space. But in our middle zone, the heat is still far away, cons are common, and there will probably be severe frosts. It's just that she can't survive on the street, it'll be worse than a refrigerator.
Now the caterpillar is back in hibernation, wakes up at most once a day, changes its position quite a bit. But I'm afraid it's like last time (start of this thread) it will one day rapidly pupate and hatch a butterfly. Then it's definitely certain death or life in the bank. So the task is to extend the caterpillar's hibernation as long as possible.
Is there a more reliable option than a refrigerator?

01.03.2016 2:03, ИНО

We find a stump with a lagging bark, carefully turn the layer away (without breaking it off!), put the caterpillar under it and return everything as bulo. So they spend the winter (I myself found and grew, however, a different species, but it's not important). You can also keep it in the refrigerator, but you will have to take measures against drying out: instead of a rag, close the jar with a lid with a small number of holes and add a moisture-intensive substrate, such as coconut chips or sphagnum. The chances of survival will be about the same, so if the goal is not to get a butterfly in the collection, I personally would choose the option with a stump.
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01.03.2016 9:32, okoem

okoem, just put on the snow?
The caterpillar apparently came out of hibernation ahead of time, when there was a thaw, and ended up in the snow in an open space. But in our middle zone, the heat is still far away, cons are common, and there will probably be severe frosts. It's just that she can't survive on the street, it'll be worse than a refrigerator.

Is there a more reliable option than a refrigerator?

Put it where you found it. You can put it under the bark, as you have already been advised.
"She came out of hibernation ahead of time", "she can't survive on the street" - these are your assumptions. The caterpillar knows what it's doing. If she woke up, then she needed it.
The most reliable option is to take it back to nature.
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01.03.2016 20:16, Тьерра

Thank you for your answers.
If there is a suitable tree or stump nearby, I will put the caterpillar behind the bark. If not, I'll try the option with sawdust and a refrigerator.
Fortunately, the caterpillar has not yet expressed a desire to wake up and pupate.

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