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Contents of lampposts

Community and ForumInsects breedingContents of lampposts

AlisaInAsia, 26.10.2014 12:52

I live in Thailand, caught a lamplighter. She was sitting in a tree. How should I feed her, what plants should I bring, and how much does she eat? Plants should grow, or can you bring fresh leaves like caterpillars?

How do I find information about aphid content? : )

She is still sitting in a latticed bread box, but there is not enough space, then I want to transfer her to a mosquito netting cage.
Any advice on content will be greatly appreciated.

I'll post the photo later

This post was edited by AlisaInAsia - 10/26/2014 12: 53


26.10.2014 12:59, AlisaInAsia

I read that they suck the sap of trees. So do I need to break off a branch of that tree or pick at the bark?

26.10.2014 14:08, Bear

Release the animal! That's not how things work. First, they find out everything about the content, and only then they catch it. Otherwise, it's knacker's work.

26.10.2014 16:29, AlisaInAsia

there is no information about the content anywhere. Those who start messing around with new animals are always difficult. As far as I know, no one was involved in their breeding and maintenance. I searched for articles in English as well.

I cut the bark from the tree where they graze. I saw 5 more pieces there.
I cut more bark from other trees, because it's very tough. I'll look for a similar tree in flower shops.

I bought a coconut ( well, you never know) and tomorrow I will go for fresh cane.

What I cut, put in water, so that it does not dry quickly. Not eating yet.

Someone kept tree-sucking insects? how can I replace tree sap?

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