Community and Forum → Website news and updates → Butterflies for exchange service
Peter Khramov, 27.03.2011 23:58
There is a new “butterflies for exchange” service on for users who have some and want to change. I'll update it with detailed info later on.
UP: so details. Well, Stanislav Korb suggested some system for users could offer and exchange dried butterflies and moths. Today this system was launched in test mode for comments and discussions with Dmitry Podjogin's stuff as a pattern. It's worked out so as users could add info about butterflies in *.csv files (MS Excel and other electronic spreadsheets) in some common style what's better to discuss there, in this thread.
This system sorts and puts that info in order, gets it databased, after that it's available at the species description page and also at the Catalogue (if match the “Only species available for exchange” checkbox, you'll get only species those users have for change), for everybody curious about. Thus, people interested in exchanging may see at the species description page the list of users who have this very species, and therefore get in touch to someone using contacts at this someone's personal page.
To keep this service up to date users involved are considered to update properly info uploading new lists if changed, not only with species they've got for exchange lately but also those they already gave away.
As for limits to replies to such exchanging threads, there are no any. You even might contact someone not getting registered at the website, just look at who's changing at the moment and get in touch using personal contacts.
Limits for those with butterflies for exchange: you may offer only species illustrated with shots added and approved at, or ones supplied with some decent text info. Special privileges and partial or no limits might have website editors and other honored veterans who publish lots and even more.
Besides, maybe it would be better to organize also such service for sell, 'cos obviously sometimes it's easier to sell an item for money and buy another one than find someone who has butterflies your need as well as mutual interest in yours.
Now there is available only species info, but it will be expanded to subspecies classification later on with comments to each item getting changed, price in case it's for sell, and users ratings to exchange opinions on deals and dealers.
This service is a newborn, so please, leave comments, critics, suggestions, share your ideas and whatever.
There are some examples of how it works for those lazy: Catalogue checkbox matched,, a species page,
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