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Russian Far East

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19.04.2010 21:59, Wild Yuri

Primorye, Tigrovy settlement, July 2008. Photo by Alexey Samus

This post was edited by Wild Yuri - 19.04.2010 22: 04

image: Animal. Butterfly.26.JPG
Animal.Butterfly.26.JPG — (377.07 k)

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19.04.2010 22:01, Pavel Morozov

and the indescribable feeling of butterflies getting up by the scruff of the neck!!!!!!!
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19.04.2010 22:06, Wild Yuri

Primorye, Blue Ridge, July 2008. Photo by Andrey Silaev

Animal.Butterfly.50.JPG — (459.51к)

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19.04.2010 22:08, Wild Yuri

Primorye, Blue Ridge, July 2008. Photo by Andrey Silaev

picture: Animal.Insect.08.jpg
Animal.Insect.08.jpg — (131.52к)

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19.04.2010 22:25, Wild Yuri

Primorye, Nakhodka, summer 2009. Photo by Valery Leontiev

0_121f8_1cc53814_XL.jpg — (211.9к)

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19.04.2010 22:29, Wild Yuri

Primorye, Chuguevsky district, summer 2009. Photo by Valery Lysansky

picture: 318653.jpg
318653.jpg — (123.11к)

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19.04.2010 22:38, Pavel Morozov

the leopard is now needed!

19.04.2010 22:51, Yakovlev

or Valera Leontiev

21.04.2010 2:30, Sanangel

Primorye, Tigrovy settlement, July 2008. Photo by Alexey Samus


21.04.2010 3:35, Aaata


It's common there. And the whole difficulty is to choose the most interesting thing from all this flying, crawling and jumping... And it is impossible to take everything and, moreover, process it (and it is not necessary) - it can be kilograms of biomass per night.

This post was edited by Aaata - 21.04.2010 03: 53
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21.04.2010 4:58, Svyatoslav Knyazev

and here's how we fly in Siberia in July smile.gifphoto by the author.
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25.07.2010 6:46, Sergey Didenko

We returned with Mikhail (Mikkey) from Primorye. Tomorrow the Kazakh will arrive. There are a lot of photos and impressions, so as not to clog up this topic, I will open the topic "Seaside Reports", where Mikhail and I will post reports on the work done at the Far East as much as we can (how we rested there with him, you can't call it anything but work).

27.07.2010 9:28, Serg Svetlov

Hello everyone! From June 16 to July 20, Max Smirnov and I visited Primorye, the Lazovsky Nature Reservewink.gif, and its surroundings.He collected everything in a row, even "scales"smile.gif, I mostly mustachios.Summing up, we can safely say that I "spymal" more than 100 species of barbelsjump.gif, many things are isolated, which is a good series.Here is a little bit of photos, and straightened beetles-I could not resist, already on the day of arrival 5 beetles "put".And I forgot to say that in Artyom(at the airport), the generator was taken away from me-the guys from the security service, only one phrase was uttered- " it smells like gasoline."Now they have it in storage for 90 days weep.gif
Straightened beetle:Sachalinobia,Phymatodellus infasciatus,Aglaophis colobotheoides,Teratoclytus,Egesina,Arhopaloscelis bifasciatus,Pseudocalamobius.
Photos of beetles in nature Max will probably post on the Zinovsky website.
About Chelidonium-I didn't see a bug in my eye-this is a photo from July 2008,a local photographer took a picture of the bug and released frown.gif weep.gifit .These are the things that happen in this world!!!

picture: артемид..јрд
Artemis..jpg — (248.76к)

Marriage..jpg — (462.01к)

Wine vine.jpg
Wine vine.jpg — (544.22к)

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gvoz..jpg — (231.9к)

picture: Корп..јрд
Bldg..jpg — (515.68к)

осмодер..јрд — (360.64 k)

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orchids..jpg — (137.16к)

picture: eated_beak.jpg
eated_eezhik.jpg — (398.93к)

Picture: Ta_chingouza.jpg
Ta_chinghouse.jpg — (232.34к)

picture: щитомор..јрд
shchitomor..jpg — (431.54к)

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i_and_resh.jpg — (543.43к)

picture: неудер..јрд
неудер..јрд — (323.65 k)

picture: matra..jpg
matra..jpg — (368.29к)

Chelidonium_zaitzevi_1.jpg — (257.65к)

picture: мат.јрд
мат.јрд — (372.4 k)

picture: матр.јрд
матр.јрд — (450.38 k)

picture: assembly_c_smills.jpg
collections from the sawmill.jpg — (390.58к)

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27.07.2010 14:04, Serg Svetlov

Here are some more "scales" from there.I give it just like that, but if you have a good sawyere, I will be grateful shuffle.gif

picture: DSC_4482.jpg
DSC_4482.jpg — (319.2к)

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27.07.2010 16:06, rpanin

Here are some more "scales" from there.I give it just like that, but if you have a good sawyere, I will be grateful shuffle.gif

Were there any kagabuses?

27.07.2010 23:42, mikee

Primorye, beetle smile.giflovers Unfortunately, there are not many photos, mass gatherings of carabids and barbels were not filmed. The quality of shooting, alas, is low, but there was no such task. We have a rough idea of who is who, but we will be grateful for the exact names.

picture: DSC00449.JPG
DSC00449.JPG — (416.77к)

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DSC00518.jpg — (373.55к)

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DSC00530.jpg — (373.67 k)

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27.07.2010 23:49, mikee

And now for connoisseurs and lovers of caterpillars. Sergey and I are only able to determine up to the family, so get in touch. The last three photos are of the same goose (cocoonworm?) from different angles.

picture: DSC00458.jpg
DSC00458.jpg — (330.43к)

picture: DSC00542.jpg
DSC00542.jpg — (328.38к)

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DSC00546.jpg — (372.92к)

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DSC00643.jpg — (815.24к)

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28.07.2010 1:25, Вишняков Алексей

Primorye, zhukolyubam smile.gif

Were there any gold coins?
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28.07.2010 1:51, Fornax13

DSC00449 - Moechotypa diphysis
DSC00518 - Nicrophorus (Acanthopsilus) concolor
DSC00530, DSC00626, DSC00690 - Lucanus maculifemoratus ssp. dybowskyi
DSC00554 - ?Macrolycus flabellatus
DSC00646 - Aiolocaria hexaspilota
DSC00712 - Popillia indigonacea
DSC00714 - Phelotrupes auratus
DSC00746 - Hoplosternus incanus
DSC00751 - Prionus insularis
DSC00754 - эту рутелинку не знаю
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28.07.2010 8:02, Bad Den

DSC00754.jpg — someone from the local Anomala

28.07.2010 9:31, Pavel Morozov

By geese:
Cerura sp
Caligula boisduwali IMHO
Mirina christophi
for the rest of the geese (kokonopryadsky) better understand Antskr
Likes: 1

28.07.2010 10:45, AntSkr

The first is Kunugia undans, the second is Euthrix laeta.

28.07.2010 11:02, mikee

Were there any gold coins?

We've only seen one or two. The reason is not clear against the background of the abundance of any other beetle. They didn't come to the light.

28.07.2010 11:08, mikee

DSC00449 - Moechotypa diphysis
DSC00518 - Nicrophorus (Acanthopsilus) concolor
DSC00530, DSC00626, DSC00690 - Lucanus maculifemoratus ssp. dybowskyi
DSC00554 - ?Macrolycus flabellatus
DSC00646 - Aiolocaria hexaspilota
DSC00712 - Popillia indigonacea
DSC00714 - Phelotrupes auratus
DSC00746 - Hoplosternus incanus
DSC00751 - Prionus insularis
DSC00754 - I don't know this routine

518-this is the same hefty dead-eater, I didn't know that they were so big and massive sometimes.
530,626,690 - isn't the Dybowski an independent species? And why does it have such small females? It's not visible in the photo. but both copies 626 and 690 did not exceed 4 cm. The male is about 7 cm.
In general, in Anisimovka, barbel in the light and zhuzhlo in traps predominated in catches. On the Vityaz, a variety of plate-moustaches flew to the light in a mass, barbels-only a few.

28.07.2010 11:16, mikee

By geese:
Cerura sp
Caligula boisduwali IMHO
Mirina christophi
the rest of the geese (kokonopryadskim) better understand Antskr

Heck! It was necessary to grab and drag all living things... smile.gif Boisduvali's caterpillars were sitting on a hazel tree, one was taken, but then it got out of the box. They could, after all, pupate, at the right time. And Mirina ran away right after the photo shoot. moreover, there was no honeysuckle nearby at all.

28.07.2010 11:25, SVV

28.07.2010 16:10, чайник555

Evona che:


Novosibirsk entomologist caught a "polar bear"
Novosibirsk entomologist Vladimir Dubatolov caught a rare butterfly — "polar bear" in the vicinity of Khabarovsk.

According to the NTV channel, Vladimir Dubatolov, an employee of the Novosibirsk Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who is on field work near Khabarovsk, caught a butterfly called "Korean iptima" or "polar bear".

No entomologist has ever managed to catch such an insect on the territory of Russia. "The discovery is sensational, it was impossible to predict it," Vladimir Dubatolov said in an interview with the TV channel. Now the scientist is preparing documents for entering the insect in the Red Book of Russia.

As reported by the NHS.NEWS at the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology SB RAS, the entomologist continues to work in Khabarovsk, his business trip will last until the end of summer.

28.07.2010 17:39, barko

Here are some more "scales" from there.I give it just like that, but if you have a good sawyere, I will be grateful shuffle.gif
I was interested in one scoop. Can I get a bigger picture of her? Thanks!
picture: post_28771_1280228635a.jpg

28.07.2010 19:34, Vlad Proklov

Evona che:


Novosibirsk entomologist caught a "polar bear"
Novosibirsk entomologist Vladimir Dubatolov caught a rare butterfly — "polar bear" in the vicinity of Khabarovsk.

According to the NTV channel, Vladimir Dubatolov, an employee of the Novosibirsk Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, who is on field work near Khabarovsk, caught a butterfly called "Korean iptima" or "polar bear".

No entomologist has ever managed to catch such an insect on the territory of Russia. "The discovery is sensational, it was impossible to predict it," Vladimir Dubatolov said in an interview with the TV channel. Now the scientist is preparing documents for entering the insect in the Red Book of Russia.

As reported by the NHS.NEWS at the Institute of Animal Systematics and Ecology SB RAS, the entomologist continues to work in Khabarovsk, his business trip will last until the end of summer.

Only on this forum Vladimir Viktorovich reported about his discovery before television:)

29.07.2010 10:49, smax

DSC00449 - Moechotypa diphysis
DSC00518 - Nicrophorus (Acanthopsilus) concolor
DSC00530, DSC00626, DSC00690 - Lucanus maculifemoratus ssp. dybowskyi
DSC00554 - ?Macrolycus flabellatus
DSC00646 - Aiolocaria hexaspilota
DSC00712 - Popillia indigonacea
DSC00714 - Phelotrupes auratus
DSC00746 - Hoplosternus incanus
DSC00751 - Prionus insularis
DSC00754 - I don't know this routine

DSC00754 - Anomala mongolica Fald.

16.08.2010 14:44, Serg Svetlov

Supplement to the report on your trip to Primorye.I took some of the photos from Max Smirnov.I don't think he'll be offended.I post a small part of his photos, of course cut down.No comments or captions.

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16.08.2010 15:07, Pavel Morozov

to ssacad:
Is that what you have there, a puffer fish?

16.08.2010 15:19, Serg Svetlov

to ssacad:
Is that what you have there, a puffer fish?

She is a darling, but no one agreed to cooksmile.gif, I had to let frown.gifher go
Likes: 2

16.08.2010 15:51, Albatus

Good day to all.
Last week, Yuri Kolmogorov and I returned from a trip to the southern Primorye region. I wasn't very lucky with the weather, but I managed to collect some things wink.gif
16.07. -1.08.-Ussuriysky district, village of Kamenushka
2.08. -7.08. – Khasansky district, settlement Vityaz

This post was edited by Albatus - 16.08.2010 21: 03

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16.08.2010 15:54, Albatus


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16.08.2010 16:04, Albatus


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16.08.2010 17:08, Igorvet

Ugh!!! The mattresses are exemplary! Respect smile.gif
Likes: 3

16.08.2010 18:11, Pavel Morozov

rastravili soul.
Wild nostalgia for Vityaz Bay.

did you catch butterflies in the light?

16.08.2010 20:31, Albatus

rastravili soul.
Wild nostalgia for Vityaz Bay.

did you catch butterflies in the light?

Caught every night.
Yuri Nikolaevich took everything, I only ate 4 lari, I don't know the rest. How to dry - I'll post it in the topic to determine.

This post was edited by Albatus - 08/16/2010 20: 42

27.07.2011 19:34, I.Evgen.

D. V.-Kemerovo. from July 2 to July 6...the weather was not very good...therefore, there are not enough daytime hours...I used to collect them at gas stations...

____________007.jpg — (557.07к)

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