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02.11.2013 9:37, Yuri Semejkin: comment on photo #24382

Shot on Actinidia

02.11.2013 1:11, Peter Khramov: comment on Aricia artaxerxes

Removed buggy line.

02.11.2013 1:06, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #24141

Plexus leaves, where there was a caterpillar, I think.

01.11.2013 20:00, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #24341

Where would it take specialists in the Far East ...

01.11.2013 19:55, Papaver: comment on Anabar Plateau

  К сожалению, Сергей Гундоров, умер в прошлом году.Вот и поговорили...Неудобно получилось.

01.11.2013 17:35, AGG: comment on Insects identification methods

почитайте вот тут и несколько стр выше http://molbiol.ru/forums/index.php?showtopic=214195&st=900

01.11.2013 17:13, Peter Khramov: comment on Cupido minimus

Dmitry, thank fixed. In the foreseeable future there will be a form of comments not only on the pages of the species, but also on the pages of supra-species taxa.

01.11.2013 11:30, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #15930

No questions.

01.11.2013 5:04, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #14397

There are at least 2 more species in that region.

31.10.2013 22:26, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #6105

her eyes were red with shame

31.10.2013 22:16, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #6009

The definition may also erroneous, we must also take a closer look, but certainly not original.

31.10.2013 20:55, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24344

Photo not very good. quality, but it delivered to a supplement to the photo # 24342, and to the description under it - the underside.

31.10.2013 20:54, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24343

Photo not very good. quality, but it delivered to a supplement to the photo # 24342, and to the description below it - this can be seen on the rear fenders

31.10.2013 20:52, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24342

This is the second female (summer) generation sits on the caterpillar host plant Cardamine leucantha (family Brassicaceae) (30 seconds starts off on his eggs, a couple of pictures too, they are not too sharp, but put one with the underside). The eternal question - dulcinea or melete? Between females and melete dulcinea summer generation to opt for melete .The females of summer generation melete ...

31.10.2013 20:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #6474

It was good, would bring. Goose knows someone?

31.10.2013 20:24, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #8557

Less exclamation marks: eye cuts :)

30.10.2013 20:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on In Tai ...

Have a good trip! Get plenty of interesting species, good pictures and vivid impressions!

30.10.2013 17:10, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #7236

I myself do not know, if I knew, suffered :) there must again climb on the SA sites, to see what was happening :)

30.10.2013 16:51, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24303

Vasily, Sergey, thanks for your useful elaboration. Fairly speaking, I originally IDed this moth as griseola but the last bit I changed to complana, the color around its head confused me)) I should have minded its wing width and resting pose! Now I know.

30.10.2013 11:20, Peter Khramov: comment on Buggy sample from the gallery

Yes, there is such a thing. Thanks for the tip, in the next couple of days I will try to improve.

30.10.2013 3:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #24184

Gibddshnaya stick - vymogalka.

30.10.2013 0:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #5526

"Photos Photo Artist and zoologists - no" Gold words!

29.10.2013 12:52, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #16973

Ok, let it be in not identified as I'm constantly wrong :(((

29.10.2013 11:49, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #9960

I have this beauty to belong to Cerura przewalskyi checked. I could be wrong.

29.10.2013 11:39, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on photo #23884

Basil! I am amazed at your composure. Sergei Kotov Photo Saga nothing to do with. There is a theme "The relationship of users and moderators". to go ahead and his opus, young man

29.10.2013 11:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on Transfer to the kinds of ph and accuracy

The exact definition, when the author considers its definition variants only right.Imprecise definition, is when there is question in the correct definition, closely related species, which do not know and can not find the image, differences in color, the timing of summer, absence litrature information on finding this species in this area, the lack of Data on geography and srokm photography,not ...

29.10.2013 2:20, Maxim Schwarz: comment on photo #23926

Obzhoriki :-)

28.10.2013 22:59, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #14581

As small children, super bug confused NYMPHALIS ANTIOPA and Admiral, slip, more than a year in the admirals stood quietly, even Vitali Gumenyuk, noticed the mistake. (I do not know even such productive photographer, though sometimes with photoshop pereshamanivaet. :))) and then just unbearable: ASAP :)))

28.10.2013 18:22, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #17208

They live hard lives, thus ragged...:)

28.10.2013 16:44, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #8091

"By the way, yes. Lord, if you do not know for uncertain foty view, but you know the genus or other supraspecific taxa - write about it in the comments: Soon the site will be able to tie foty not only species, but also to other taxa, the more lower and higher rank " Well, where is it, this opportunity? More than a year has passed ...

28.10.2013 8:32, Shamil Murtazin: comment on photo #17073

wanted to ask is it trueParastichtis suspecta though, probably just a strange lighting ...

28.10.2013 5:23, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #21566

Will wait for confirmation.

28.10.2013 5:22, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #21568

Will wait for confirmation.

27.10.2013 21:01, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #23435

Genus and species added any synonyms if the Germans do not believe in and stand Dmitry :)

27.10.2013 20:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #3486

"Sergey, there are a lot of things we're solidary about, just different approaches" If I was wrong about something, will do my best to get right. :)

27.10.2013 20:37, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13950

"Butterflies are very different, different colors, different shapes sling, Do not you see it?" Well, actually, yes, I agree that there are differences. No questions.

27.10.2013 20:02, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #14312

Thank you!

27.10.2013 20:00, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10964


27.10.2013 19:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #6423

And as to whether Agonopterix arenella ???

27.10.2013 19:37, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #4794


27.10.2013 18:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22517

Just I noticed shifting. This picture is my take of that: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/22519

27.10.2013 18:12, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #13363

Sergei! Stop whining like a woman. Ugly already, right. Odёrnuli so-shakes on mustache!

27.10.2013 18:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22835

Eduza so eduza.

27.10.2013 16:55, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #22810

I touched up a bit after the geography :)

27.10.2013 14:59, Irina Nikulina: comment on photo #24262

The only species of the genus Oreta, occurring in the Russian Far East.

27.10.2013 13:15, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #22901

Guys, if you would like to discuss the very moving subj (not concerning this very pic), please welcome to a special thread http://lepidoptera.pro/community/17182

27.10.2013 13:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #13567

Comments concerning the relationship Modera and user moved to a separate topic: http://lepidoptera.ru/community/17183

27.10.2013 12:28, Peter Khramov: comment on Catoptria pauperellus

Combined with Catoptria pauperella, once the form is removed.

27.10.2013 9:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #22931

Yponomeuta malinellus / padella

27.10.2013 9:25, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #22930

Yponomeuta malinellus / padella

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Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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