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Transfer to the kinds of ph and accuracy

Community and ForumQuestions about image uploading and editing on the websiteTransfer to the kinds of ph and accuracy

Peter Khramov, 27.10.2013 13:07

On the pages of some of the photons in the comments sparked controversy on the topic - what are the options considered and inaccurate determination to carry wilted, respectively, and which are generally regarded as uncertain."Where is the line?" To flaming pages of photographs propose issues related to the transfer of ideology as such and not specific fotami discuss this topic.
Examples ph, where this question is raised: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/22901 http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/15824


27.10.2013 15:59, Sergei Kotov

I have already voiced their position on this issue, but I will repeat it again.
Generally neopredeolennymi I suggest to consider the following:
1) When it is impossible to determine even before the race, and in some cases up to the family.2) When in doubt between a very large number of options (5 - 10 or more options)
I believe that transferring to the ill-defined, you can (and should) in the case where there is any doubt in the two - three approximately equivalent versions. Transferred to a photo in the form which is still more likely.For example, if you know that the butterfly in the photo is still largely similar to the one option rather than another. Or if you know that one of the two similar species is more common and occurs much more frequently than others.

28.10.2013 10:37, Dmitriy Pozhogin

My criteria
Butterfly znakoma- cast out by gender and geography. If no- doubt accurate.
Butterfly is not familiar, or something like that somewhere saw. Imprecise definition. Detects up to sort cast out by the nature and the key geography. If there are at least 2 versions, the writing guess. If you do not write anything more-

29.10.2013 9:40, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Well, my ideology to spread pre-defined types (precisely or not does not matter: calm and balanced corrections are welcome in any case). And if you talk about the ideology of the transfer: a certain kind of pictured
I must undergo exposure in uncertain so as corrections may occur anyway.It is not good because someone is constantly jumping to conclusions to drag photos from species to species.
That's such a conservative.

29.10.2013 11:25, Alexandr Zhakov

The exact definition, when the author considers its definition variants only right.Imprecise definition, is when there is question in the correct definition, closely related species, which do not know and can not find the image, differences in color, the timing of summer, absence litrature information on finding this species in this area, the lack of Data on geography and srokm photography,not visible dimensions butterflies and the like.
If there are 2 or more similar species, then there is incorrectly defined as at least 50%, and there are very, very carefully, you can choose for kostvennym grounds where the percentage higher, please do it :) regional representatives who know their fauna.Genetalnye types are best left vague (not all, conventional genetalnye species are).
Haste is needed when catching fleas, and doubt one author, can not be put as the truth, need each Confirmed if I stand, then share the responsibility transfer.

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