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29.07.2014 20:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31931

I can not remove is not with me is right. It is to Peter :)

29.07.2014 20:14, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #32016

replacement 13186

29.07.2014 20:12, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #32014

replacement 13187

29.07.2014 20:10, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #32012

Replacement 13188

29.07.2014 20:05, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #32010

Instead 13191

29.07.2014 16:59, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #32005

In the words of Vlad rare species. It benefited from the micro to start to collect and edit, however :)

29.07.2014 15:43, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31688

About :) See how to live in this "mysterious" look .....

29.07.2014 15:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #10540

The base did not take place earlier. I swear and did not expect E. quercinaria rooms. Nevertheless, it's not E. erosaria, and E. autumnaria / Change the base :) Ennomos erosaria: http://insectamo.ru/hete/91-hete/geometridae/1091-ennomos-erosarius Ennomos autumnaria: http://insectamo.ru/hete/91-hete/geometridae/1088-ennomos-autumnarius

29.07.2014 15:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31984

C can drive you mad :) One would have thought that flies to the balcony .... Thank you, Basil. Sly and the view is illustrated (the first photo on the website turned out) :)

29.07.2014 13:27, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #14326

MOVED on the same basis as the previous picture.

29.07.2014 2:47, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31981

Added a "live" feed the plant once I had not kicked for it :) The caterpillar eats not only "Rotten leaves on the soil, forest litter and withered grasses," as it was described on the page before.

29.07.2014 1:02, Vladimir Bobow: comment on photo #31787

Vasily thank you very much for the advice, it is my first experiments in this direction. Before, I preferred to take pictures of butterflies live, but it is not always possible. So we will learn.

29.07.2014 0:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Ambulyx sericeipennis

View tobii created. The reason for this is more than enough. Subspecies A. s. tobii Inoue, 1976 need to get out of here.

28.07.2014 23:27, Evgeny Komarov: comment on photo #31940


28.07.2014 23:11, Evgeny Komarov: comment on The new structure for the header page types

Let the left, which is now. Especially if one pops up a few Latin Russian ... will be significant.

28.07.2014 22:54, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on Mesoligia furuncula

P.S. Alexander, if not a secret, and where the legs grow from the speech about the correctness of the plants? Last question and stop.

28.07.2014 21:09, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31970

13853 return

28.07.2014 21:05, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31968

Rather 13854

28.07.2014 21:01, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31964

Rather 13855

28.07.2014 20:08, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31946

Instead 13858

28.07.2014 20:03, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31942

Instead 12263

28.07.2014 20:00, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31938

Instead 12279

28.07.2014 19:57, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31936

Instead 12665

28.07.2014 19:53, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31933

Instead 12666

28.07.2014 19:50, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31932

Instead 12255

28.07.2014 19:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31900

Yuri is certainly necessary to pull it. But it will be when you can spread the image directly on the site, and not to other resources. There are several plans to the technical merits of (not related to taking pictures of butterflies). In short: "plenty of plans," the main thing now, to opportunity and enough time for it :)

28.07.2014 17:58, Alex Dumchus: comment on Automeris postalbida

MB A. This anikmeisterae (Brechlin & Meister 2011). He was described only in 2011. On one site I met a similar instance of Costa Rica with this name.

28.07.2014 15:46, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31895

I went for lunch spider Misumena vatia As before, my Aporia Crataegi: http://lepidoptera.ru/gallery/29530

27.07.2014 21:53, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #31906

Alexander zvyakni my phone or just write the steps that and on what pages are doing.

26.07.2014 6:16, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31882

Quite changeable scoop and appeared in recent days in the Railway fly to the light mass. All: suffice it to download from this point :)

25.07.2014 17:08, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31862

This is still possible to identify other onositelno easily ..... It is the only one in the region :)

25.07.2014 12:09, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31851

Difficult question ... Shifting it like a mongrel dog :) will be in abundance, I think :) By the way, the classical, motley form we somehow rarely.

25.07.2014 12:03, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #31844

Thank you, Vasily, I started on the other, and this has put on the machine definition and did not see that it is already there. Error corrected. :)

24.07.2014 22:11, Alex Dumchus: comment on photo #31842


24.07.2014 18:28, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #12935

Gradually recovering from memory (then still was not Moder) :)

24.07.2014 18:15, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #12936

Well, now restored historical justice :) Eugene, with the arrival on site. And here we have remembered with Alexander :)

23.07.2014 23:05, Igor Sakhno: comment on photo #31754

I tried to catch two in the field, but no! Only the more distant photo of something clears up, but of course, without details. I can, by the way, and it lay.

23.07.2014 13:40, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #31765

But the appearance of butterflies, I would say, scientific :))), for the collection, only the first copies.

23.07.2014 10:36, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #31757

As well, it is them, moths need! -)

22.07.2014 23:50, Alexsandr Martukov: comment on photo #26942

Thank you, yes, there is an occasion for reflection and learning :)

22.07.2014 18:56, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31728

I ponastavili its variations and about straightened rusty :) fill ...

22.07.2014 14:53, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31357

Yeah, in males. Only typical female Lycaon 2

22.07.2014 12:38, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31714

Please do not hit hurt because I put a lot of zheltushki :) Honestly, I do not see that someone else - a kind exhibited recently this beautiful, Meshchera views. It's just that I have the opportunity to present her repeatedly. By the way: this season it a little fly in nature .... apparently influenced by the weather.

22.07.2014 11:42, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31674

Priydёm consensus :) This finding exactly one year from that same point I say "staked" first :)

22.07.2014 11:19, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #31662


22.07.2014 11:09, Alexandr Zhakov: comment on photo #31712

Radi, whose interest? Basil, you'll excuse me, but it's all garbage, why pollute the site. ((( And it is not defined properly, look at the sash on the lower wing isPseudoterpna pruinata. There is clearly overkill.

21.07.2014 23:59, Alexsandr Martukov: comment on photo #31661


21.07.2014 21:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31573

But there is nothing particularly surprising :) There, from Vladivostok to China roughly the same as I am today in the Vladimir region traveled on the train one way (direct) :)

21.07.2014 18:57, Vasiliy Feoktistov: comment on photo #31677

Last age.

21.07.2014 9:59, Svetlana Shchavelina: comment on Papilio demoleus

I understand you. Since autumn (on his return from the country) will start the job quietly, as time will fall free.

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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