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Photo #31900: Pterodecta felderi


Pterodecta felderi

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Base gallery. Upperside. Alive insect.

Photo, and identified by: Yuri Semejkin. Image without retouching at the website

Date and time, location shooting/catching: 2014-07-27 00:00:00, Vladivostok Neighborhood

Photographer's comment: The butterfly is pre-submerged before shooting

Comments on this image

28.07.2014 19:32, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri is certainly necessary to pull it. But it will be when you can spread the image directly on the site, and not to other resources. There are several plans to the technical merits of (not related to taking pictures of butterflies). In short: "plenty of plans," the main thing now, to opportunity and enough time for it :)

28.07.2014 17:33, Yuri Semejkin

Well, thank you all. Image and text quite clearly. Can it make a separate topic. Suddenly, another who wants to try poraspravlyat

28.07.2014 17:06, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Alexander, from my soap box with a flashlight, this trick does not go into any :) already tried once. Therefore I prefer podmarivat and only then shoot in normal conditions.

28.07.2014 16:58, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, I want to remind you that the book, which I have laid out for the July 18 put up on the shelf life of 30 days filehosting. This is the maximum period that allows this resource. Therefore, if you have not downloaded something advise pooropitsya. The book is not forever will lie on these links.Well, for clarity, how to look at raspravilkeMalacosoma neustriaandSpilosoma luteain my version:

Thin strips of tracing paper at the root of the wing is needed to make the initial position of the wings, and then the remainder of the wing closes more dense and desirable as transparent paper.I actually do not use for this paper, and I buy in the stationery and then I cut into strips of clear plastic folder for documents. The plastic from which they are made is ideal for this purpose. Well dry butterfly of this size on raspravilke my climatic conditions approx. during the week.In Vladivostok, the humidity should be increased as the nearby ocean and thus the drying process will take longer. Butterfly before it is removed from the raspravilki should be well dried: this is important! In short, over time, learn to. Good luck :)

28.07.2014 16:50, Alexandr Zhakov

I'm a little povystupayu :)
We value photographed on a dark screen (UV light) just need to highlight the butterfly lantern to fotoaparat brought sharpness and not starve :)
in the case where the butterfly zamarivaetsya not pulled myself together, it looks like entrapment slippers and you Vasily and me. (I go to this, only very few copies.arriving in the unit, but not trivial)

28.07.2014 15:02, Yuri Semejkin

Thank you, Peter!

28.07.2014 14:29, Peter Khramov

Smooth better that the scales are not ripped off. Better yet (if it is a lot), to one side it had a smooth (for cheshuki) and other rough (finger).

28.07.2014 12:15, Yuri Semejkin

Basil, for tracing enlighten. There tracing The drawing under the ink, it is smooth and there is a pencil - more rough. Over rough probably better?

28.07.2014 11:46, Yuri Semejkin

I took note.

28.07.2014 10:48, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Year does not have any value: it is the basics and know-how on this subject there is no per se.
For raspravki you will need at least the following:
TN "Raspravilka" pins, so-called "dissecting needle" (in some cases, you can do without it), tweezers with smooth jaws, pins, The drawing and tracing paper thicker paper. Well, then: read the literature.Sam studied only on the books in the period of the great country of the USSR and still other methods do not know.

28.07.2014 10:14, Yuri Semejkin

Basil, I remember about the link. I promised to bring the book tomorrow, do not know the truth until what year. I will try to understand.

27.07.2014 18:02, Vasiliy Feoktistov

In raspravke experience usually comes with time and once good will: it is an axiom. Another decent spoil material. And what about an angle of 90 degrees: this rule. And it must be adhered to. Yuri, I recently gave you a reference to the book is very necessary for a beginner. Please download it and read there about raspravku all true written.And much more, all available language :)

27.07.2014 17:25, Peter Khramov

The requirement is mandatory. With regard raspravki - they can crawl down, holding back their own strips of parchment / tracing paper / ribbon / paper with pins? Yuri probably attaches the wing just not strong enough.

27.07.2014 17:14, Yuri Semejkin

Basil, I agree that does not look, but others. Net.V picture is nature, as I see it constantly with folded wings. That had to catch to remove the top.
With the unfolding problems are not so simple as the kazalos.Vrode Zamora starting to spread, and the front fenders are heading south.It is impossible at times under the angle of the wings 90, in relation to the body. By the way, this requirement necessary? or enough to match up the picture at the expansion of the upper and lower wings?

27.07.2014 16:33, Vasiliy Feoktistov

Yuri, I did not submit to such an example Rhopalocera (daytime) butterflies :))) Slightly explain why he do so.
The screen on which fishing is in my house, on the balcony and he highlighted ultraviolet lamps. In this light picture obviously will not.Therefore, I first collect butterflies, and then stand in the apartment where I fitted the place for shooting. And of course I have to honestly write that podmarivayu :) With Butterflies This trick does not pass and shoot better, or in the nature or straightened: no other way.Agree: the butterfly on your photo looks like its sneakers prishibli first, and then sfotat ...

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