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21.11.2013 18:44, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #5747

If there is any reliable feature to make it possible to distinguish these two species by photo? If not, let's be consistent and move this and other photos of these two species to uncertain or move this image to successfully identified as there were no up-to-date founds of A. agestis, or namely specimens which could be only by exterior referred to A. agestis.

09.10.2013 20:29, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23939

Ectropis crepuscularia

09.10.2013 20:27, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23938

Scopula nigropunctata

09.10.2013 8:21, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23932

indeed, armigera

30.09.2013 9:46, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23784

Selenia dentaria (Fabricius, 1775)

30.09.2013 9:46, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23782

Selenia dentaria (Fabricius, 1775)

30.09.2013 9:46, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23783

Selenia dentaria (Fabricius, 1775)

30.09.2013 9:41, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23780

Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1764)

30.09.2013 9:41, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23781

Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1764)

25.09.2013 8:26, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23694

It Scopula immutata

22.09.2013 22:37, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23669

Scotopteryx chenopodiata

22.09.2013 22:35, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23670

Cyclophora pendularia

20.09.2013 8:18, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23591

This species is identified correctly.

20.09.2013 8:17, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #23591


28.07.2013 22:57, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22346


27.07.2013 20:51, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #14676


14.07.2013 21:27, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #6853

This species is identified correctly.

02.07.2013 23:54, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22743

Cyaniris semiargus

02.07.2013 21:16, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22712

I agree with Evgeny, I hastened ...

30.06.2013 1:06, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22712

Brenthis daphne

30.06.2013 1:02, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22716

Thetidia smaragdaria

30.06.2013 1:02, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22715

Thetidia smaragdaria

27.06.2013 8:34, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22687


26.06.2013 1:55, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22640

Scopula immutata (Linnaeus, 1758)

26.06.2013 1:53, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22687

This species is identified correctly.

26.06.2013 1:53, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22686

This species is identified correctly.

19.06.2013 11:39, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22587

Brenthis ino (Rottemburg, 1775)

03.06.2013 22:33, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #22290

Xanthorhoe montanata (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775)

05.05.2013 16:53, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21947

Gonepteryx rhamni (Linnaeus, 1758)

05.05.2013 16:50, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21938

This species is identified correctly.

05.05.2013 16:50, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21939

This species is identified correctly.

05.05.2013 16:48, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21935

This species is identified correctly.

29.04.2013 18:48, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21904

This species is identified correctly.

26.04.2013 22:51, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #14313

This is Hypomecis roboraria (Denis & Schiffermüller 1775).

26.04.2013 22:48, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #12031

This species is identified correctly.

26.04.2013 13:34, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21881

Zygaena lonicerae.

26.04.2013 13:34, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21882

This species is identified correctly.

26.04.2013 13:34, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21883

This species is identified correctly.

25.04.2013 11:10, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21875

Thymelicus sylvestris (Poda 1761).

25.04.2013 11:08, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21871

Boloria selene (Denis & Schiffermüller 1775).

25.04.2013 11:08, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21876

Carterocephalus palaemon (Pallas 1771).

25.04.2013 11:07, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21877

Carterocephalus silvicola (Meigen 1829).

17.04.2013 11:14, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21807

Achlya flavicornis (Linnaeus, 1758).

17.04.2013 11:12, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21816

Catocala fraxini (Linnaeus, 1758).

14.04.2013 18:12, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21788

Zygaena filipendulae (Linnaeus, 1758).

12.04.2013 19:10, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21767

Hemithea aestivaria (Hübner 1789).

12.04.2013 19:10, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21766

Hemithea aestivaria (Hübner 1789).

12.04.2013 19:10, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21765

Hemithea aestivaria (Hübner 1789).

12.04.2013 19:04, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21756

This species is identified correctly.

12.04.2013 12:50, Fyodor Pudovikov: comment on photo #21755

Boloria selene (Denis & Schiffermüller, 1775).

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Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

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