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14.08.2013 16:35, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23053

Aporia crataegi (Linnaeus, 1758)

14.08.2013 16:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22949

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 16:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22948

Parastichtis suspecta (Hubner, 1807)

14.08.2013 16:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22946

Parastichtis suspecta (Hubner, 1807)

14.08.2013 16:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22947

Parastichtis suspecta (Hubner, 1807)

14.08.2013 15:50, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22799

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:47, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22779

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:34, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22747

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:34, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22746

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:34, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22745

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:30, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22714

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:24, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22694

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:24, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22693

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:24, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22692

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:24, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22691

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22690

This species is identified correctly.

14.08.2013 15:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22689

This species is identified correctly.

20.06.2013 16:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22587

This species is identified correctly.

20.06.2013 16:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22583

Boloria titania

20.06.2013 16:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22581

Boloria titania

20.06.2013 16:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22582

This species is identified correctly.

15.06.2013 17:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22389

This species is identified correctly.

31.05.2013 16:11, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22246

And actually in the photo Archiearis notha (Hubner, 1803)!

25.05.2013 15:56, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22162

This species is identified correctly.

25.05.2013 15:56, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22160

Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775)

25.05.2013 15:56, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22159

Cupido minimus (Fuessly, 1775)

25.05.2013 15:56, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22161

This species is identified correctly.

08.05.2013 13:30, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22016

Earophila badiata

08.05.2013 13:30, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22015

Earophila badiata

07.05.2013 19:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21960

This species is identified correctly.

04.05.2013 19:46, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21939

This species is identified correctly.

04.05.2013 19:45, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21938

This species is identified correctly.

04.05.2013 19:45, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21936


04.05.2013 19:41, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21935

This species is identified correctly.

26.04.2013 17:32, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21881

This species is identified correctly.

26.04.2013 17:32, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21882

This species is identified correctly.

25.04.2013 17:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21877

This species is identified correctly.

25.04.2013 17:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21876

This species is identified correctly.

25.04.2013 17:40, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21875

This species is identified correctly.

25.04.2013 17:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21871

This species is identified correctly.

20.04.2013 12:48, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21850

This species is identified correctly.

20.04.2013 12:48, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21844

Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758).

20.04.2013 12:47, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21843

Limenitis camilla (Linnaeus, 1764).

20.04.2013 12:47, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21842

This species is identified correctly.

20.04.2013 12:47, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21841

This species is identified correctly.

20.04.2013 12:47, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21840

Argynnis paphia (Linnaeus, 1758).

20.04.2013 12:46, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21839

This species is identified correctly.

20.04.2013 12:46, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21836

Pieris napi (Linnaeus, 1758).

20.04.2013 12:46, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21838

Elophila nymphaeata (Linnaeus, 1758).

18.04.2013 19:28, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #21828

This species is identified correctly.

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Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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