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06.10.2013 13:46, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #14704

Gortyna flavago (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) (in the ill-defined)

06.10.2013 13:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23805

OK, sorry for the impatient. Uchtu on future developments.

06.10.2013 11:15, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11445

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:15, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11447

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11448

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10964

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10967

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10959

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10816

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10818

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:14, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10815

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:13, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10762

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:13, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10763

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:13, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23804

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:13, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23806

Wrap will or not?

06.10.2013 11:13, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23805

Wrap will or not?

04.10.2013 17:58, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13046

Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)

04.10.2013 17:58, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13048

Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)

04.10.2013 17:58, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #13047

Aglais urticae (Linnaeus, 1758)

04.10.2013 17:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12244

Vitula edmandsii (PACKARD, 1864)

04.10.2013 17:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12242

Vitula edmandsii (PACKARD, 1864)

04.10.2013 17:49, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12245

Vitula edmandsii (PACKARD, 1864)

04.10.2013 17:18, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12083

Most likely, Agonopterix heracliana (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 17:18, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12084

Most likely, Agonopterix heracliana (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 17:18, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #12079

Most likely, Agonopterix heracliana (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 17:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11912

Yes, it Hofmannophila pseudospretella, all right.

04.10.2013 17:16, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11913

Yes, it Hofmannophila pseudospretella, all right.

04.10.2013 17:10, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11874

Idaea aversata (Linnaeus, 1758)

04.10.2013 14:42, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11493

Argyresthia conjugella Zeller, 1839

04.10.2013 14:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11445

Depressaria leucocephala (in the ill-defined)

04.10.2013 14:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11447

Depressaria leucocephala (in the ill-defined)

04.10.2013 14:22, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #11448

Depressaria leucocephala (in the ill-defined)

04.10.2013 14:00, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10964

Clostera curtula (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 14:00, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10967

Clostera curtula (in the ill-defined)

04.10.2013 13:58, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22030

In this case the most likely Plebejus argus it.

04.10.2013 13:29, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10959

Agonopterix heracliana (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 13:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10816

Macaria signaria (Hubner, 1809)

04.10.2013 13:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10818

Macaria signaria (Hubner, 1809)

04.10.2013 13:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10815

Yes, it Macaria signaria (Hubner, 1809). You can move in precisely defined.

04.10.2013 12:29, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #22030

And in what biotope was made this picture?

04.10.2013 12:28, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10762

Polia nebulosa (Hufnagel, 1766)

04.10.2013 12:28, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10763

Polia nebulosa (Hufnagel, 1766)

04.10.2013 11:34, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #10531

My opinion - Epirrita autumnata (in the ill-defined).

04.10.2013 11:26, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23804

I agree with an author photo, most likely it Gillmeria pallidactyla (proposed to be moved inaccurately defined Gillmeria pallidactyla).

04.10.2013 11:25, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23806

I agree with an author photo, most likely it Gillmeria pallidactyla (proposed to be moved inaccurately defined Gillmeria pallidactyla).

04.10.2013 11:25, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #23805

I agree with an author phot, most likely it Gillmeria pallidactyla (proposed to be moved inaccurately defined Gillmeria pallidactyla).

03.10.2013 23:39, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #9314

Firstly, the shape of the wings. At the edge of the front wing amurensis with teeth, but they are more gentle and there is clearly a remarkable deepening. In populi edge of the wing again with teeth, but they are sharp (not flat) and arranged uniformly, without any kind, whatsoever recesses and curvatures.In this case, the teeth on the edge of the front wing of the uniform and pronounced, that is ...

03.10.2013 22:27, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #1972

Yes definitely Odontopera bidentata (Clerck, 1759) it is!

03.10.2013 22:23, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #14593

All right, Celastrina argiolus it. Why is still in uncertain?

03.10.2013 22:22, Sergei Kotov: comment on photo #14583

All right, Celastrina argiolus it. Why is still in uncertain?

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