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The taxons were merged. Pediasia abnaki and Pediasia agnaki were merged.
The taxons were merged. Platytes ornatella and Platytes ornatellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Platytes cerussella and Platytes cerusella were merged.
Corrected data. Raphiptera minimellus Robinson 1871 → (Robinson, 1871).
The taxons were merged. Raphiptera argillaceella and Raphiptera argillaceellus were merged.
Corrected data. Akiptera → Akiptera Saunders, 1850.
The taxons were merged. Tehama bonifatella and Tehama bonifatellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Thaumatopsis solutella and Thaumatopsis solutellus were merged.
Corrected data. Aiurasyma → Aiurasyma Martins & Galileo, 2001.
The taxons were merged. Thaumatopsis repanda and Thaumatopsis repandus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Thaumatopsis pexella and Thaumatopsis pexellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Thaumatopsis magnifica and Thaumatopsis magnificus were merged.
Corrected data. Aguassay → Aguassay Napp & Mermudes, 2001.
The taxons were merged. Thaumatopsis actuella and Thaumatopsis actuellus were merged.
Corrected data. Agrianome → Agrianome Thomson, 1864.
Corrected data. Diptychophora powelli Landry 1990 → Landry, 1990.
Corrected data. Agranolamia → Agranolamia Baguena, 1952.
Corrected data. Agnoderus → Agnoderus Thomson, 1864.
The revision of the genus, this species is not present.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius zagulajevi and Euchromius zaguljaevi were merged.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius vinculellus and Euchromius vinculella were merged.
By Sinev in Primorye 6 species Hydrelia. But already mentioned here, there are 3 types of similar - may also Hydrelia musculata?
The taxons were merged. Euchromius superbellus and Euchromius superbella were merged.
The audit Euchromius kind of this species, it is almost everywhere in the genus Diptychophora.
Corrected data. Diptychophora mitis Meyrick 1931 → Meyrick, 1931.
Corrected data. Diptychophora huixtla Landry 1990 → Landry, 1990.
Corrected data. Euchromius ernatus Schouten 1992 → Schouten, 1992.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius rayatella and Euchromius rayatellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius pulverosa and Euchromius pulverosus were merged.
Corrected data. Eromene bella was removed from the synonyms list
The taxons were merged. Euchromius jaxartella and Euchromius jaxartellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius gratiosella and Euchromius gratiosellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Euchromius bella and Euchromius bellus were merged.
We reserve until both. It is strange that in this type of MR not, can two different.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria spodiella and Catoptria spodiellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria spatulella and Catoptria spatulellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria pyramidella and Catoptria pyramidellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria profluxella and Catoptria profluxellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Agriphila paleatella and Agriphila paleatellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Agriphila indivisellus and Agriphila indivisella were merged.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria orientella and Catoptria orientellus were merged.
The taxons were merged. Catoptria oregonica and Catoptria oregonicus were merged.
Corrected data. Catoptria margaritella (Denis & Schiffermuller, 1775) → ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775).
The taxons were merged. Catoptria montivaga and Catoptria montivagus were merged.
Catoptria mienshani for the first description, the type described in this genus, but met the author in brackets (Bleszynski, 1965) ???
Corrected data. Laemostenus ederi Reitter, 1885 → Laemostenus lederi Reitter, 1885.
Corrected data. Not identified → Leucophora / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Leucophora / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Leucophora / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Sympetrum sanguineum / Confidently identified / Marina Yolkina.
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