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Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Imago / Vladimir Bobow → Argynnis paphia / Female / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Imago / Vladimir Bobow → Erebia neriene / Female / Yuriy Karpov.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Confidently identified / Vladimir Bobow → Boloria selenis / Tentatively identified / Yuriy Karpov.
The taxons were merged. Xestia alexis and Estimata militzae were merged.
Corrected data. Hyles (Surholtia) chuvilini was removed from the synonyms list
Leave it as it is Conisania (Luteohadena) luteago.
Empria magnicornis:
Priophorus compressicornis: (Cladius (Priophorus) compressicornis).
Corrected data. Aedes cinereus → Aedes rossicus.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
I've moved it to G. virens in connection with a comment on the webpage of another photo of this specimen.
Corrected data. Gilpinia variegata → Gilpinia virens.
Gentlemen, please note that there are photos in other angles (see the right block of the page).
Corrected data. Syrphidae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Sphaerophoria scripta / Irek Yusupov.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
It's been less than 5.5 years, and I've already fixed the typo!)
I see the photos are connected. But if not all of them are connected, and the problem remains — please let me know.
Corrected data. Platymetopius undata De Geer 1773 → Platymetopius undatus De Geer 1773.
I see the issue is resolved?
The species was added, but synonym remained... I have now deleted the synonym, moved the photo to H. heydeni and put it as an illustration to the species.
Corrected data. Heterocerus → Heterocerus heydeni.
Corrected data. Colias Colias mongola Alphéraky, 1897 → Colias mongola Alphéraky, 1897.
Corrected data. Euproctis xanthorrhoea (Kollar, 1848) → Sphrageidus xanthorrhoea (Kollar, 1848).
Corrected data. Euproctis virguncula Walker, 1855 → Sphrageidus virguncula Walker, 1855.
Corrected data. Euproctis rubricosta Fawcett, 1918 → Sphrageidus rubricosta Fawcett, 1918.
Corrected data. Euproctis putilla Saalmüller, 1884 → Sphrageidus putilla Saalmüller, 1884.
Corrected data. Euproctis producta Walker, 1863 → Sphrageidus producta Walker, 1863.
Corrected data. Euproctis perixesta Collenette, 1954 → Sphrageidus perixesta Collenette, 1954.
Corrected data. Euproctis lemuria (Hering, 1926) → Sphrageidus lemuria (Hering, 1926).
Corrected data. Euproctis incommoda (Butler, 1882) → Sphrageidus incommoda (Butler, 1882).
Parent taxon has been changed. Euproctis → Nygmiini.
Corrected data. Sphrageidus similis was removed from the synonyms list
Corrected data. Jordanita scintillosa Zolotuhin, 2020 → Jordanita (Roccia) scintillosa Zolotuhin, 2020.
Corrected data. Stenolophus marginatum (Dejean, 1829) → Stenolophus marginatus (Dejean, 1829).
Guys, please, comment is it Calocoris roseomaculatus or is it Adelphocoris lineolatus.
Corrected data. Mycetina → Mycetina marginalis.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Imago → Ephemera vulgata / Female.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Imago → Ephemera vulgata / Male.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera → Serratella ignita.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Confidently identified / Imago → Cloeon / Tentatively identified / Female.
Corrected data. Diptera / Sergeyy Tjabut → Empididae / Nikolai Vladimirov.
Corrected data. Diptera / Confidently identified / Ivan Pristrem → Minettia lupulina / Tentatively identified / Nikolai Vladimirov.
I removed photo #74750 (it is twin of this one).
And you don't need to search it in the paper catalog. Here are Lycaenidae from 17th Russian Region :--)
Corrected data. Chrysolina (Chrysolina) metallica (Laicharting, 1781) → Timarcha metallica (Laicharting, 1781).
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