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Proctos, thanks for the list. The number of features is impressive. Still, there is so much data to dig up...
Not so lately the system of shot dates was reconstructed, so now we can see just "1977" year, with no details...
Cicadetta montana is known from the vicinity of St. Petersburg, but only locally - on the Duderhof heights. This year, their exuviae were collected there by colleagues in early summer. Where it came from there is another question. Either it is a relic of the Holocene optimum, or an introduced one (under Catherine II, trees from the Carpathians were planted there). But it is very far from Okhta to ...
Could someone from Kiev bring a few boxes of butterflies from Moscow to Kiev and give them to my Kiev friend?
Got here on the occasion of a male ornithoptera Rothschild with steamed wings. It sticks out in the sump-and it is not comme il faut to expose it and it is a pity to throw it away. Can I restore the color somehow?
Lepidurus, I assume L. batesoni. And where was he caught? Just this type for the south of Western Siberia is given. Although probably Triops granarius from Transbaikalia is more suitable.This post was edited by botanque - 30.08.2011 23: 05
Moved to argus. As for retouching, there should be some limits. For instance, paphia shots are definitely too "art" and not real. Such intense colors as you can see on this shot are rather usual and even default for some digital cameras. Even though for this very photo author did it manually. As for "art" sections and the idea in general, let's look at this on the other hand. I think, we lack ...