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Corrected data. → Saturnia lesoudieri.
.- Vasiliy Feoktistov, 09/06/2014 22:20
How do you feel about that? ...... I for the fact that if all ukazyvat.gde tselesoobrazno.Dazhe formally renounced.
Corrected data. Saturnia → Saturnia anna.
Corrected data. Saturnia → Saturnia anna.
Corrected data. Saturnia (Schrank, 1802) → Saturnia Schrank, 1802.
Corrected data. Saturnia (Schrank, 1802) → Saturnia Schrank, 1802.
Corrected data. Imago → Female.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Carabus (Meganebrius) scheibei diricola Deuve, 2000 Pictures:schreibei_diricola_Deuve_2000.JPG — (289.41к)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Nearctic, Neotropic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Neotropic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Nearctic, Neotropic.
Corrected data. Elateridae → Tomicephalus substriatus.
Corrected data. Elateridae → Tomicephalus substriatus.
Corrected data. Erodius gibbus (Fabricius, 1775) → Erodius (Erodius) gibbus (Fabricius, 1775).
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Oh, I didn't know.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Corrected data. Tenebrio → Neatus picipes.
Please tell me how to prick a butterfly strictly perpendicular ?I only get it at an angle.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Indo-Malayan.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Erynnis montanus / Yuri Semejkin.
Corrected data. Lycoperdininae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Spathomeles retiarius / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Lycoperdininae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Spathomeles retiarius / Evgeny Komarov.
Parent taxon has been changed. Endomychidae → Lycoperdininae.
Corrected data. Silphidae / Alex Lender → Phosphuga atrata / Vasiliy Feoktistov.
This species is identified correctly.
Looking at the gallery and selecting a stage "adults" - ignored "male", "female", well, etc. In terms of databases all true of course, but logically wrong =)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic. Flight time: No formalized data → , , , , .
When bringing to the subspecies, in those cases when it is determined to species, determined the surname did not seem to change?
To lose ....
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
Celastrina ladonides ?
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa diversiocellata.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa diversiocellata.
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Corrected data. Samia → Samia kohlli.
Saturnia thibeta, (Westwood, 1853)
Corrected data. Zoogeographical regions: No formalized data → Palaearctic.
So. Last fall, the swallowtail did not come out of the pupa and I prepared it for the winter in the refrigerator. The twig on which he pupated was placed in a small jar, put a wet cotton pad on the bottom (so as not to dry out) and covered it with foil by making holes in it with a fork. In winter, sometimes once a month, 1.5-2 drops of water dripped to the bottom in a cotton pad, and there were ...
Thank you, Alexander!
Thank you, Alexander!
Corrected data. Not identified → Nomophila noctuella / Confidently identified / Alexandr Zhakov.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa anthera.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa anthera.
Corrected data. Loepa → Loepa sikkima.
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