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Corrected data. Not identified → Carabus hortensis / Tentatively identified / Alexander Generalov.
Corrected data.
Corrected data. Not identified → Cycloneda ancoralis / Confidently identified / Galgo Dela.
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Tentatively identified.
Zoran, if you have other photos of this specimen or any other information in connection with which you can confidently define the species, please let us know.
Corrected data. Amphipyra berbera / Zoran Bozovic → Amphipyra / Andrey Ponomarev.
Ok, let's leave it in S. roborella.
Corrected data. Pseudatemelia (Rebel, 1910) → Agnoea Walsingham, 1907.
Transfer source: S.Yu. Sinev & A.L. Lvovsky. Taxonomic status and species composition of the little known genus Agnoea Walsingham, 1907 (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Lypusidae) // Zoosystematica Rossica, 23(1): 137–144. 25 June 2014. [382]
Corrected data. Pseudatemelia (Rebel, 1910) → Agnoea Walsingham, 1907.
Typo is corrected.
Corrected data. Pseudatemelia jlavifrontella ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775) → Pseudatemelia flavifrontella ([Denis & Schiffermuller], 1775).
Corrected data. Epirrhoe galiata / Vitaly Gumenuk → Lampropteryx suffumata / Andrey Ponomarev.
Corrected data. Sophronia chilonella → Sophronia consanguinella.
Corrected data. Sophronia chilonella → Sophronia consanguinella.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Catoptria / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Glischrochilus hortensis → Ipidia binotata.
Corrected data. Colias / Vera Volkotrub → Colias erate poliographus / Maxim Maximov.
Corrected data. Bucculatrix noltei / Nikolai Vladimirov → Bucculatrix humiliella / Ilia Ustiantcev.
Corrected data. Curculio carinatopunctatus Retzius → Otiorhynchus (Nihus) carinatopunctatus Retzius.
Corrected data. Hemerobius micans → Hemerobius stigma.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Bobow → Peridea lativitta / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Gracillariidae / Nikolai Vladimirov → Caloptilia stigmatella / Irina Nikulina.
A comment for the sake of order - the species were added by Evgeniy himself.
Corrected data. Geometridae / Vladimir Deryabin → Scopula immorata / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Geometridae / Vladimir Deryabin → Scopula immorata / Irina Nikulina.
Corrected data. Gonioctena linnaeana → Gonioctena decemnotata.
Corrected data. Pentatomini → Okeanos quelpartensis.
Corrected data. Pentatomini → Okeanos quelpartensis.
Corrected data. Pentatomini → Okeanos quelpartensis.
Corrected data. Pentatomini → Okeanos quelpartensis.
The taxons were merged. Pseudogonalos hahnii and Trigonalis hahnii were merged.
The species is already on the website as Amauronematus humeralis. As soon as we understand where we are taking Euura squalida, I will transfer photographs if necessary and I'll assign illustrations.
Andrey, I've added Stauronematus platycerus species.
Parent taxon has been changed. Pristiphora → Stauronematini.
Taxon level has been changed. Subgenus → Genus.
The taxons were merged. Cladius compressicornis and Pristiphora compressicornis were merged.
Andrey, I’m not an expert on these taxa, and it’s difficult for me to judge. But from general considerations: is a mixed bag, it can be used as a source - but only for unavailability of other, more convenient ones (such cases actually happen when a taxon does not have a curator on the website). But according even to your links to — Euura squalida is a synonym for ...
Andrey, I've added F. ewaldi according to David R. Smith, Ewald Altenhofer. The Second Record of a Sawfly Leafminer on Rosa, A New Species of Fenusa (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae). April 2011. Proceedings of the Entomological Society of Washington 113(1): 57-60. And Fenusa nana (Klug, 1816) - apparently, after all, a synonym for Fenusella nana?
Euura saliciscinereae was added. Is E. squalida a synonym of Euura humeralis (Audinet-Serville, 1823)?
Same as #66601.
Same as #66601.
Same as #66601.
Corrected data. Tephritinae / Irek Yusupov → Urophora / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Tephritinae / Irek Yusupov → Urophora / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Tephritinae / Irek Yusupov → Urophora / Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. Tephritinae → Urophora.
Corrected data. Irek Yusupov → Vladimir Bryukhov.
Corrected data. → Polyommatus altivagans.
The subspecies has been added.
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