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Corrected data. Gilpinia variegata → Gilpinia virens.
Corrected data. Gilpinia variegata → Gilpinia virens.
Corrected data. Gilpinia variegata → Gilpinia virens.
Corrected data. Gilpinia variegata → Gilpinia virens.
Gentlemen, please note that there are photos in other angles (see the right block of the page).
Who knows how it is more adequate now (genus or subgenus) — let us know.
Corrected data. Syrphidae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Sphaerophoria scripta / Irek Yusupov.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Imago → Male.
Corrected data. Syrphidae / Vasiliy Feoktistov → Sphaerophoria scripta / Irek Yusupov.
Corrected data. Platymetopius undata De Geer 1773 → Platymetopius undatus De Geer 1773.
I see the issue is resolved?
The species was added, but synonym remained... I have now deleted the synonym, moved the photo to H. heydeni and put it as an illustration to the species.
Corrected data. Heterocerus → Heterocerus heydeni.
Eugeny, in the "Fauna Europea" Heterocerus heydeni was designated a synonym of Heterocerus flexuosus. Hence the problem. Do I remove it from the synonyms and leave them as a species?
Guys, please, comment is it Calocoris roseomaculatus or is it Adelphocoris lineolatus.
Corrected data. Mycetina → Mycetina marginalis.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Imago → Ephemera vulgata / Female.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Imago → Ephemera vulgata / Male.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera → Serratella ignita.
Corrected data. Ephemeroptera / Confidently identified / Imago → Cloeon / Tentatively identified / Female.
It should stayed in Laemophloeus sp.?
Corrected data. Diptera / Sergeyy Tjabut → Empididae / Nikolai Vladimirov.
Corrected data. Diptera / Confidently identified / Ivan Pristrem → Minettia lupulina / Tentatively identified / Nikolai Vladimirov.
I removed photo #74750 (it is twin of this one).
Corrected data. / Tentatively identified / Male → Celastrina lavendularis / Confidently identified / Imago.
And you don't need to search it in the paper catalog. Here are Lycaenidae from 17th Russian Region :--)
To explain the moving: Stanislav Korb commented on the page with a photo of the underside of the same specimen:
Corrected data. Parnassius jacquemonti Boisduval, 1836 → Parnassius jacquemontii Boisduval, 1836.
Yes, something is completely not good with my head. Here is the topic on the forum ... The old Guard is getting smaller :--(
Yuri, I move it to Pedicia sp, if you don't agree — comment on it here.
Corrected data. Tipula / Yuri Semejkin → Pedicia / Valentin Pilipenko.
It's just beautiful.
Corrected data. Carabus septemcarinatus / Yuriy Karpov → Carabus canaliculatus / Evgeny Komarov.
Apparently, they taught wrong. The very formulation of the question "why are such and such living organisms needed in nature” is incorrect.
Corrected data. Confidently identified → Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. Athamanthia / Stan Korb → Lycaena margelanica / Maxim Maximov.
Corrected data. Athamanthia / Stan Korb → Lycaena margelanica / Maxim Maximov.
Corrected data. Athamanthia / Stan Korb → Lycaena margelanica / Maxim Maximov.
Corrected data. Athamanthia / Stan Korb → Lycaena margelanica / Maxim Maximov.
Stan replied that he agreed. I'm moving it to margelanica.
Corrected data. Lepidoptera / Vladimir Deryabin → Dysstroma / Pavel Nesmeyanov.
Theresa, thank you for your pictures. Previously, there were no photos of this species on the website.
Moved to Plagiosterna aenea based on comment.
Corrected data. Not identified → Plagiosterna aenea / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Not identified → Plagiosterna aenea / Confidently identified / Evgeny Komarov.
Corrected data. Diptera / Ivan Pristrem → Lauxaniidae / Nikolai Vladimirov.
Corrected data. Diptera / Confidently identified → Discomyza incurva / Tentatively identified.
Corrected data. Orthoptera / Irina Nikulina → Pholidoptera griseoaptera / Nikolai Vladimirov.
Corrected data. Orthoptera / Irina Nikulina → Pholidoptera griseoaptera / Nikolai Vladimirov.
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