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Two butterfly walks this Sunday, July 15th

Community and ForumBlogTwo butterfly walks this Sunday, July 15th

Lev Bely, 12.07.2012 14:36

So when it's the best time to slack off? Summer, obviously. The thing is that how to do it featly, even making some use of it. Butterfly walk might be the best activity of the kind.

Southborough Open Land Foundation arranges Butterfly Walk this Sunday, July 15th, in Southborough, MA (USA). This will be lead at the Elaine and Philip Beals Preserve by Barbara Volkle and her husband Stephen Moore, president of the Massachusetts Butterfly Club. The Butterfly Walk starts off at 11 a.m. on Main Street and Northborough road, where you can also park your car, and will last till 1 p.m. In case of rain, the walk will be cancelled. Follow updates on the SOLF website: http://www.solf.org.

Another Sunday event is the Butterfly Safari in Henry County, GA (USA), that's just 20 miles southeast of Atlanta. This 2-hour butterfly walk, from 2 p.m—4 p.m, will pass through Stockbridge and Panola Mountain State Park.

Butterfly Safari will be guided by an experienced ranger who will show certain feed plants of some butterfly species and tell about those who will arrive to feed on. At this time of the year you may see there buckeyes (Junonia coenia), the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail (Papilio glaucus) and skippers (Hesperiidae).

Location and the meeting place info is on the event web page: http://www.gastateparks.org/event/146998?locationid=11&c=4344660. The cost is $5 per person plus $5 parking per car. Don't forget your camera! Now who could call it slaking off?

Boston.com, http://www.boston.com, MyFoxAtlanta, http://www.myfoxatlanta.com

Photo: Silver-spotted Skipper, Hesperia comma

FOX 5 Atlanta on Butterfly Safari

All the rest posts on: recreation, event, USA


18.07.2012 22:54, Peter Khramov

Not here again...

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