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The Spanish Peacock's Eye butterfly (Graellsia isabellae) lives in Spain and the French Alps. This rare and protected species is famous for the bright color of the wings — it seems that someone's eyes are looking at the observer. In case of danger, the butterfly opens its wings sharply, and this pattern scares off the predator. The black "pupil" of the eye reaches 5 mm in diameter.
Decorated bedbug (E. ornata) Agricultural pest. It is widespread in the steppe and forest-steppe zone. It feeds mainly on cruciferous plants. Adult bedbugs spend the winter gathering in groups under various plant remains, often in leaf litter under the cover of woody plants. In the spring, after a period of intensive feeding, the beetles mate and the females start laying eggs. Postembryonic ...
Plavunets (Rhantus suturellus). In the Volga Delta, after the spring flood, a lot of small reservoirs remain, some of which dry up by the end of summer, and the swimmers willingly settle them. It is a predator that hunts other invertebrate inhabitants of the reservoir, they are mainly insects, mainly mosquito larvae, including malarial ones. Plavunets is a great flyer. After the reservoir dries ...
The hanging willow or babbler (family Syrphidae; Helophilus pendula = Tubifera pendula) is a common inhabitant of meadows. It feeds on the nectar of flowers. Size 10-15 mm. Larvae develop in water. It is easy to distinguish from other babblers by the vertical yellow stripe on the head.Author: VO
The family of Babblers is Syrphidae. An adult fly with a brownish breast and a yellow-black spotted belly is very similar to a bee. Noteworthy is the larva of the beekeeper, which is called "rat". The body of the larva is barrel-shaped, indistinctly segmented. The last three segments of the abdomen form a characteristic "tail" - a breathing tube. These segments are thin, and each subsequent one ...