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What would be a pure miracle now? Right, all these magical transformations from the Bear into a beautiful young man and backward, happy accidents and a lovely princess as ready to shoot down any stranger who dares to enter the castle as is to marry him right on the spot. Alas, in the 21st century of technologies no country left for such fairy things, Copperfield is revealed long ago and even most ...
That is why I think that Lavr still had in mind the situation primarily in the Russian Federation. But even here everything is based only on laziness and on the presence - so far - of a whole bunch of simpler reasons for extortion. I note that the forum once thoroughly discussed this issue; it was said, in particular,that the fact that insects themselves can be prohibited for destruction, has ...
Photo moved. To correct Alexandr's reply: for uncertain IDs there is a special checkbox (Species is identified) "Tentatively" to mark, or if you seriously doubt then just note the ID with a question sign in the "author's comment" field. But this doubt may be different, especially when someone else took part in the ID, from for one...
Also this: if you can identify no more than genus or any higher taxon, please note that as "author's comment". This kind of taxa will be used later, not now.
Petr, thanks. I'm a newbie here so not fully got the structures, and myself too far from the taxonomy issues. Anyway, will try to set it out.
This photo allows to guess just family and genus, Coleophoridae, Coleophora in Western system, and family only in Eastern.
Dear colleagues, Below you will find information (in Russian and English) about organizing expeditions in the Crimea. The calculation is mainly aimed at wealthy amateurs or professionals working on grants, where officialdom and strict financial reporting are required. If possible, please distribute this announcement to entomologists you know.All the best!Scientific tourism and organization of ...