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02.10.2024 20:03, Peter Khramov: comment on Meantime in Japan

Click an image to enlarge it. Last week, an insect fair was held in Japan The organizers of the event kindly asked not to take pictures or publish photos from the exhibition, and we respect the organizers — so, alas, the article will be short :--) The exhibition was held in a nice area of Tokyo, and you could get to it from the metro without even going outside, and if you came from another ...

30.09.2024 22:34, Dmitriy Pozhogin: comment on Karanasa alpherakyi

Явно не карандаша. Энейс мулла больше.

30.09.2024 22:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #59390

Corrected data. / Confidently identified / → Acraea terpsicore / Tentatively identified / Nikolay Grebennikov.

30.09.2024 22:24, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #59384

Corrected data. / → Lonomia / Nikolay Grebennikov.

28.09.2024 16:38, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97496

Corrected data. Not identified → Doleschallia bisaltide / Confidently identified / Nikolay Grebennikov.

28.09.2024 16:38, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97501

Corrected data. Not identified → Nymphalis canace / Confidently identified / Nikolay Grebennikov.

10.09.2024 18:19, Peter Khramov: comment on

Виктория, если в ближайшее время ответов не будет, зайдите на сайт в октябре после общей емэйл рассылки по пользователям о новом функционале, форуме и т.д. После нее пользователей онлайн ожидается заметно больше, чем ...

10.09.2024 11:20, Viktoriya Alper: comment on photo #97870

Предполагаю из Отрада Двукрылых Diptera, возможно Слепни(?)

06.09.2024 19:23, Viktoriya Alper: comment on photo #97869

Похоже на Hydrophilus piceus, но не оно. Я внимательно осмотрела движущихся живых особей: ползут вперед узким вытянутым концом, который похож на хоботок, никакого намека на челюсти (ни сзади ни спереди) и ноги нет! В радиусе 0,5 км ...

03.09.2024 16:56, Yuriy Shevnin: comment on Buying, selling, and exchanging insects

Прежняя ссылка не действует. Обновил. Ссылка для скачивания: https://disk.yandex.ru/d/U3nEsAkfRwLVww

31.08.2024 0:34, Peter Khramov: comment on

В течение сентября у меня будет мало времени на работу с Инсектой, поэтому озвучу здесь итоги лета и планы на осень: Перенесены все темы/сообщения. Но появившиеся со времени переноса — еще не переносились. Открыта ...

26.08.2024 14:04, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97853

Corrected data. The image has been placed in the photo #97855 group.

26.08.2024 14:02, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97855

Corrected data. Not identified → Agrius convolvuli / Confidently identified / Dmitriy Pozhogin.

26.08.2024 14:01, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97854

Corrected data. Not identified → Agrius convolvuli / Confidently identified / Alexander Zatakovoy.

26.08.2024 12:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93984

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Lasius niger / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93985

Corrected data. Formicidae / Vitaly Gumenuk → Lasius niger / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:13, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93986

Corrected data. Formicidae / Ova / Vitaly Gumenuk → Lasius niger / Larva / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:12, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93988

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica fusca / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:12, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93989

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Myrmica / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:12, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93987

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Myrmica / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93990

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica rufa / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93991

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:11, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93992

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:10, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93993

Corrected data. Formicidae / Vitaly Gumenuk → Lasius / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:10, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93994

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica fusca / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93995

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica rufa / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:09, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #93996

Corrected data. Formicidae / Male / Vitaly Gumenuk → Formica rufa / Imago / Vladimir Zryanin.

26.08.2024 12:08, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #67169

Corrected data. Formicidae / Tentatively identified / Ferran Lizana → Aphaenogaster / Confidently identified / Vladimir Zryanin.

25.08.2024 23:13, Peter Khramov: comment on Further adaptation of the website for mobile devices

The second stage of the website adaptation for mobile devices is completed. I think everything that was reasonable to do within the current design version has been done. Nevertheless, if you see any glitches/shortcomings when opening the pages of the current version of the website from smartphones or tablets - comment on it, we will try to fix it.

25.08.2024 21:28, Vladimir Zryanin: comment on photo #93997

This species is identified correctly.

25.08.2024 21:28, Vladimir Zryanin: comment on photo #93998

This species is identified correctly.

25.08.2024 21:27, Vladimir Zryanin: comment on photo #93999

This species is identified correctly.

23.08.2024 23:47, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97850

Пока ставлю к Adapsilia coarctata. У кого будут альтернативные мнения — пишите.

23.08.2024 23:47, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97849

Corrected data. Brachycera → Adapsilia coarctata.

23.08.2024 1:10, Peter Khramov: comment on

Мелкие сейчас уже вполне должны быть, насколько я понимаю. Смотрим в сторону кормовых растений...

21.08.2024 16:44, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97848

Hi Ro! Are you really author of the photo that you've uploaded here?

21.08.2024 16:42, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #97847

Светлана, еще вот эти фотографии поправьте тоже: Photo #97844 Photo #97843 Photo #97842

20.08.2024 5:58, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #97844

Поправьте год.

20.08.2024 5:57, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #97843

Поправьте год поимки.

20.08.2024 5:56, Nikolay Grebennikov: comment on photo #97842

Поправьте год отлова.

14.08.2024 20:46, Peter Khramov: comment on Auto applying the properties "taxon", "author of identification", "precision of identification" to all photos in a group when one of the photos is changed

Now, if a moderator changes the insect taxon affiliation of a photo from the website gallery, changes the author of the identification and/or the precision of the identification, then all these changes are automatically applied to all photos of the specimen photo group (if the photographer set the appropriate attributes for them). A comment on the changes is also published on the page of each of ...

12.08.2024 23:00, Peter Khramov: comment on Now in comments on Insecta.pro you can use photos from the website gallery, simply by specifying the photo number

We are expanding the functionality of double "aka" (two @ symbols before and after the desired section of the comment text). Now, if you place the number of a photo from the website gallery between double "aka" symbols, the desired image will automatically be displayed in the comment in medium size with a link to the page of this photo in the gallery. This is how it looks: Photo ...

09.08.2024 11:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #72162

Corrected data. Mantis / Tentatively identified / Dmitry Mezenin → Tenodera sinensis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #72164

Corrected data. Mantis / Tentatively identified / Dmitry Mezenin → Tenodera sinensis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:27, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #55418

Corrected data. Mantidae / Tentatively identified / Konstantin Kraevsky → Stagmomantis / Confidently identified / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #55428

Corrected data. Mantidae / Konstantin Kraevsky → Acanthops / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #74182

Corrected data. Mantodea / Nikolai Vladimirov → Caliris / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:26, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #74254

Corrected data. Mantodea / Nikolai Vladimirov → Amantis / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #75970

Corrected data. Stagmatoptera / Male / Galgo Dela → Stagmatoptera hyaloptera / Imago / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

09.08.2024 11:25, Peter Khramov: comment on photo #74261

Corrected data. Tropidomantis / Nikolai Vladimirov → Tropidomantis tenera / Evgeny Shcherbakov.

Next page

Insecta.pro: international entomological community. Terms of use and publishing policy.

Project editor in chief and administrator: Peter Khramov.

Curators: Konstantin Efetov, Vasiliy Feoktistov, Svyatoslav Knyazev, Evgeny Komarov, Stan Korb, Alexander Zhakov.

Moderators: Vasiliy Feoktistov, Evgeny Komarov, Dmitriy Pozhogin, Alexandr Zhakov.

Thanks to all authors, who publish materials on the website.

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